Worst Pills Best Pills Newsletter
article December, 2008
at http://www.worstpills.org/member/newsletter.cfm?n_id=618
Last month in Worst Pills, Best Pills News we provided a guide to the sometimes overwhelming
world of osteoporosis screening. In our article we explained that an osteoporosis diagnosis is usually made by evaluating
bone mineral density (BMD), which reflects only bone quantity. Because low BMD is but one of many risk factors for fractures,
BMD represents only part of a person’s fracture risk. Other conditions and diseases impact bone quality and quantity
and are important risk factors for fractures. This month, we are following up with an overview of osteoporosis drugs. Our
emphasis remains focused on the extent to which these drugs reduce the risk of fractures, not simply their effect on bone
mineral density
Drugs for Osteoporosis
Several classes of drugs have been developed to treat osteoporosis. These vary in their effectiveness
in reducing the risk of fractures.
Bisphosphonates (see Box 1) have become the mainstay of osteoporosis treatment because, among the available
medications, they have the best risk-benefit profile. For example, older drugs for preventing fractures, such as estrogens,
increase the risk of breast cancer as well as heart disease, and their risks outweigh their benefits. The bisphosphonates
are also very heavily advertised. {The warning concerning estrogens is misplaced. They are cheap—off –patent—and were unfairly analyzed in one major study--jk. “The most important risk factors for osteoporosis
are advanced age (in both men and women) Estrogen deficiency following menopause is correlated with a rapid reduction in BMD,
while in men a decrease in testosterone levels has a comparable (but less pronounced) effect.”—Wikipedia, Osteoporosis}
Bone is constantly being absorbed and reconstructed, a process called “remodeling.” Reconstruction
predominates into our 20s, when bone quantity and quality peak. After that, the quantity and quality of our bones begins to
decrease and the risk of fractures may therefore increase. In women, the decline becomes more pronounced after menopause.
Bisphosphonates work by interfering with cells that absorb bone.
When to Use a Bisphosphonate
Before beginning any medication, it is important to know how much you stand to benefit because you may
be exposing yourself to dangerous side effects. (See the November 2008 issue of Worst Pills, Best Pills News for a review of ways of determining your risk of bone fractures.)
Bisphosphonates are intended to prevent fractures. But the benefit is not the same for all people. A
straightforward way to think about how a bisphosphonate might benefit you is in terms of primary and secondary prevention
of fractures — when used to prevent a first fracture from occurring, it is called primary prevention; when used
to prevent a subsequent fracture from occurring in someone who has already sustained a fragility fracture, it is called secondary
Sometimes the existing data about a drug make it difficult to understand its effects in straightforward
terms. Reflecting this difficulty, a recent analysis of all major clinical trials of alendronate using a slightly different
(and technically confusing) definition of primary and secondary prevention, provides a relatively straightforward assessment
of its benefits:
Patients taking alendronate for primary prevention (first fracture) had the same number of hip fractures as those taking a placebo; in other words, alendronate made no difference
for the most serious type of fracture. Over five years, only two fewer patients out of 100 suffered a vertebral fracture if
they took alendronate.
Risedronate (ACTONEL) did not decrease the risk of any fractures
for primary prevention. Studies of primary prevention with ibandronate (BONIVA) and zolendronate (RECLAST) have yet to
be performed.
Box 1. Bisphosphonates
Approved for Prevention and/or Treatment of Osteoporosis
Alendronate (FOSAMAX) • Risedronate (ACTONEL) • Ibandronate (BONIVA) • Zoledronic acid (RECLAST) |
When used for secondary prevention of
fractures (subsequent fractures), the number of women who would need to be treated with alendronate
for five years to prevent one hip fracture was 100. Six fewer patients per 100 sustained vertebral fractures if they took
alendronate for five years; these findings are similar for the other bisphosphonates.
These results are not especially impressive. Moreover, little is known about the use of bisphosphonates
for longer than five years. A 10-year study of alendronate concluded that patients receiving treatment beyond five years maintained
an increased BMD compared to those who stopped at five years; however the number of
hip fractures was not statistically different between the two groups. This means that although an indicator of osteoporosis
(BMD) was improved, the outcome (the number of hip fractures) for the patients using alendronate was not better than for those
who stopped using the drug after five years. Using risedronate for up to seven years maintained BMD, and vertebral fractures
occurred at a rate similar to the previous year; however, there was no comparison group of patients who stopped risedronate
after five years so there is no way to know if continuing is beneficial.
Box 2: Strategies to Decrease
Strength and balance training decrease fall-induced injuries, such as fractures.
Additional strategies that may decrease falls include:
Reducing medications that cause sedation
Treating heart conditions that may cause fainting (slow heart rate, orthostatic
hypotension, etc)
Home hazard reduction (removing loose rugs and clutter, adequate lighting, keeping
wires behind furniture, etc.)
Treating poor vision (cataract surgery)
Strategies to decrease the force of impact, such as hip protecting pads, in patients
that are prone to fall can decrease fractures.
Serious Side Effects Associated With Bisphosphonates
Bisphosphonates, like all medications, have potential hazards.
Severe ulcers in the esophagus is a well-documented hazard. In order to decrease esophageal irritation
and possible ulcers, bisphosphonates (alendronate, ibandronate and risedronate) must be taken with an empty stomach and a
full glass of water.
You should remain in an upright position for at least 30 minutes after swallowing the medicine.
Osteonecrosis of the jaw (destruction of the jaw bone) is a very serious complication; it has most often
occurred in cancer patients receiving intravenous bisphosphonates (ibandronate and zoledronate), but there are also many cases
in people using drugs such as alendronate for treatment of osteoporosis. This side effect often occurs in the context of dental
Atrial fibrillation, an irregular and rapid heart beat, is a newly recognized risk being investigated
by the Food and Drug Administration. Lastly, incapacitating bone, muscle and joint pain is another known hazardous side effect
of bisphosphonates. Additionally, there is growing concern that prolonged interference with bone remodeling cells by long-term
bisphosphonate use may actually lead to fractures. (See next month’s Worst Pills, Best Pills News for a more in-depth discussion of this topic.)
Non-Drug measures Can Decrease Fractures
Just as there are many factors that can lead to fractures, there are more options than just drugs for
preventing osteoporosis-related fractures.
Falls are antecedent to most fractures. One’s risk of falling is a combination of intrinsic characteristics
and extrinsic hazards, some of which can be modified. There are measures that decrease one’s risk of falling and can
decrease fall-related injuries, including fractures (see Box 2).
In addition, smoking cigarettes and excessive alcohol consumption both negatively impact bone; quitting
smoking and decreasing alcohol consumption can decrease fracture risk.
Bringing it together
Although osteoporosis is an important component of fracture risk, the single-minded focus on drugs for
this condition risks neglecting other fracture-reducing interventions. We can achieve better application of limited health
care resources with a more thoughtful approach to prevention, incorporating modifiable risks for falling and lifestyle modifications
with prudent use of medications, like bisphosphonates, when evidence demonstrates a clinically important reduction in fractures.