Important end-points missing
Clinically Trials Missing
Important End Points and Side Effects
donut hole
The donut hole: Over and over again in
journal articles I find missing issues that a medical scientist would include
in a clinical trial, but not marketing scientists. The reasonable conclusion
is their absence
(the donut hole) is to avoid unfavorable results. Too often if included the
drug and patient and physicians made aware of the major side effects, the drug
would not be a blockbuster. An on point
example is the selective COX-2 inhibitors, Vioxx and Celebrex which when taken
long term among the elder triple the risk of heart attack. (There are numerous
articles exposing how these drugs have caused over 100,000 deaths and over
250,000 heart attacks and strokes.
Short-term studies didn’t prove the risk. Serious side effects
are bad for business. Below
is a study which doesn’t list side effects, though has very low compliance for
post MI medications that lower blood pressure, cholesterol, and prevent blood
clots. The issue of side effects was
A common second way is to include the major
endpoints with minor
ones, and published the results in one figure.
Recently I fell for this and posted a treatment as worth taking, when I
read the British Medical Journal article
for the second time and spotted that angina pain was included with deaths and
heart attacks, I had to edit the articles on cardiac disease, and took down the
study. Pharma knows that their opinion
leaders use the journal article abstract, and 90% of physicians who read an
article, just read the abstract. Or for
the 10% who read the article, most wont spot the deception of the composite
outcome buried in the 10 pages of details.
Abstracts and article conclusions are key ways that pharma promote their
writes and edits clinical trials for journal articles so that their role is
denied. Rarely does their come to the
surface. Thus there are statements
sprinkled throughout the article that promote this deception. See Ben Goldacre’s
Bad Pharma, chapter 4, where
he develops the role of pharma in clinical trials and the writing of journal
articles. Ben also writes
that it is common to switch endpoints
and objectives from those listed when the clinical trial is registered to what
is published in the journal article. Just one of many ways to create positive
Full Coverage for Preventive
Medications after Myocardial Infarction
N Engl J Med 2011; 365:2088-2097December 1, 2011DOI: 10.1056/NEJMsa1107913
Pharma’s randomized
population studies as the overwhelming norm have donut holes in the endpoints,
holes that medical scientist would have filled but marketing scientists don’t. For example in the
Post-Myocardial Infarction Free Rx Event and Economic Evaluation (MI FREEE)
trial was there were 2 holes: as to side effects, and how did those who dropped
out faire with drugs? The study was of
those who had an MI and fit the diagnostic code ICD09-CM. They were followed
1 year. It was a study of effect of co-pay upon adherence
for those insured by Aetna. Since the
goal was NOT to promote drugs, unfavorable results are published. For example
prior to the MI (heart attack),
53% had been taking an ACE inhibitor or ARB, 63% a beta blocker (both for high
blood pressure), 54% clopidogrel (Plavix), 6% warfarin (both anticoagulants), and
61% statins to lower cholesterol (yet they had an MI). Prior (coexisting)
illness congestive heart
failure 28%, COPD 16%, diabetes 34%, hypertension 72%, previous MI 16%, stroke
6%. Medication full adherence with
modest copay (filling prescriptions at least 80% of the time): 23% for ACE or
ARBs, 25% for beta blocker,
statins 31%, and all 3 medications 9% (and this doesn’t count those who fill
and don’t take the prescription). With
zero copay (full coverage) the three classes of drugs hand an increase in
prescriptions fill for full adherence of 5.3%, and full compliance incased 3.2%
to 12.1% fully complying for all three drugs.
And 33% of the patients would not fill any of their prescription (not
just once), and it was with zero copay!
These stats show a serious breakdown in the public trust of pharma and
their physicians. These stats are not
out of line with other studies by pharma of how in their view their customers
are under medicated.
A medical scientist would
have including questionnaire about side effects to be repeatedly filled out by
patients in the study. And they would
compare the results of those who took no drugs, and some drugs, to those who
followed the full regime of medications.
The study would be run longer so as to uncover those that take years to
become statistically relevant, such as cancer, psychiatric conditions, and
osteoporosis. And he would follow the use of anticoagulants, arrhythmia drugs,
other hypertension drugs, and anxiety medications (downers), which are drugs
normally given following an MI. Beta
blockers and ACE inhibitors have major psychiatric side effects. “Beta blockers
interfere with the binding to the receptor of epinephrine and other stress
hormones [neurotransmitters], and weaken the effects of stress
hormones” Wiki. Calcium channel blockers and statins both
have serious psychiatric side effects.
One question to tease out would be how those following an MI who taken
pharma’s drug cornucopia faire compared to those who don’t?
Lacking the raw data, the
possibility of manipulations to favor drug outcomes are like, for it is the
norm. This issue would exist if
research was run by medical scientists instead of marketing scientists.
Moreover spin is the norm in the conclusion section of journal articles, and
this one is no exception. The lack of
correlation for those who took their drugs as prescribed to improved outcome,
though mentioned in the article, was attributed the lack of efficacy of the
drugs. However this was left out of the
conclusion and used for full compliance the % of those who filled the
prescription at least once rather than the 80% group, thus hiding the shocking
low compliance.
The low compliance is supported for
statins (31%), is made even more so for the elderly, since their ATP production
has declined to a clinically important level.
Statins block ATP production by lowering the
essential Q10 40%. Quality of life clearly deteriorates for the elderly: a large Canadian study had 75% dropout by 2 years, and
80% in a NJ study, and their drugs are covered by
government medical insurance.
It sure has become big business: standard treatment following an
heart attack (MI) costs $109,000* per year for just for the 3 drugs—none of
which are worth the side effects, let alone their price. Remember the marketing
department of the drug company are as standard operating procedure manipulating
the results to create a positive bias on an average of
about 32%, The
doctors all have conflicts of interest,
and the journal reviewers do not see the
raw thus preventing a meaningful peer review of submissions. The claim of significantly
better results based
on a 2% greater compliance than with those who had a copay, this is
deceptive. In other words don’t rely on
the results, just consider significant the cost for what, in my father’s day
(1953) was cost about $25 a year (he had nitroglycerin as his only medication,
and he lived 23 years from his first major MI—nearly killed him. And if
you wonder why there is poor
compliance (under 50%); the two major
reason are a skepticism about the integrity of the pharmaceutical industry and
their sales people the primary care givers, and secondly the side effect. That side effects are not
even mentioned is one more indication of the marketing department controlling
Revascularization is the restoration of the blood circulation of
an organ or area, achieved by unblocking obstructed or disrupted blood vessels
or by surgically implanting replacements.
Though the articles states “no significant difference”, those who took
4-6% less of the drug cocktail had a reduction in end-point event of 7%. I wonder
how much better a placebo group
would have done. Scientific clinical
trials do not justify the drugs, but pharma’s marketing studies do. The
Cochrane Review using the better of the
studies in their meta-analysis has found that high blood pressure drugs, though
they lower blood pressure, they don’t prevent acute events.
Full Coverage for Preventive Medications
Myocardial Infarction
Niteesh K. Choudhry, M.D.,
Ph.D., Jerry Avorn, M.D., Robert J. Glynn, Sc.D., Ph.D., Elliott M. Antman,
M.D., Sebastian Schneeweiss, M.D., Sc.D., Michele Toscano, M.S., Lonny Reisman,
M.D., Joaquim Fernandes, M.S., Claire Spettell, Ph.D., Joy L. Lee, M.S., Raisa
Levin, M.S., Troyen Brennan, M.D., J.D., M.P.H., and William H. Shrank, M.D., M.S.H.S.
for the Post-Myocardial Infarction Free Rx Event and Economic Evaluation (MI
FREEE) Trial
N Engl J Med 2011; 365:2088-2097
December 1, 2011
to medications
that are prescribed after myocardial infarction is poor. Eliminating
out-of-pocket costs may increase adherence and improve outcomes.
enrolled patients
discharged after myocardial infarction and randomly assigned their
insurance-plan sponsors to full prescription coverage (1494 plan sponsors with
2845 patients) or usual prescription coverage (1486 plan sponsors with 3010
patients) for all statins [lowers cholesterol], beta-blockers,
angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitors, or angiotensin-receptor blockers
[blood pressure meds].
The primary outcome was the first major vascular event or revascularization.
Secondary outcomes were rates of medication adherence, total major vascular
events or revascularization, the first major vascular event, and health
Rates of adherence ranged from 35.9 to 49.0% in the usual-coverage group and were 4 to 6
percentage points higher in the full-coverage group (P<0.001 for all
comparisons). There was no significant between-group difference in the primary
outcome (17.6 per 100 person-years in the full-coverage group vs. 18.8 in the
usual-coverage group; hazard ratio, 0.93; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.82 to
1.04; P=0.21). The rates of total major
vascular events or revascularization were significantly reduced in the
full-coverage group (21.5 vs. 23.3; hazard
ratio, 0.89; 95% CI, 0.90 to 0.99; P=0.03), as was the rate of the first major
vascular event (11.0 vs. 12.8; hazard ratio, 0.86; 95% CI, 0.74 to 0.99;
P=0.03).* The elimination of copayments did not increase total spending ($66,008
for the full-coverage group and
$71,778*** for the usual-coverage group; relative spending, 0.89; 95% CI,
0.50 to 1.56; P=0.68). Patient costs were reduced for drugs and other services
(relative spending, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.68 to 0.80; P<0.001).
elimination of
copayments for drugs prescribed after myocardial infarction did not
significantly reduce rates of the trial's primary outcome. Enhanced
prescription coverage improved medication adherence and rates of first major
vascular events and decreased patient spending without increasing overall
health costs. (Funded by Aetna and the Commonwealth Fund; MI FREEE number, NCT00566774.)
unrestricted research grants from Aetna and the Commonwealth Fund to Brigham
and Women's Hospital.
Choudhry reports
receiving consulting fees from Mercer Health and Benefits and grant support
from CVS Caremark; Dr. Glynn, receiving consulting and lecture fees from Merck
and grant support from AstraZeneca and Novartis; Dr. Schneeweiss, receiving
consulting fees from WHISCON and grant support from Pfizer and Novartis; Ms.
Toscano, Dr. Reisman, Mr. Fernandes, and Dr. Spettell, being employees of and
having an equity interest in Aetna; Dr. Brennan, being an employee of, having
an equity interest in, and receiving board membership fees from CVS Caremark;
and Dr. Shrank, receiving consulting fees from United Healthcare and grant
support from CVS Caremark and Express Scripts.