There are four types of lung cancer:
Large cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, small cell lung cancer, and
adenocarcinoma of the lung. The ratio of incidence of the different types
varies with cause of cancer. Adenocarinoma, which means the cancer started in
the glandular tissue inside the lung, is more prevalent among light smokers,
former smokers, and never smokers than it is among heavy smokers. Small cell
lung cancer and squamous cell carcinoma are more common in heavy smokers than
in the general lung cancer patient population. An analysis of published reports
related to the histology of lung cancer which included smoking data, showed
that adenocarcinoma was more prevalent amongst non smokers in comparison to
squamous cell carcinoma (62 against 18 percent; based on 5144 cases). In comparison,
adenocarcinoma cases were less prevalent amongst smokers (19 against 53
percent; based on 21,853 cases). The most recent lung cancer cases involving
never smokers continue to identify adenocarcinoma as the most prevalent
In comparison to other forms of
adenocarcinoma, the BAC subset of adenocarcinoma has been associated even more
strongly with never smokers. In a recent analysis, never smokers accounted for
around 23 percent of BAC.
Molecular biology
Recent technological advances have increased
the understanding about the molecular biology of lung cancer, enabling the
identification of significant variations that exist between never smokers and
smokers with lung cancer.
One of the most noticeable variations between the incidence of lung cancer
amongst never smokers and current and former smokers has been seen in the
expression and mutations of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR).
Mutations occurring in the EGFR gene are more prevalent in lung tumors of never
smokers in comparison to smokers. In a detailed analysis involving more than
400 patients with the most prevalent activating mutations present in the EGFR
gene (mostly deletions in exon 19 and the L858R mutation on exon 21), it was
noticed that some variations in the incidence of mutations were gender based,
yet never smokers showed a significantly higher incidence of exon 19 and 21
mutations in comparison to regular smokers, in both men and women. Moreover, a
separate immunohistochemical profile of the EGFR pathway has also been
confirmed in never versus regular smokers, even when EGFR mutations are not
In comparison, it has been assumed that KRAS mutations are more prevalent
amongst lung cancer patients who are regular smokers. However, in a more recent
analysis involving 482 lung adenocarcinoma cases, it was noticed that the rate
of KRAS mutations in codons 12 and 13 was not significantly different amongst
never smokers (15 percent) in comparison to former smokers (22 percent) and
regular smokers (25 percent). However, the type of mutations was majorly
different characterized by more transition mutations (G to A) in comparison to
transversion mutations (G to T or G to C) occurring in tumors of patients who
have a history of smoking.
Major variations have also been noticed in the mutations and expression
patterns of other types of genes while comparing never smokers to smokers. Some
examples include p53, belonging to the NER family of proteins, together with
ERCC1, which is associated with DNA repair, p38 (downstream of
mitogen-activated protein kinase [MAPK]), nitrotyrosine (a marker of nitric
oxide protein damage), other chromosomal abnormalities and methylation of p16.
In lung cancer patients who are never smokers, the microRNA-21 (miR-21) seems
to be increased, especially in individuals with EGFR mutations and can play an
important role in lung carcinogenesis.
A fusion gene that has portions of both the echinoderm
microtubule-associated protein-like 4 (EML4) gene as well as the anaplastic
lymphoma kinase (ALK) gene in NSCLC is present in 3 to 7 percent of NSCLC and
seems to be mutually exclusive in relation to EGFR and KRAS mutations. This is
more common amongst never smokers who are diagnosed with lung cancer. Trials
involving ALK receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors are currently underway
amongst patients with the EML4-ALK fusion protein.
In order to identify other important biomarkers in lung cancer amongst never
smokers, a multi-institutional effort is currently underway, funded and
sponsored by the National Cancer Institute's
Early Detection Research Network and the Canary Foundation. The project was
initiated in May 2009.
Symptoms of Lung Cancer
Sadly, one of the reasons that lung cancer is so deadly is that it
usually does not cause symptoms until the disease has advanced and spread.
In a reasonably large portion of patients however, there may be subtle symptoms
that are ignored or misinterpreted. By paying attention to the symptoms of lung
cancer and taking action in a timely manner, diagnosis and treatment can begin
earlier. Earlier diagnosis and treatment can turn into a better overall
lung cancer prognosis.
Since lung cancer is most
common in smokers, it is often difficult for patients to recognize the symptoms
of lung cancer when they occur on top of already frequent lung and breathing
problems. In those exposed to asbestos—another large group of lung cancer
patients—lung cancer symptoms may be more easily recognized.
The symptoms of lung cancer can be divided into three main types: symptoms
caused by the tumor itself, symptoms caused by local spread of the lung cancer
and symptoms caused by widespread metastasis. The most common lung cancer
symptoms are listed in Table 1.
1 - Lung Cancer Symptoms
Cancer Location
Primary tumor
- Chest pain (increases with
breathing in some cases)
- Cough (sometimes bloody)
- Fluid in the lungs (pleural
- Pneumonia (often repeated
- Shortness of breath
- Wheezing
Local spread of the tumor
- Changes in voice (hoarse)
- Changes in pupil dilation
- Trouble swallowing
- Strange sound when breathing
(sometimes called stridor)
- Fluid accumulation in the
Distant spread of the tumor
- Weakness and/or numbness
- Trouble walking
- Pain in the bones
- Visual troubles
- Any neurological problem that
has no other cause
Small-cell lung cancers, one of the
main types of lung cancer comprising about 15% of all cases, are well known for
causing paraneoplastic syndromes. These syndromes can cause a number of bizarre
and seemingly disparate symptoms. While they are most common in small-cell lung
cancers, any lung cancer can cause a paraneoplastic syndrome.
Some of the more common
paraneoplastic syndromes that occur with lung cancer are hypercalcemia,
Trousseau syndrome, SIADH, elevated ACTH production, and Lambert-Eaton syndrome.
Paraneoplastic syndromes are fairly rare disorders. When they occur from lung
cancer it usually indicates advanced disease. Some paraneoplastic syndromes
associated with lung cancer are included in Table 2.
2 - Paraneoplastic Syndromes Associated with Lung Cancer
Paraneoplastic syndrome
- Elevated calcium levels in
the blood
- Nausea/vomiting/constipation
- Kidney stones/flank pain
- Muscle twitches/weakness
- Syndrome of inappropriate
antidiuretic hormone secretion
- Low blood sodium
- Loss of
- Headaches/blurred
- Muscle cramps/weakness
Cushing syndrome
- Elevated adrenocorticotropic
hormone (ACTH) production
- Facial puffiness and roundess
- Fat around the upper back,
neck and abdomen
- Purple lines on the abdomen
Lambert-Eaton syndrome
- Nerves do not release
neurotransmitter on muscles
- Cause muscle weakness
- Trouble chewing, swallowing,
talking, climbing stairs
- Rising from a seated position
There are a number of different treatment options for lung
cancer. Standard treatment options include surgical resection, chemotherapy,
and radiation therapy. Newer lung cancer treatment approaches include
photodynamic therapy, electrocautery, cryosurgery, laser surgery, targeted
therapy and internal radiation. Each lung cancer treatment
has its own specific ability to fight cancer and its own set of side effects
and possible complications. Therefore while there are many
options, lung cancer treatment needs to be performed judiciously and only after
very careful consideration of a number of factors.
ung cancer treatment is tailored to the needs and wishes of the individual
patient. General guidelines exist to direct medical professionals as they make
their decisions; though each treatment plan is designed with a particular
patient in mind. Even so, it is important for people diagnosed with lung cancer
to understand their options. It is useful to know which cancer treatment has
the greatest chance of success in a particular situation, which treatments are
more experimental in nature, which treatments are likely to be ineffective, and
which treatments are aimed at reducing symptoms (palliative) rather than
achieving a cure.
As with most cancer treatments, the choice of therapy is dictated
mostly by the cancer type and the stage of the disease. In lung cancer
there are two main types, non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and small cell
lung cancer (SCLC). While there are several different stages and subdivisions
of NSCLC differentiated by numbers and letters, SCLC has only two stages:
limited and extensive disease. As oncologists are considering choices in
therapy, the stage and type of lung cancer factor heavily on the decision.
Treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
For occult and stage 0 NSCLC, surgery is
generally curative without the need for radiation or chemotherapy. This is
because these stages do not represent invasive lung cancer—the lung cancer is
completely contained within the primary tumor. Therefore when the tumor is
surgically removed, the cancer is gone for good. Obviously the success rate in
this case, as with all stages, depends on the quality and accuracy of the lung
cancer staging. If cancer cells have migrated away from the tumor, these stages
no longer apply and additional treatment is necessary.
Guidelines for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Standard Treatment
Alternate Theraphy,
clinical trials, for symptom control, or palliation
Stage 0
Surgical resection
Endoscopic surgery, laser therapy, electrosurgery,
Stage IA
Surgical resection
Chemotherapy (adjuvant), radiation therapy
Stage IB
Surgical resection
Chemotherapy (adjuvant), radiation therapy
Stage IIA
Surgical resection
Chemotherapy (adjuvant), radiation therapy (primary or
Stage IIB
Surgical resection
Chemotherapy (adjuvant), radiation therapy (primary or
Stage IIIA
Surgery then chemotherapy
Chemotherapy and radiation
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiation
Stage IIIB
Chemotherapy and radiation
Stage IV
Chemo therapy
Radiation therapy (palliative)
Surgical resection (palliative)
Combination therapy, internal radiation, targeted therapy,
laser therapy
Surgery is indicated for stages I, II, and III of NSCLC. It may also be used
for palliation in stage 4. Palliative therapy, it should be mentioned, is
intended to relieve symptoms and improve quality of life with no real goal of
cure or cancer remission. For stages I and II of NSCLC, surgery is the primary
treatment of choice. (See page on staging of lung cancer.)
The surgery that is used to treat the lung cancer is tailored to the patient
based on the extent of the disease. Since the lung is essential for respiration
and for life, preserving as much functional lung tissue as possible is a
primary concern to thoracic surgeons. Surgeons consider how well the patient
will be able to breathe after a portion of lung is removed. At the same time, a
sufficient amount of tumor and surrounding lung must be removed in order to
assure that the cancer has been eliminated. Pulmonary
function tests (breathing tests) are performed before cancer surgery to
assess the patient’s overall lung capacity. An estimate is made of the level of
lung function that would exist after the proposed surgery. If the patient will
be left with too little lung capacity, either a less aggressive surgery will be
performed or the surgery will not be done at all and alternate treatment will
be given. Since people with lung cancer often have other lung diseases such as emphysema, lung
capacity is a very important issue.
There are five lobes of lung, three on the right side of the chest and two
on the left. Within these lobes, the lung is further subdivided into segments
according to how the bronchi and bronchioles supply them with air. This
organization is important when planning lung resection surgery.

There are several approaches available to thoracic surgeons. A wedge
resection preserves the most lung tissue but provides the least room for error
(meaning there is a reasonable chance of the cancer recurring). A wedge
resection is suited to small primary tumors, usually of the Stage 0 and I
variety. A segmental resection is a bit more aggressive, taking more lung
tissue. However, the segmental resection is often well suited to stage I and II
disease. Again, the risk of missing cancer cells is weighed against the
resulting lung capacity.
A lobectomy is a procedure in which one of the five lobes is completely
removed. The largest lung cancer resection surgery, a pneumonectomy
(or hemi-pneumonectomy), is when an entire lung is removed, either the left or
the right lung. In general, lobectomy and pneumonectomy are used to treat stage
II NSCLC in patients with excellent reserve capacity of the lungs.
There are a number of chemotherapeutic regimens that can be used to treat
NSCLC. These are usually reserved 1) for higher stages of lung cancer (stages
III and IV) or 2) as adjuvant therapy, that is, to be used after surgery or 3)
as neoadjuvant therapy, which is treatment before surgery. Neoadjuvant therapy
is done to make the tumor smaller so that surgery will be easier or more
effective. Adjuvant therapy is performed to kill cancer cells that may have
been missed in the surgery or spread from the primary tumor.
The standard of care in the treatment of NSCLC is to use a platinum-based
chemotherapeutic agent, especially in advanced disease (stages III and
especially IV). Most studies have shown that two agents are better than one.
Three agents used in combination do not provide much additional benefit but do
cause a number of additional, unpleasant side effects. Therefore chemotherapy
regimens usually include two drugs. Often this combination regimen includes a
platinum drug like cisplatin along with either an older (etoposide) or newer
(docetaxel, gemcitabine, pemetrexed (Alimta) or vinorelbine) chemotherapeutic
Non-small cell lung
cancer tumors are not very sensitive to most chemotherapy regimens,
unfortunately. Chemotherapy alone is not considered a curative treatment for
NSCLC. Often chemotherapy is combined with radiation therapy—an approach that
is sometimes referred to as chemoradiation therapy. When the two treatment
modalities are combined, the rates of disease clearance and survival are better
than with either treatment alone. Otherwise chemotherapy is combined with
surgery (either as neoadjuvant or adjuvant)
Radiation therapy alone is sometimes used for stage I and II NSCLC when
surgery is not possible due to too little lung capacity. If that stage I or II
tumor is resectable, surgery would be used rather than radiation therapy.
In stage IIIA NSCLC, surgery is still considered first line therapy. When
surgery is possible, it is usually combined with adjuvant chemotherapy. If
surgery is not possible in stage IIIA disease, chemoradiation therapy is used.
Some specific stage IIIA tumors, like Pancoast tumors or tumors that have
invaded the chest wall, have special treatment approaches.
In stage IIIB, chemoradiation therapy is considered first line. Radiation
therapy alone may be used if patients are concerned with the toxic effects of
chemotherapy; however outcomes are better if both treatment modalities are
used. In this stage of NSCLC, surgery is not considered a curative intervention
or effective treatment and is rarely performed. Radiation therapy may be used
for palliation of symptoms when tumor invades certain tissues and causes
troublesome symptoms.
Chemotherapy is really the only treatment modality used in stage IV NSCLC.
Radiation therapy and surgery are used to relieve symptoms rather than change
the course of the disease or improve survival. Treatment for stage IV disease
most likely will include a platinum-based chemotherapeutic agent and a
non-platinum chemotherapeutic drug. When three drugs are used, the third is not
technically a chemotherapeutic agent but rather “targeted therapy.”
Targeted therapy includes drugs, antibodies or other proteins that target
and disrupt specific proteins within the cancer cell. These disrupted proteins
are critical for the cancer cell’s survival so the treated cell dies or stops
multiplying. The use of targeted therapy in stage IV disease along with two
other chemotherapeutic drugs may improve overall survival.
Treatment of small cell lung cancer
The treatment options in SCLC are less complex than NSCLC, mostly because
studies have repeatedly shown that treatment outcomes are not affected by
detailed staging. In other words, placing SCLC in four
different stages does not influence treatment choices or outcomes to any
appreciable degree. Thus treatment of SCLC is based mainly on two different
stages, limited and extensive.
Guidelines for Small Cell Lung Cancer
Standard Treatment
Alternate Theraphy
Radiation Therapy
Chemotherapy (single drug or combination)
Radiation Therapy
Chemotherapy (combination of drugs)
Radiation therapy to the brain prophylactically
Surgery (palliative)
Fortunately SCLC is very sensitive to radiation therapy. Radiotherapy is the
treatment modality used in virtually all cases of limited SCLC disease.
Radiation therapy is more effective and causes fewer side effects in limited
disease because, by definition, limited disease can be treated through a
single, external radiation port. In extensive SCLC disease, radiation therapy
may be reserved for patients that have not responded to chemotherapy. This is
because in extensive disease, radiation would need to been applied to large
areas of the body. As a palliative intervention in extensive SCLC (and
sometimes limited SCLC), certain organs like that brain may be irradiated
prophylactically (in case there is spread).
Chemotherapy is used to treat both limited and extensive SCLC. In limited
disease, patients have been successfully treated with a single chemotherapeutic
drug (when combined with radiation). In most cases though, two drugs are used
rather than one. These two drugs are commonly a platinum drug and etoposide. In
extensive SCLC, two chemotherapeutic drugs are used. The specific
chemotherapeutic agents used in extensive SCLC vary.
In both NSCLC and SCLC, it may be possible to enroll in a clinical trial of
lung cancer treatments. These trials usually compare new therapies against
older ones to see if outcomes can be improved. Targeted therapies,
radiosensitizers, internal radiation sources, and newer combination treatment
regimens are just some of the treatment tools being tested in research and
clinical studies. These new treatments may improve survival or may lead to
future breakthroughs.