How reliable? What is the chance of a poor image |


arrow points to damaged caused by procedure |

Balloon cathater-guide wire |

Do you want that pushed through your arteries? |
Cathater balloon & guide wire |

Damge to arteries is common & under reported |
cholesterol is under 10% of plaque |

Deaths from stenting procedure |

1.5 million procdures, PCI & CABG |

Not for me |
health money that could be much better spent |

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"I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica [medical drugs], as now used, could be sunk to
the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind,—and all the worse for the fishes.." Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. He also wrote: "Drugs are what you take while you wait for the body to heal."
The information, facts, and opinions
provided here is not a substitute for professional advice. It only indicates
what JK believes, does, or
would do. Always consult your primary
care physician for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.