Below is on the immediate cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Science progresses upon asking the right question. In this
case “Why is among aboriginal peoples is CVD virtually unknown, until they switch to the western diet which is high
in sugar??? The answer is fructose, which is one-half of the disaccharide sucrose (table sugar). We have gone from about
10 pounds of sugar all sources to over 150 pounds per year. Fructose which is a net 15 times more reactive than glucose damages
the liver to cause insulin resistance. High insulin and the subsequent fatty liver cause the conditions associated with the
western diet that includes a long list of age related conditions, not just CVD, all of which but cancer are very rare among
the elderly aborigines on their traditional diet. This damages causes endothelial dysfunctions (the cells which line the
artery walls and keep pathogens out of the interior of the arteries). Thus, we have the answer to why we get what wild animals
including men do not get. The fix is to cleanse the liver through fasting, then gradually over years the body will heal itself.
A century ago the cause of arteriosclerosis was generally considered to originate from "direct irritation of [arterial]
tissue by infection or toxins." Bacteria and viruses were considered as the main cause of atherosclerosis, because of
increased plaques in patients dying of typhoid fever and other infections.
Sir William Osler, the Canadian pathologist and physician who became the Regius Professor of Medicine at Oxford and a
leading physician of his time, described the vulnerable plaque as a pustule. More recently, much evidence has been reported
to support the role of infections in vascular disease. In particular, cardiovascular mortality increases during influenza
epidemics. A third of patients with acute myocardial infarction or stroke have had an infectious disease immediately before
onset. Bacteriemia and periodontal infections are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Serological
markers of infection are elevated in patients with cardiovascular disease. And coronary arteries of children are found to
be narrowed in children who died of infectious diseases. Beginning in 1939 and in the next decade, investigators discovered
that lipoproteins function as a nonspecific immune system that is capable of inactivating a wide variety of bacteria, viruses,
protozoans and their toxins. Lipoproteins form complexes with these organisms that render them inactive, and macrophages in
the tissues are capable of phagocytosis of these complexes, leading to formation of foam cells that destroy these organisms.
Homocysteine participates in the aggregation of lipoproteins by reacting with the protein to form cross-linkages, leading
to aggregation, spontaneous precipitation and phagocytosis by macrophages to form foam cells. Thus in persons with elevated
homocysteine levels, there is an increased ability of lipoproteins to form aggregates, leading to foam cell formation from
macrophages by phagocytosis. Dr Kilmer McCully at http://www.spacedoc.com/ https://spacedoc.com/articles/kilmer-mccully-vulnerable-plaques-pt1-of-2
Also worth reading is https://spacedoc.com/articles/uffe-ravnskov-the-real-cause-of-heart-disease-3
Google internal search engine
"I firmly believe that if the whole materia medica [medical drugs], as now used, could be sunk to
the bottom of the sea, it would be all the better for mankind,—and all the worse for the fishes.." Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr. He also wrote: "Drugs are what you take while you wait for the body to heal."
The information, facts, and opinions
provided here is not a substitute for professional advice. It only indicates
what JK believes, does, or
would do. Always consult your primary
care physician for medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment.