Since smokers congregate in groups, and given that
each of your group doubles their risk of getting cancer, it is practical to understand the process that will turn one
cell of yours or one of your crowd into a life threatening carcinoma.
Console yourself, the years lost are those bad one, the years spent in retirement--though
each year since 1998 I have lost at least one smoking friend who died before he could retire. My father endured 23 years of poor health--his first major coronary was at the age of 53. And
who cares if tobacco ages the skin, and impotency comes earlier to smokers--angina gets interferes with exertion. You
might not live that long. Besides most non-smokers will not have sex with you, anyway. Before you die you could always enter yourself at the website for those who have in a stupid way removed
themselves from the gene pool.
If you are diagnosed with lung cancer the chances
are you will die in the next year. In the U.S., 72% of lung cancers when diagnosed have metastasized.

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