e-mail to thinker@skeptically.org
There is
an alarming laxity in the production of research, education of public and
doctors, and standards of FDA approval for drugs, as well as the monitoring of
safety and effectiveness of drugs. For 2
chapters of the best book on how big PHARMA has
manipulated the above and much more by Doctor Marcia Angell (Harvard
Professor and former editor of New England Journal of Medicine).
Over and
over again pharma’s KOLs warn us of the dangers associated with the two best
sex hormones, estradiol (HRT ) and
Testosterone—the collection of journal articles
prove the opposite, click on links. There are also a collection of journal
articles posted at #45 MALE
The decline in these sex
hormones is nature’s way of culling old folk from the population. Are
genes were shaped during the
hunter-gatherer period.
My background
My academic background
consists of 12 years as a student--from 1962 to 70 and 1977-81, including 2
years of graduate school in philosophy.
The 14 undergraduate semesters in science consumed nearly three academic
years (I earned 85 credit hours).
These science courses gave me the foundation for a molecular
understanding of life and life systems, and philosophy taught me to critically
examine a field of knowledge so as to spot anomalies in an overall theory and
arrive so as to sculpture the solution to real-world situations. Unlike science
which relies on expert
consensus, philosophy teaches problem solving.
For example there are Five
of Ethical Theory
(work by C.D. Broad);
I had to examine each theory and then arrive at an overall meta-ethical theory
and justify it. I had 2 years of
philosophy as a major, and 2 more years in graduate school, University of
Manitoba. Problem solving was not just
the domain of philosophy: in the 60s
undergraduate liberal arts course-work consisted mostly of using evidence to
justify conclusions—liberal arts consisted of a minimum of 12 semester-long
courses (36 credit hours), I had 15. I applied those skills to
social questions: human behavior,
political science, and economics, and to process such as imperialism, historical
analysis, consumerism, religious behavior, and almost everything else that was
puzzling to me. Upon leaving the
academic world in 1981, I continued to explore topics as varied as psychology,
ethics, the brain as the source of behavior, poetics, the Greco-Roman World,
Old Testament mythology, historical Jesus, US Federal court system, health
issues, and other topics. I also had 7
semesters in mathematics. I was like a
mathematician, only instead of numbers I think of processes measured by
consequences and completeness. For one year I was a psychology
major during the era when the experimental basis of behavior was used as a
scaffolding to explain complex behavior. In 2001 I started the
whose theme is to expose beliefs that are not
justified by the evidence. There are two sections applying the
behavioral approach. In 2004 I started an evidence based medical
site. The deeper I looked into health
related topics, the more I came to understand the inroads that drug and food
manufacturers made upon the evidence base.
The behavioral analysis, social Darwinism, fiduciary goals of
corporations and topics is understanding helps me to understand why and how the
perverse corporate system produce perverse treatment practices, and thus
how the corporate system causes well-meaning scientists and doctors to cause
harm. A system which is measured by profits has evolved into a health
care monster. In 2011 I started the recommended
of healthfully.org.
incredibly complete, exact explanation the fundamental conflict of corporate
made to maximize profits is in conflict with benefiting the public, and this is
tragically true of the pharmaceutical industry, watch
Harvard Prof. Dr.
Angell--staring at minute 8
through 13. Social concern is a
disingenuous part of their sales pitch.