Long-term independe
JK’s wish list
Long-term independent monitoring of side
effects by independent researchers. Easily done
thought available data banks of Veterans Administration, Kaiser Permanente, and
Medicare. Such studies cost about 1/1,000th
that of a long-term clinical trial.
Require reporting of side effects with incentives and penalties administered
through a university panel of professors.
Prompt follow-up on important side
effects by independent researchers.
4). Permit
only independent university medical
colleges to run clinical trials and the drug companies couldn’t select where
(use random pool method).
The researchers/institution would exclusively own the results and their
publication rights.
Make readily available for free over the
internet an easy to peruse form the
results of studies and reports of side effects which would include comparisons
to similar drugs
For FDA approval, heads on-testing (rather
than being more effective than a placebo).
8). When
appropriate require that 1/4th
those in clinical trial be over the age of 60.
9). Key
positions in the FDA be filled by
researchers without ties to PhARMA.
10) Limit
PhARMA activities to research for and
manufacturing of drugs, and thus eliminate the sales (including advertising),
lobbying, and educational activities.
Forbid direct to consumer ads and ads to doctors. The medical universities would
be in charge
of making decisions as to what is to be marketed and for what, like what is
done with NICE in the UK.
12). Eliminate
the ability to extend patents, and
also other ways that PhARMA delays the introduction of generic drugs.
13). Eliminate
funding of the FDA from PhARMA for
the approval of new drugs, since this provides for the FDA an incentive to
approve drugs, even ones not worth taking.
14) Side
effects would have on package and insert
a quantification of side effects in legible size print.
Require independent accounting of PhARMA
companies books, and make it public.
16). Fund
from profits on drugs a grant system for university medical basic
Establish as measure of a drug a profit and distribution system based only upon
service to the public weal.