People who regularly take aspirin cut in half their risk of dying from colon cancer, according to the
largest, most definitive epidemiologic study to investigate this link. The
finding suggests a relatively inexpensive strategy for battling a scourge that currently claims the lives of about 50,000
Americans annually.
The new work also adds weight to the findings of a much smaller study reported earlier this year. Although that retrospective study of about 6,000 men and women did not address cancer-survival
rates, it did indicate that regular aspirin use may reduce the incidence of colon cancer (SN: 3/16/91, p.166).
Spurred by those findings, epidemiologist Michael J. Thun and his colleagues at the American Cancer
Society in Atlanta correlated aspirin use and colon-cancer deaths among the 662,424 men and women they had been tracking since
1982 as part of the societys Cancer Prevention Study. Upon entering the study
participants had answered a questionnaire covering a range of behavioral, dietary and lifestyle factors, including
frequency of aspirin use during the past year.
The risk of dying from colon cancer decreased with increasing aspirin use, Thuns team reports in the
Dec. 5 NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE. Colon-cancer death rates
among the most frequent users-those taking aspirin 16 times or
more per month were 60 percent as high as that seen in the study's aspirin abstainers. And when the researchers controlled for risk factors such as diet, obesity and
family history of colon cancer, the risk dropped to 50 percent of the colon-cancer death rate of the aspirin abstainers.
Its an interesting finding, says epidemiologist John A. Baron of Dartmouth Medical School in Hanover,
N.H. He notes, however, that the new study does not prove that aspirin itself
helps prevent colon cancer. For examp1e, he points out that side effects of frequent
aspirin use, such as Intestinal bleeding may have caused members of this subgroup to seek medical attention more frequently
than other volunteers thereby increasing the likelihood that any developing colon cancer would receive early diagnosis. And early diagnosis increases the chance that a person with colon cancer will survive.
A large, randomized trial in which some people take aspirin and others take placebo pills would provide
firmer evidence of aspirins protection against colon cancer. But such
a gold-standard study might be difficult to conduct, Baron says, because people who know about aspirins widely publicized
heart benefits (SN: 7/27/91, p.55) might balk at the prospect of receiving placebo pills instead.*
For now, Baron and Thun remain cautious about advocating
regular aspirin use for cancer prevention, since it can cause potentially dangerous side effects.** At the same time, they note that aspirin may provide secondary anticancer benefits for people
who already take it to manage arthritis pain or to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Even if epidemiologists can demonstrate that aspirin fights colon cancer, there remains the question
of how it exerts this effect. Like other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), aspirin inhibits the synthesis of compounds called prostaglandins, which spur body cells including colon cells to proliferate. Thun suggests that aspirin might prevent rampant cell division a key attribute of cancers by interfering
win prostaglandin production.
A number of laboratory studies have shown that aspirin and other types NSAIDs inhibit the growth of chemical
induced colon tumors in rats and mice. Other studies have shown that an NSAI
called sulindac can shrink large-bow polyps in people. Such polyps, though benign,
can develop into cancers, Thun notes. Taken together, the individual pieces of
evidence provide scientists wit compelling reasons to further explore the link between aspirin and colon cancer, Thun contends. KA. Fackelman, Science News, 1994, p. 374.***
* The contravening variable of early medical attention due to intestinal
bleed would can be weeded out if they looked not at survival rates but rates of getting colon cancer. Early detection
has little impact in a long-term study.
** This problem as well as the identification of the placebo
are laid to rest with the use of enteric (coated aspirin), for it digests in the intestines, which is alkaline. Since aspirin is a weak acid, its acidity neutralized, and thus as is to be expected the enteric aspirin
does not cause stomach bleedingand there is little risk of intestinal bleeding.
*** Subsequent studies have confirmed this prophylactic
result and the science behind it.