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JK has been
taking an average of two 325 mg aspirin a day since 1991 because it reduces the leading form of cancer COLORECTAL CANCER 63% PANCREATIC CANCER 53% LUNG CANCER 36% PROSTATE CANCER 39% breast
cancer 39% Stomach 62% ovarian cancer 47% esophageal 73% Hodgkin's lymphoma 60% ALZHEIMERS 73% Promotes cancer survival -- for stage I, II, & III breast cancer 67% (id/26),
for colon cancer 51%, and other adenocarcinomas. Reduced Other conditions: Alzheimer's 73%, lowers risk of ALS, Cuts in half the level
of C-reactive protein (released by immune system during an infection, and associated with MI), and in larger amounts
reduces MI in high risk population 51%. Two
new papers which develop the benefits of aspirin, aspirin’s THE LARGER
THE DOES THE GREATER THE PROTECTION, effects take several years since aspirin only promotes the death (apoptosis) of abnormal
cells. The second know method of action is through COX-2 inhibition. Over-expression of COX-2 and increased prostaglandin
biosynthesis correlates with carcinogensis and metastasis at most anatomic sites. Stomach
bleeding is greatly reduced by using coated aspirin. In properly
controlled, fair studies the risk of stomach bleeding is about equal. And for the low dose in prophalitic use,
(not the much higher does for pain management) the risk is slight--about, less than one per year per 1,000. Goodman
& Gilman, 11th Ed. P. 690: “Although aspirin is regarded
as the standard against which other drugs should be compared for treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, many clinicians favor
the use of other NSAIDs perceived to have better gastrointestinal tolerability, even though this perception remains unproven
by convincing clinical trials.” {As
I pointed out, most test use a a low does of a coated NSAID compared to an uncoated aspirin.--jk} It has come to light in 05 that all the NSAIDs but aspirin increase the risk of heart attacks and strokes by accelerating
the rate of plaque formation (viz. arteriosclerosis)—a fact few doctors are aware of. Big
PhARMA has attacked aspirin usage through two principle routes, stomach bleeds and Reyes Syndrome --both are a smear job. They have trained doctors to state that if there is a stomach bleed and aspirin is
used (including the low dose) that aspirin is the cause. The bacteria Pylori
has been established as the cause of stomach and duodenum ulcers. Yet when aspirin
is used (almost always with other drugs), the cause is attributed to aspirin. As
for Reyes Syndrome, once a laboratory (rather than symptomatic) method of diagnosis was established, the association with
aspirin approached zero (2 per year), yet nearly all doctors believe it is a significant health risk for children. For pregnant women, reduces C-section
400% by lowering incidence of hypertension.
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Now averaging nearly 500,000 pages viewed per year 9.267 x 52 = 481,884 General Summary 1. Host name jerrymondo 2. Program start time 3. Time of first request 4. Time of last request 5. Time last 7 days lasts until 6. Successful server requests 1,011,280
Requests 7. Successful requests in last 7 days 9,267 Requests 8. Successful requests for pages 616,702
Requests for pages 9. Successful requests for pages in last
7 days 9,267 Requests
for pages Your site had 1213 page views yesterday and 38066 page views so far this month. There is an
alarming laxity in the production of research, education of public and doctors, and standards of FDA approval for drugs, as
well as the monitoring of safety and effectiveness of drugs. For 2 chapters of
the best book on how big PHARMA has manipulated the above and much more by Doctor Marcia Angell (Harvard Professor and former editor
of #7 Table of contents & links an encyclopedic collections of articles centered around things you ought to be skeptical about. The best on the web. The articles in
general demonstrate the application of logical analysis. Topics include logic,
skepticism, Christian religion, Judeo-Christian foundation, spiritualism, politics, Bush, economics, nuclear weapons, quacks,
psychology, recreational drugs, utopia, and related topics. Many, many classic
articles, plus the best collection of links and fascinating art works.
OUTSTANDING SITES QuackWatch, guide to health fraud by Dr. Stephen Barrett http://www.worstpills.org/: Part of the Nader network of Public Citizen Scientific http://www.sciam.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=body-makes-own-aspirin-compound-09-01-08&sc=WR_20090113 Why aspirin is so safe. The other NSAIDs
have serious side effects which pharma hides. For example acetaminophen (http://healthfully.org/bta/) is strong associated with asthma and liver failure Body Makes Own Aspirin Compound A study in
the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry finds that humans can manufacture their own salicylic
acid, the major part of aspirin. Another study, in Nature, shows that plants make their own salicylic
acid at wound sites. Karen Hopkin reports Aspirin is
a popular painkiller, and chances are you have some in your medicine chest right now. You might
even have some in your flesh-and-blood, put-a-shirt-on-it chest. Because a new study suggests that humans
can make their own salicylic acid, which forms the bulk of aspirin’s active ingredient. —Karen
The information, facts, and opinions
provided here is not a substitute for professional advice. It only indicates
what JK believes, does, or
would do. Always consult your primary
care physician for any medical advice, diagnosis, and treatment. |