BIG PHARMA at work
Butchered by illness-care-JK
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Psychiatric drugs promote mental illness and early daath--Prof. Gotzsche
Shortages in Essential Drugs--Big PhARMA at work
MOST drugs are from China and India
Medical Device Makers cannot be sued, Supreme Court Rules
Ghost writing the norm for over a decade
journal articles are advertising dressed as science--examples
Top 10 Drug Recalls and Warnings of 07
FDA Fraud Program
Big PhARMA ghost writes journal articles
Big PHARMA pays generic manufacturers to not ...
New CANCER drugs add little to life expectancy--why
Big Pharma influences the DSM manual
Most Drugs Now are both Imported and not Tested for Purity
Slash taxes or we move our facilities
RU-486 comes from China, now--more tainted drugs
Antidepressants Proven useless for most
Heart Medication kills 22,000 in 2 years
Statin combination Vytorin doesn't work, etc.
Off Label Drug Pushers
0ff Prescription Market Law Eli Lilly violates for Zyprexa
Price Gouging for Orphan Drugs
Marketing department ran massive drug trial for VIOXX
Direct to consumer spending on the rise
Pharma Lobby and Democrats
U.S. Pharma Moves to China and India
Research and Production moves to China and India
Cancer Generic Drug Shortage increases sales of patented drugs
Butchered by illness-care-JK

10 SCANS, 11 SURGEONS VISITS PLUS TWO PHONE VISIT (only one surgery), 6 ANESTHESIOLOGISTS, 4 BOPSIES (one became infected), 1 ASPIRATION (failed), 7 DOCTORS VISITS, 6 NURSE VISITS plus 2 phone visit, 4 SONOGRAMS, 7 DAYS IN EISENHOWER HOSPITAL with 103 fever, 8 cultures (5 in hospital) of bacteria, Four biopsies found no cancer, same for the 10 scans—soft tissues AREN’T CANCEROUS.

HEMATOMA (blood clot)-HISTORY 2 years to drain, $2 Million Medicare 10/1/24 edited
For my general practitioner. Hematoma is a swelling caused by an accumulation of blood within a membrane pocket. “It may coagulate and solidify”—mine eventually solidified. In the past, it was drained in the general practitioner’s office for under $500.
It took 24 months for insurance companies to find a surgeon that would drain the hematoma, 6 months after it had become chronically infected following 7 days in the hospital.
I am 81 as of June 9, 2024. Under Anthem guidance: I developed a lump on my left hip the size of a large strawberry 8/2022, doctor’s appointment 9/2022, and then referred to a surgeon just down the hall who didn’t do biopsies. I then had a sonogram, MRI, and CT scan (high-dose X-ray) over 5 months; all found that it wasn’t cancer. Though not cancer, I was referred to an orthopedic oncologist, one in Los Angeles, and told I would have to make 3 trips to have the strawberry-size lump removed. I told them that was too far, so I was referred by Anthem to one in San Diego, distance increased from 250 L.A. to 320 miles S.D. per round trip.
Things didn’t change with Kaiser—still milking our government. I saw another surgeon contracted by Kaiser who didn’t do biopsies. He put in for an orthopedic oncologist in San Diego. Kaiser, having the past imaging results, didn’t approve his request. Kaiser referred me to Eisenhower Imaging Center, which did a biopsy of the lump on my left hip, 9/2023, 13 months later. They used local anesthetic and had a person microscopically examine each sample when taken. Three months later, I was referred for a second biopsy. Out of the 2.5-inch incision came some of the hematoma. He showed it to me 3 weeks later, recorded on his cell phone. From the dark brown Jello-like solidified hematoma, he sent two slices for biopsy analysis; together measured 4.3 x 3.1, 2.8 inches thick. The surgeon’s nurse gave me the printed post-surgery instructions: I was to remove the bandage after day one. No instruction to rebandage, apply antiseptic, or take an antibiotic. He was following the CDC clinical guidelines for post-surgery. It's much different than a couple of decades ago. A critical journal article said that post-surgery infections were 20%--both severe and mild. Again, no cancer. Biopsy surgery on 2/7/24; infection on 2/14, and Eisenhower Hospital from 2/16 with a 103 fever. I was released seven days later. It was still infected. It has been weeping fluid since then and continued until September. The hematoma was treated surgically (8/20/24, two years later) by surgeon Tara Willison in the Kaiser Moreno Valley Hospital. I am impressed with her concern and knowledge. I change the bandages twice daily, and my neighbor repacks the gauze daily. I will spare you more details of the hematoma Odessey.
10 SCANS, 11 SURGEONS VISITS PLUS TWO PHONE VISIT (only one surgery), 6 ANESTHESIOLOGISTS, 4 BOPSIES (one became infected), 1 ASPIRATION (failed), 7 DOCTORS VISITS, 6 NURSE VISITS plus 2 phone visit, 4 SONOGRAMS, 7 DAYS IN EISENHOWER HOSPITAL with 103 fever, 8 cultures (5 in hospital) of bacteria, Four biopsies found no cancer, same for the 10 scans—soft tissues AREN’T CANCEROUS. Since biopsies are superior, one CT scan or MIR would have been sufficient. 3 requests to see an orthopedic ONCOLOGIST, two in San Diego 300 miles round trip each, one in Los Angeles 250 miles round trip (refused these referrals—not cancer). I had 4 MONTHS OF HOME NURSE VISITS daily to dress the surgical wound from 2nd biopsy. She puts in gauze for drainage. Second change of dressing I did daily. 2 MRIs and 4 CT scans (large dose of X-rays plus twice with toxic iodine contrasting agent). Because of radiation and bacteria toxins my feet now tingle when walking. It is caused by one or both. Other consequences from X-ray and toxins of these two bio-stressors are not known. Stressors consume ATP (adenosine triphosphate) which powers the repair-replace systems, and much more. My healthspan bell-curve bell curve is moved to the left by our profits first system. All for a procedure that once was done on day 1 in the general practitioner’s office for under $500. Mexico is better. US is 56th in longevity.
Also lost is the time going through the procedures, travel time, keeping records thereof, and summation for the physicians to see. Time lost changing bandages and waiting for the home nurse to insert the gauze. My example explains why the U.S. spends over double the average of the other 11 industrial nations (not counting China), including Japan, why our life expectancy rate for 2021 is 56th; Germany is 11th (2nd lowest) on the list of Western nations; their men live 3.5 years longer and women 3 years than in the U.S. Egypt is 137th, men at birth 71.6, women 73.8 years; the U.S. 51st 76.9 men and women 81.9. List of countries by life expectancy - Wikipedia; a system where profits come before health. The system profits from illness. This explains my experience and why most drugs are long-term net negative.
I don’t blame the participants in our health disaster. In Bad Pharma, Prof. Ben Goldacre wrote: You can’t change human nature, you must change the system, and there is no shortage of scientists for hire. As my father said: Only the devil could have made a system which puts profits before people. This explains why billions are spent on television to make us pill poppers; the illness-care system profits net negative drugs causing illnesses. We are increasing their profits. Read The Republic by Plato and you will find what is needed for a utopian system. Globally the financial systems is organized--a power above nations
I am near publishing a book on why humans are the sickest of mammals. The major cause is what Thomas L. Cleave called the saccharine disease. No mammal eats nearly our amount of calories from sugar. Fructose is 32 times more reactive than glucose. I am also near to publishing a book on global power—I haven’t figured out the role of China & BRIC.
Jerry ye ole philosopher (11.5 years of university training). 9/1/24 to Drs. Geroge & Wilson.

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