BIG PHARMA at work
Butchered by illness-care-JK
Blank page
Psychiatric drugs promote mental illness and early daath--Prof. Gotzsche
Shortages in Essential Drugs--Big PhARMA at work
MOST drugs are from China and India
Medical Device Makers cannot be sued, Supreme Court Rules
Ghost writing the norm for over a decade
journal articles are advertising dressed as science--examples
Top 10 Drug Recalls and Warnings of 07
FDA Fraud Program
Big PhARMA ghost writes journal articles
Big PHARMA pays generic manufacturers to not ...
New CANCER drugs add little to life expectancy--why
Big Pharma influences the DSM manual
Most Drugs Now are both Imported and not Tested for Purity
Slash taxes or we move our facilities
RU-486 comes from China, now--more tainted drugs
Antidepressants Proven useless for most
Heart Medication kills 22,000 in 2 years
Statin combination Vytorin doesn't work, etc.
Off Label Drug Pushers
0ff Prescription Market Law Eli Lilly violates for Zyprexa
Price Gouging for Orphan Drugs
Marketing department ran massive drug trial for VIOXX
Direct to consumer spending on the rise
Pharma Lobby and Democrats
U.S. Pharma Moves to China and India
Research and Production moves to China and India
Cancer Generic Drug Shortage increases sales of patented drugs
Big Pharma influences the DSM manual

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV)  is published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).  It lists all recognized menatl health disorders, and some more.  The coding systgem is designed to correspond with codes from the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).  It is definitely a drug and care-giver friendly publication. In fact the biggest promotional expenditure is by Big Pharma is in the area of education—this is just one example. 

FiercePharma, an industry organization at

Does pharma dominate psych manual?

If you're acquainted with the psychiatric world, you know that it's ruled by the mental-illness code, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It determines what's mental illness and what isn't. Drug companies can get approval to market products only for DSM-sanctioned disorders.

So when the DSM is updated, as it is every decade or so, drug makers hope for newly defined illnesses. The current manual, the DSM-IV, delivered. It gave us social anxiety disorder, among others. And the American Psychiatric Association came under fire because more than half those who worked on that manual had financial ties to pharma.

Now, it's DSM-updating time again. The APA says it's screening its task force for info about stock ownership, speaking fees, consulting fees and the like. But the association isn't sharing much. Disclosures show only which panel members have ties to which companies. No dollar amounts, no time spans.

The organization required panel members to have no more than $10,000 in annual income from pharma sources -- but only at the time of their appointment.  {This also leave a large gap:  trips, stocks, and other benefits which don’t show up as income—jk}. Once on the task force, they could sign up for more. And the limit doesn't apply to a panelist's employer, such as university labs that get huge grants from drug makers for research.

Critics are asking the APA to allow members with conflicts to offer their opinions, but restrict voting only to panelists that aren't beholden to pharma. That's not likely to happen. And the APA says several of its subgroups have to approve the manual, so there are "several layers of protection." And several layers full of potential conflicts.


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