Development of Atherosclerosis,
main cause of atherosclerosis is not yet unknown,* but is hypothesized to
fundamentally be initiated by inflammatory processes in the vessel wall in
response to retained low-density lipoprotein (LDL) molecules.[8] Once
inside the vessel wall, LDL molecules become susceptible to oxidation by free radicals,[9] and
become toxic to the cells. The damage caused by the oxidized LDL molecules
triggers a cascade of immune responses which over time can produce an atheroma.
The LDL molecule is globular shaped with a hollow core to carry cholesterol
throughout the body.
body's immune system responds to the damage to the artery wall caused by
oxidized LDL by sending specialized white blood cells (macrophages and T-lymphocytes) to absorb the oxidized-LDL
forming specialized foam cells. These white blood cells are not
able to process the oxidized-LDL, and ultimately grow then rupture, depositing
a greater amount of oxidized cholesterol into the artery wall. This triggers
more white blood cells, continuing the cycle.
the artery becomes inflamed. The cholesterol plaque causes the muscle cells to
enlarge and form a hard cover over the affected area. This hard cover is what
causes a narrowing of the artery, reduces the blood flow and increases blood
researchers believe that atherosclerosis may be caused by an infection of the
vascular smooth muscle cells; chickens, for example, develop atherosclerosis
when infected with the Marek's disease herpesvirus.[10] Herpesvirus infection
of arterial smooth muscle cells has been shown to cause cholesteryl
ester (CE) accumulation.[11] Cholesteryl ester accumulation is associated with
* Actually
the cause is known, but not observed.
The main elements of this process were described, for example, in an
article in Scientific American in April of 1979. It is not observed because the condition
develops slowly over decades.
multiply, with two factors increasing the risk of
atherosclerosis fourfold.[15] Hyperlipidemia,
hypertension and cigarette smoking together increases the risk seven times.[15]
§ Diabetes[15] or Impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) +
§ Dyslipoproteinemia[15] (unhealthy
patterns of serum proteins carrying fats & cholesterol):
§ High serum concentration of low-density lipoprotein (LDL,
"bad if elevated concentrations and small"), and / or very low density lipoprotein (VLDL)
particles, i.e., "lipoprotein subclass analysis"
§ Low serum concentration of functioning high density lipoprotein (HDL
"protective if large and high enough" particles), i.e.,
"lipoprotein subclass analysis"
§ An LDL:HDL ratio greater than 3:1
§ Tobacco smoking,
increases risk by 200% after several pack years[15]
§ Having hypertension +,
on its own increasing risk by 60%[15]
§ Elevated serum C-reactive protein concentrations[15][16]
§ Vitamin B6 deficiency[17][18][19]
§ Advanced age[15]
§ Male sex[15]
§ Having close relatives who have had some
complication of atherosclerosis (e.g. coronary heart disease or stroke)[15]
§ Genetic abnormalities,[15] e.g. familial hypercholesterolemia
Lesser or uncertain
following factors are of relatively lesser importance, are
uncertain or unquantified:
§ Obesity[15] (in
particular central obesity, also referred to as abdominal or male-type obesity)
§ A sedentary lifestyle[15]
§ Hypercoagulability[20][21][22]
§ Postmenopausal estrogen deficiency[15]
§ High intake of saturated fat (may
raise total and LDL cholesterol)[23]
§ Intake of trans fat (may
raise total and LDL cholesterol while lowering HDL cholesterol)[15][24]
§ High carbohydrate intake[15]
§ Elevated serum levels of triglycerides +
§ Elevated serum levels of homocysteine
§ Elevated serum levels of uric acid (also
responsible for gout)
§ Elevated serum fibrinogen concentrations
§ Elevated serum lipoprotein(a) concentrations[15]
§ Chronic systemic inflammation as
reflected by upper normal WBC concentrations, elevated hs-CRP and many other blood chemistry
markers, most only research level at present, not clinically done.[25]
§ Stress[15] or
symptoms of clinical depression
§ Hyperthyroidism (an
over-active thyroid)
§ Elevated serum insulin levels +[26]
§ Short sleep duration[27]
§ Chlamydia pneumoniae infection[15]
Other chronic infections have been
associated with increased risk such as gingivitis. This ties in with c-reactive protein, which
is elevated during infections.
Visible features

Sever atherosclerosis of the aorta, autopsy specimen.
arteries are not typically studied microscopically, two
plaque types can be distinguished:[38]
The fibro-lipid
(fibro-fatty) plaque is characterized by an accumulation of
lipid-laden cells underneath the intima of the arteries, typically without
narrowing the lumen due to compensatory expansion of the bounding muscular
layer of the artery wall. Beneath the endothelium there is a "fibrous
cap" covering the atheromatous "core" of the plaque. The core
consists of lipid-laden cells (macrophages and smooth muscle cells) with
elevated tissue cholesterol and cholesterol ester content, fibrin,
proteoglycans, collagen, elastin, and cellular debris. In advanced plaques, the
central core of the plaque usually contains extracellular cholesterol deposits
(released from dead cells), which form areas of cholesterol crystals with
empty, needle-like clefts. At the periphery of the plaque are younger "foamy"
cells and capillaries. These plaques usually produce the most damage to the
individual when they rupture.
The fibrous
plaque is also localized under the intima, within the wall of the
artery resulting in thickening and expansion of the wall and, sometimes, spotty
localized narrowing of the lumen with some atrophy of the muscular layer. The
fibrous plaque contains collagen fibers (eosinophilic), precipitates of calcium
(hematoxylinophilic) and, rarely, lipid-laden cells.
In effect,
the muscular portion of the artery wall forms
small aneurysms just
large enough to hold the atheroma that are present. The muscular portion of artery
walls usually remain strong, even after they have remodeled to compensate for
the atheromatous plaques.
atheromas within the vessel wall are soft and fragile
with little elasticity. Arteries constantly expand and contract with each heartbeat,
i.e., the pulse. In addition, the calcification deposits between the outer
portion of the atheroma and the muscular wall, as they progress, lead to a loss
of elasticity and stiffening of the artery as a whole.
calcification deposits, after they have become sufficiently
advanced, are partially visible on coronary artery computed tomographyor electron beam tomography (EBT) as
rings of increased radiographic density, forming halos around the outer edges
of the atheromatous plaques, within the artery wall. On CT, >130 units on
the Hounsfield scale (some argue for 90 units)
has been the radiographic density usually accepted as clearly representing
tissue calcification within arteries. These deposits demonstrate unequivocal
evidence of the disease, relatively advanced, even though the lumen of the
artery is often still normal by angiographic orintravascular ultrasound.
and stenosis
Although the disease
tends to be slowly progressive over decades, it usually remains asymptomatic
until an atheromaulcerates,
which leads to immediate blood clotting at the site of atheroma ulcer. This
triggers a cascade of events that leads to clot enlargement, which may quickly
obstruct the flow of blood. A complete blockage leads to ischemia of the
myocardial (heart) muscle and damage. This process is the myocardial infarction
or "heart attack".
If the heart attack
is not fatal,
fibrous organization of the clot within the lumen ensues, covering the rupture
but also producingstenosis or closure of the lumen, or over time
and after repeated ruptures, resulting in a persistent, usually localized
stenosis or blockage of the artery lumen. Stenoses can be slowly progressive,
whereas plaque ulceration is a sudden event that occurs specifically in
atheromas with thinner/weaker fibrous caps that have become
Repeated plaque
ruptures, ones
not resulting in total lumen closure, combined with the clot patch over the
rupture and healing response to stabilize the clot, is the process that
produces most stenoses over time. The stenotic areas tend to become more
stable, despite increased flow velocities at these narrowings. Most major
blood-flow-stopping events occur at large plaques, which, prior to their
rupture, produced very little if any stenosis.
From clinical trials,
20% is the
average stenosis at plaques that subsequently rupture with resulting complete
artery closure. Most severe clinical events do not occur at plaques that
produce high-grade stenosis. From clinical trials, only 14% of heart attacks
occur from artery closure at plaques producing a 75% or greater stenosis prior
to the vessel closing.[citation needed]
If the fibrous cap
separating a
soft atheroma from the bloodstream within the artery ruptures, tissue fragments
are exposed and released. These tissue fragments are very clot-promoting,
containing collagen and tissue factor; they activate platelets and
activate the system of coagulation. The result is the
formation of a thrombus (blood
clot) overlying the atheroma, which obstructs blood flow acutely. With the
obstruction of blood flow, downstream tissues are starved of oxygen and
nutrients. If this is the myocardium (heart
muscle), angina (cardiac
chest pain) or myocardial infarction (heart attack) develops.
The failure of numerous
to show positive endpoint results (notwithstanding the positive bias and lack
of peer review) call in to question the use of the improved cholesterol profile
as proof of health benefits. Endpoint
results would be a reduction in death and a reduction in stenosis are rarely
reported, though undoubtedly desired by the pharmaceutical industry. Skepticism about these drugs merits given
their side effects and cost is the prudent course—JK.
In general, the
group of
medications referred to as statins has
been the most popular and are widely prescribed for treating atherosclerosis.
They have relatively few short-term or longer-term undesirable side-effects,
and several clinical trials
comparing statin treatment with placebo have fairly consistently shown strong
effects in reducing atherosclerotic disease 'events' and generally ~25%
comparative mortality reduction, although one study design, ALLHAT,[40] was
less strongly favorable.
The newest statin, rosuvastatin, has been the first to
demonstrate regression of atherosclerotic plaque within
the coronary arteries byIVUS (intravascular ultrasound evaluation).[7] *
The study was set up to demonstrate effect primarily on atherosclerosis
volume within a 2 year time-frame in people with active/symptomatic disease
(angina frequency also declined markedly) but not global clinical outcomes,
which was expected to require longer trial time periods; these longer trials
remain in progress.
However, for most
people, changing
their physiologic
needed], from the usual high risk to greatly reduced risk,
requires a combination of several compounds, taken on a daily basis and
indefinitely. More and more human treatment trials have been done and are
ongoing that demonstrate improved outcome for those people using more-complex
and effective treatment regimens that change physiologic behaviour patterns to
more closely resemble those that humans exhibit in childhood at a time before fatty streaks begin forming.
The statins, and some other medications, have been shown to
have antioxidant effects,
possibly part of their basis for some of their therapeutic success[citation needed] in reducing cardiac 'events'.
The success of statin
drugs in
clinical trials is based on some reductions in mortality rates, however by
trial design biased toward men and middle-age, the data is as, as yet, less
strongly clear for women and people over the age of 70.[41] For
example, in theScandinavian
Simvastatin Survival Study (4S), the first large placebo-controlled,
randomized clinical trial of a statin in people with advanced disease who had
already suffered a heart attack, the overall mortality rate reduction for those
taking the statin, vs. placebo, was 30%. For the subgroup of people in the
trial who had Diabetes Mellitus, the mortality rate reduction between statin
and placebo was 54%. 4S was a 5.4-year trial that started in 1989 and was
published in 1995 after completion. There were three more dead women at trial's
end on statin than in the group on placebo; whether this was due to chance or
some relation to the statin remains unclear. The ASTEROID trial has been the
first to show actual disease volume regression[7] (see
page 8 of the paper, which shows cross-sectional areas of the total heart
artery wall at start and 2 years of rosuvastatin 40 mg/day treatment);
however, its design was not able to "prove" the mortality reduction
issue since it did not include a placebo group: the individuals offered
treatment within the trial had advanced disease, and treatment with placebo was
judged to be unethical.
I can only wonder why given the improvement of cholesterol profile, why
this isn’t consistently reported.