Cells Use Aerobic Glycolysis
In the 1920s, Otto Warburg published the seminal observation
that rapidly proliferating ascites tumor cells consume glucose at a
surprisingly high rate compared to normal cells and secrete most of the
glucose-derived carbon as lactate rather than oxidizing it completely, a
phenomenon known as the “Warburg effect” (Warburg, 1925 and Warburg, 1956b). This observation presented
a paradox that still has not been completely resolved: Why do proliferating
cells, which ostensibly have a great need for ATP, use such a wasteful form of
metabolism? Warburg proposed that tumor cells harbor a permanent impairment of
oxidative metabolism resulting in a compensatory increase in glycolytic flux (Warburg, 1956a). But later studies on
proliferating primary lymphocytes revealed similar patterns, in which more than
90% of glucose carbon was converted to lactate, ruling out the possibility that
aerobic glycolysis is unique to tumor cells or that the Warburg effect only
develops when oxidative capacity is damaged (Brand, 1985, Hedeskov, 1968, Roos and Loos,
1973 and Wang et al., 1976). Indeed, many highly
proliferative tumor cell lines that have been carefully studied do not have defects
in oxidative metabolism (Moreno-Sanchez et al.,
So why does the Warburg effect occur? Clearly, the high
glycolytic rate provides several advantages for proliferating cells. First, it
allows cells to use the most abundant extracellular nutrient, glucose, to
produce abundant ATP. Although the yield of ATP per glucose consumed is low, if
the glycolytic flux is high enough, the percentage of cellular ATP produced
from glycolysis can exceed that produced from oxidative phosphorylation (Guppy et al., 1993 and Warburg, 1956b). This may be due to the high
rate of ATP production during glycolysis compared to oxidative phosphorylation
et al., 2001). Second, glucose
degradation provides cells with intermediates needed for biosynthetic pathways,
including ribose sugars for nucleotides; glycerol and citrate for lipids;
nonessential amino acids; and, through the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway,
NADPH. So the Warburg effect benefits both bioenergetics and biosynthesis.
What remains controversial about the Warburg effect is
why the
rate of lactate production is so high when more of the pyruvate could
presumably be oxidized to enhance ATP production. One explanation is simply
that glycolysis outpaces the maximal velocity of pyruvate oxidation, so that
cells must instead eliminate pyruvate using high-flux mechanisms. [Misses the
damage mitochondria and thus the inability for aerobic metabolism, and also the
role of macrophages in proliferation.] Oxidation
of pyruvate requires import into the mitochondrial matrix, followed by activity
of highly regulated enzymes like the pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) complex,
whose activity is influenced by phosphorylation, free CoA levels, and the NAD+/NADH ratio, all of which may limit its activity relative to
glycolytic flux. Glycolytic flux may exceed the Vmax of PDH by more than an
order of magnitude during cell proliferation, implying the need for a
high-capacity system to avoid accumulation of pyruvate (Curi
et al., 1988). In proliferating
cells, expression of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A) solves this problem by
rapidly consuming pyruvate, regenerating NAD+ in the face of a relentless glycolytic flux while yielding
product (lactate) that can easily be secreted (Figure 2). LDH-A is induced by
oncogenes (c-myc, HER2/neu, and others) and by
mitogen stimulation in lymphocytes, and it participates in xenograft
tumorigenicity, implying a prominent role in cell proliferation ( Fantin et al., 2006, Marjanovic et al., 1990 and Shim et al., 1997).
A further advantage of the high glycolytic rate is that
allows cells to fine tune the control of biosynthetic pathways that use
intermediates derived from glucose metabolism. When a high-flux metabolic pathway
branches into a lower-flux pathway, the ability to maintain activity of the
latter is maximized when flux through the former is highest. In proliferating
cells, this has been proposed as a way to resolve the apparent paradox between
the need for glucose-derived carbon for macromolecular synthesis and the high
rate of lactate production (Newsholme
et al., 1985). Low-flux
pathways in this model include those that use glycolytic intermediates as
biosynthetic precursors. The very high rate of glycolysis allows cells to
maintain biosynthetic fluxes during rapid proliferation but results in a high
rate of lactate production.
Cycle Provides Proliferating Cells with Biosynthetic Precursors
To synthesize lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, cells
precursors derived from TCA cycle intermediates. Therefore, a key role of the
TCA cycle in proliferating cells is to act as a hub for biosynthesis. This
is an important difference from the metabolism of nonproliferating, oxidative
tissues like the heart, where the traditional view of the TCA cycle is that it
serves to derive maximal ATP production from oxidizable substrates, generating
two CO2 molecules per turn. During cell proliferation, however, much of
the carbon that enters the TCA cycle is used in biosynthetic pathways that
consume rather than produce ATP. This results in a continuous efflux of
intermediates (cataplerosis).
Synthesis of lipids (fatty acids, cholesterol, and isoprenoids)
is a prime example of cataplerosis in proliferating cells. Glucose is a major
lipogenic substrate using the pathway highlighted in green in the right panel
of Figure 2. This pathway transfers
mitochondrial citrate out to the cytosol to be converted to oxaloacetate (OAA)
and the lipogenic precursor acetyl-CoA. The lipogenic enzymes ATP citrate lyase
and fatty acid synthase are induced in tumor cells and proliferating
hematopoietic cells, and their activity is required for proliferation (Bauer et al., 2005, Hatzivassiliou
et al., 2005, Kuhajda et al.,
1994 and Pizer et al.,
1996). This may be because a large
percentage of fatty acids in the membranes of proliferating cells are
synthesized de novo rather than scavenged from the extracellular environment (Kannan et al., 1980 and Ookhtens et al.,
1984) or because some crucial
cellular lipid pool requires de novo synthesis. The export of citrate for lipid
synthesis impacts overall function of the cycle, resulting in what some have
called a “truncated” cycle because of the relative decrease in the fraction of
mitochondrial citrate that is oxidized (Hatzivassiliou
et al., 2005 and Parlo and Coleman,
1984). The high flux of
mitochondrial citrate to cholesterol synthesis has been studied in hepatoma
cells, where proliferation is proportional to the rate of citrate efflux and
inversely proportional to citrate-stimulated respiration (Parlo and Coleman,
1984 and Parlo and Coleman,
1986). Therefore, in these
cholesterol-rich cells, TCA truncation appears to support cell proliferation.
Other TCA cycle intermediates are used for biosynthesis of different
macromolecules. OAA and α-ketoglutarate (α-KG) supply intracellular pools of
nonessential amino acids to be used in the synthesis of proteins and
nucleotides. These activities also contribute to cataplerosis in proliferating
cells engaged in macromolecular biosynthesis.
In rare cases, the TCA cycle enzymes succinate dehydrogenase
(SDH) and fumarate hydratase (FH) behave genetically as tumor suppressors.
Familial paraganglioma can be caused by mutations in SDHB, SDHC, or SDHD, three of the four SDH subunits ( Astuti et al., 2001, Baysal et al., 2000 and Niemann and Muller, 2000). In affected families, a
mutation in any of these genes imposes a dominantly inherited tumor risk, with
loss of the wild-type allele in tumors. Similarly, SDHB and SDHD mutations
can cause
pheochromocytoma ( Astuti et al., 2001 and Gimm et al., 2000), and mutations in FH cause a dominant
syndrome of uterine fibroids, leiomyomata, and papillary renal cell cancer ( Tomlinson et al., 2002). Interestingly, cells
from some paragangliomas have no residual SDH activity, implying severe
impairment of TCA cycling in those tumors (Gimenez-Roqueplo
et al., 2001). Despite
this, the cells not only survive but accumulate at a pathologic rate. These
examples are interesting exceptions to the general finding that tumor cells
contain functional TCA cycles. Further investigations may reveal compensatory
metabolic pathways that support this form of tumor cell growth.
Allows Proliferating Cells to Use the TCA Cycle for Biosynthesis
In order to sustain TCA
cycle function in the face of cataplerosis, cells must have a matching influx
of intermediates to resupply “lost” OAA (anaplerosis). Citrate export for fatty
acid synthesis demonstrates this necessity: formation of another citrate
molecule requires an OAA produced from pyruvate or amino acids. Anaplerosis is
a critical feature of growth metabolism because it gives cells the ability to
use the TCA cycle as a supply of biosynthetic precursors. A high anaplerotic
flux is a more specific indicator of cell growth than a high glycolytic flux,
because the latter can be initiated by hypoxia and other stresses independently
of macromolecular synthesis.
There are several mechanisms that cells can use to produce
anaplerotic activity. The simplest uses pyruvate carboxylase (PC), which
generates OAA directly from pyruvate. Mitogens enhance PC activity in
lymphocytes, suggesting that PC might be part of the proliferative metabolic
program in those cells (Curi
et al., 1988). But in MCF-7 breast
carcinoma cells, estrogen stimulation suppresses PC activity while enhancing
proliferation (Forbes et al., 2006). Furthermore, most
hepatomas have decreased PC expression and activity compared to normal liver (Chang and Morris, 1973 and Hammond and Balinsky, 1978), and the ratio of
PC/PDH activity is decreased in glioma and neuroblastoma cells compared to
normal glia and neuronal tissue (Brand et al., 1992). Therefore, PC does
not appear to be a universal component of anaplerotic flux during cell
An alternative source of anaplerosis is through metabolism
amino acids, particularly glutamine, the most abundant amino acid in mammals.
Proliferating cells metabolize glutamine in multiple pathways for bioenergetics
and biosynthesis (Eagle et al., 1956 and Kovacevic and
McGivan, 1983). Cells can partially
oxidize glutamine in a manner analogous to the partial oxidation of glucose
during aerobic glycolysis (Reitzer
et al., 1979). This pathway
(“glutaminolysis”) adds to cellular production of NADPH and lactate (Figure 3). Unlike aerobic
glycolysis, however, glutaminolysis uses several steps of the TCA cycle,
leading to general recognition of the fact that glutamine is a source of energy
for proliferating cells. It is equally important that mitochondrial glutamine
metabolism can produce OAA, providing a source of anaplerosis in growing cells
(Figure 3). Evidence from a
variety of cell types supports this conclusion. Estrogen stimulation induces
glutaminolysis in breast cancer cells (Forbes et al., 2006), while mitogen
stimulation has similar effects in lymphocytes (Brand, 1985). Nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR) spectroscopy using 13C-labeled substrates
has revealed the use of glutamine as the
major anaplerotic precursor in proliferating glioma cells in both rats (Portais
et al., 1996) and humans (DeBerardinis
et al., 2007). Impressively,
glutamine deprivation from fibroblast cultures essentially eliminates pools of
the TCA cycle intermediates fumarate and malate (Yuneva
et al., 2007). Together, these
observations suggest that glutamine metabolism allows cells to maintain a
sufficient anaplerotic flux to use a sizable fraction of TCA cycle intermediates
as precursors for biosynthetic pathways. Importantly, glutamine's central role
in multiple pathways of intermediary metabolism that produce glutamate and α-KG
(Figure 3) makes it a convenient
molecule for cells to use as a source of carbon for the TCA cycle.

Figure 3.
Glutamine-Dependent Anaplerosis Allows Proliferating Cells to
Use TCA Cycle Intermediates as Precursors for Biosynthesis
The proliferating cell shown here is using citrate for lipid
synthesis (green arrows), resulting in loss of oxaloacetate from the TCA cycle.
OAA replenishment (anaplerosis) is derived from the complex metabolism of
glutamine (Gln, red arrows). In the cytosol, glutamine donates nitrogen to
purines and pyrimidines, resulting in the formation of glutamate (Glu).
Glutamate donates its amino group to α-keto acids to form nonessential amino
acids and α-ketoglutarate (α-KG), which can enter the mitochondria. Glutamine
can also be converted to glutamate in the mitochondrial matrix by
phosphate-dependent glutaminase (PDG), which releases glutamine's amido group
as free ammonia (red square). Mitochondrial glutamate can be converted to α-KG
by glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH, forming another ammonia molecule) or
intramitochondrial aminotransferases. During anaplerosis, α-KG enters the TCA
cycle and produces OAA. In addition to its use as a source of OAA, glutamine
carbon can be converted to lactate (glutaminolysis). This process generates both
NADPH and NAD+ in the cytoplasm. Ammonia generated during glutamine
metabolism is mostly secreted from the cell. Other abbreviations: Asp,
aspartate; Succ, succinate; AA, amino acid.
of Metabolic Activity in Proliferating Cells
Normal mammalian cells do not proliferate autonomously
instead enter the cell cycle only when instructed to do so by growth factors
and downstream signaling pathways, which influence gene expression and cell
physiology. Given that proliferation relies on the metabolic activities
discussed above, it is not surprising that growth-factor-stimulated signal
transduction regulates these activities as well. Traditional views of
intermediary metabolism hold that metabolic activities are largely regulated
through allosteric effects of metabolites on rate-limiting enzymes, giving
pathways self-regulatory capacity and introducing control at branch points
between intersecting pathways. While many of these mechanisms are at work in
proliferating cells, efforts to understand the impact of signal transduction on
cell proliferation have revealed a variety of effects directed at metabolic
fluxes. For example, during proliferation of tumor cells and lymphocytes,
growth-factor signaling suppresses β-oxidation of fatty acids, minimizing
futile cycling and maximizing lipid synthesis (Buzzai et al.,
2005 and DeBerardinis
et al., 2006). In hematopoietic
cells, this requires a specific inhibitory effect of the PI3K/Akt signaling
pathway on the expression of carnitine palmitoyltransferase IA, the
rate-limiting enzyme in β-oxidation (DeBerardinis
et al., 2006). Therefore,
growth-factor signaling can reorganize metabolic fluxes independently of
traditional allosteric mechanisms of pathway regulation.
Generating high fluxes of glycolysis and glutaminolysis
depends on increasing cellular uptake of glucose and glutamine. Proliferating
cells rely on growth-factor signaling to generate these fluxes because a
primary effect of signaling is to enhance nutrient capture from the
extracellular environment (Figure 1). In fact, in the absence of
growth-factor signaling, mammalian cells rapidly lose nutrient transporter
expression and cannot maintain sufficient cell-autonomous nutrient uptake for
basal bioenergetics and replacement macromolecular synthesis. Instead, they
turn to a form of “self-cannibalism” termed autophagy, which provides a limited
supply of substrates generated from macromolecular degradation to maintain ATP
production for cell survival (Figure 1) (Lum
et al., 2005).
The mechanisms that integrate signal transduction and
metabolism are largely conserved between normal cells and cancer cells. The
major difference is that in normal cells, initiation of signaling requires
extracellular stimulation, while cancer cells often have mutations that
chronically enhance these pathways, allowing them to maintain a metabolic
phenotype of biosynthesis independently of normal physiologic constraints. In
other words, cancer cells have increased metabolic autonomy. Below, we discuss
a few mechanisms that integrate cell signaling and key aspects of metabolism
during physiologic cell proliferation and tumorigenesis. Together, activities
of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and effects of the transcription factors HIF-1α
and Myc appear to regulate complementary aspects of cellular metabolism (Figure 4).

Figure 4.
Signaling Network to Regulate Metabolism in Proliferating Cells
model shows some of the prominent aspects of metabolism in proliferating cells,
including glycolysis; lactate production; the use of TCA cycle intermediates as
macromolecular precursors; and the biosynthesis of proteins, nucleotides, and
lipids. The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway, HIF-1α, and Myc participate in various
facets of this metabolic phenotype. The binding of a growth factor (GF) to its
surface receptor brings about activation of PI3K and the serine/threonine
kinases Akt and mTOR (top left). Constitutive activation of the pathway can
occur in tumors due to mutation of the tumor suppressors PTEN, TSC1,
and TSC2, or by other mechanisms (see text). Metabolic
effects of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway include enhanced uptake of glucose and
essential amino acids and protein translation. The transcription factor HIF-1α
(bottom) is involved in determining the manner in which cells utilize glucose
carbon. Translation of HIF-1α is enhanced during growth-factor stimulation of
the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. In the presence of oxygen, HIF-1α is modified by
prolyl hydroxylases, which target it to a ubiquitin ligase complex that
includes the tumor suppressor VHL. This association results in constitutive
normoxic degradation of the HIF-1α protein. Hypoxia, mutation of VHL,
or accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) or the TCA cycle intermediates
succinate and fumarate impair HIF-1α degradation, allowing it to enter the
nucleus and engage in transcriptional activity. Transcriptional targets include
genes encoding glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), LDH-A, and PDK1. The combined
effect on glucose metabolism is to increase both glucose utilization and
lactate production, as PDK1 inhibits conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA by
pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH). The transcription factor Myc (top right)
increases expression of many metabolic enzymes, including glycolytic enzymes,
LDH-A, and several enzymes required for nucleotide biosynthesis. Abbreviations:
PI3K, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase; PTEN, phosphatase and tensin homolog; TSC,
tuberous sclerosis complex; mTOR, mammalian target of rapamycin; glc-6-P,
glucose-6-phosphate; 3-PG, 3-phosphoglycerate; PDK1, pyruvate dehydrogenase
kinase 1; SDH, succinate dehydrogenase; FH, fumarate hydratase; HIF-1α,
hypoxia-inducible factor 1α; VHL, von Hippel-Lindau.
Figure options
PI3K/Akt/mTOR Pathway Is a Master Regulator of Aerobic Glycolysis and Cellular
The PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is a highly conserved, widely
expressed system used by cells to respond to growth factors (Franke
et al., 2003). Binding of a growth
factor to its surface receptor activates PI3K, resulting in phosphorylation of
phosphatidylinositol lipids at the plasma membrane. These are involved in
recruitment and/or activation of downstream effectors, particularly the
serine/threonine kinases Akt and mTOR. Activation of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway
in growth-factor-dependent cells and tumor cells enhances many of the metabolic
activities that support cellular biosynthesis (Figure 4). First, it permits cells to
increase the surface expression of nutrient transporters, enabling increased
uptake of glucose, amino acids, and other nutrients (Barata et al.,
2004, Edinger and
Thompson, 2002, Roos et al.,
2007, Wieman et al.,
2007 and Xu et al.,
2005). Second, through effects on gene
expression and enzyme activity, Akt increases glycolysis and lactate production
and is sufficient to induce a Warburg effect in either nontransformed cells or
cancer cells (Elstrom et al.,
2004, Plas et al.,
2001 and Rathmell et al.,
2003). Third, activation of this
pathway enhances the biosynthesis of macromolecules. PI3K and Akt stimulate
expression of lipogenic genes and lipid synthesis in numerous cell types (Bauer et al.,
2005 and Chang et al.,
2005), while mTOR is a key regulator
of protein translation (Gingras
et al., 2001).
In normal cells, activation of the PI3K system is tightly
controlled by dephosphorylation of phosphatidylinositol species by the
phosphatase PTEN. But in malignancies, activity of the pathway can be augmented
through a variety of mechanisms, which together constitute one of the most
prevalent classes of mutations in human tumors (Table
1). These mutations activate PI3K,
eliminate activity of negative regulators (e.g., PTEN), or introduce enhanced
activities to stimulate the system (BCR-ABL, HER2/neu amplification, etc). Regardless
of the
mutation, activation of Akt is likely the most important signaling event in
terms of cell metabolism, because Akt is sufficient to drive glycolysis and
lactate production and to suppress macromolecular degradation in cancer cells ( Buzzai et al.,
2005 and Elstrom et al.,
Table 1.
Tumorigenic Mutations that Activate PI3K or Its Effectors
Table options
Signaling Regulates Glucose Metabolism in Response to Hypoxia and Growth
Decreased oxygen availability (hypoxia) stimulates cells
consume glucose and produce lactate. In mammalian cells, this response is
coordinated by the hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1) transcription factor
complex (Gordan and
Simon, 2007 and Semenza, 2003). HIF-1's targets include genes encoding
glucose transporters, glycolytic enzymes, and LDH-A (O'Rourke et al.,
1996 and Semenza et al.,
1994). HIF-1 activity requires the
subunit HIF-1α, which is expressed under the control of growth-factor
signaling, in particular the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway (Cramer et al.,
2003, Jiang et al.,
2001 and Majumder et al.,
2004). During normoxia, HIF-1α
undergoes a posttranslational modification by prolyl hydroxylation, which
promotes association with the von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor,
targeting HIF-1α for ubiquitination and degradation (Figure 4). During hypoxia, prolyl
hydroxylation is inhibited by a process involving reactive oxygen species (ROS)
generated in the mitochondria, resulting in stabilization of the HIF-1α protein
and transcriptional activity of the HIF-1 complex (Brunelle et al.,
2005, Guzy et al.,
2005 and Mansfield et al.,
Constitutive cellular stabilization of HIF-1α during
can occur in tumors as a result of mutations in the tumor suppressor VHL. Other mutations in SDH and FH stabilize HIF-1α by interfering
with prolyl hydroxylation, which is inhibited by accumulation of succinate or
fumarate ( Isaacs et al., 2005, Pollard et al., 2007 and Selak et al., 2005). In tumors with mutations in VHL, FH, or SDH subunits,
constitutive (normoxic) expression of HIF-1 target genes likely contributes to
aerobic glycolysis.
Although HIF-1's role in promoting glycolysis is clear,
data suggest that it does not promote biosynthesis at the cellular level. HIF-1
induces expression of pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 1 (PDK1), which
phosphorylates and inhibits the PDH complex (Kim et al.,
2006 and Papandreou
et al., 2006). This limits entry of
glycolytic carbon into the TCA cycle and increases conversion of pyruvate to
lactate. This adaptation may be important for cell survival during hypoxia, but
it would impose a barrier to proliferating cells, which rely on the
availability of TCA cycle intermediates for biosynthesis. Recent studies in
hematopoietic cells support this hypothesis (Lum
et al., 2007). In these cells,
growth-factor stimulation is required for cells to express HIF-1α, which in
turn is required to regulate the intracellular fate of glucose-derived carbon.
During normoxia, reducing HIF-1α expression with RNA interference increases
lipid synthesis, cell size, and rate of proliferation. Together, these
observations argue for more general metabolic functions of HIF-1 than its
conventional role as a reactionary mediator during tissue hypoxia, extending
its influence into the arena of growth-factor-regulated orchestration of intermediary
metabolic fluxes. In this context, it appears to act as a rheostat on
mitochondrial metabolism, fine tuning entry of carbon into the TCA cycle.
Perhaps during the large increase in glycolytic flux that occurs during
growth-factor stimulation, this allows cells to match TCA cycle flux with
maximal electron transport chain capacity so as to diminish oxidative stress.
c-Myc Regulate Metabolic Activities Needed for the G1/S Transition?
The metabolic activity
that distinguishes cell growth (i.e., increase in cell biomass per se) from
proliferation is duplication of the genome, which requires a massive commitment
to nucleotide biosynthesis by the cell. Compared to glycolytic flux, the
regulation of de novo nucleotide biosynthetic pathways by cell signaling is
poorly understood. These complex pathways rely on coordination of multiple
fluxes involving glucose, glutamine, several nonessential amino acids, and the
cellular one-carbon pool.
The myc family
of genes (c-myc, L-myc, s-myc, and N-myc),
commonly amplified in human tumors, encode transcription
factors that regulate growth and cell-cycle entry by inducing expression of
genes required for these processes. In normal cells, mitogen stimulation leads
to a burst of c-Myc expression in G1 phase, facilitating entry into S phase in
part by activating expression of cyclins and CDK4 ( Adhikary
and Eilers, 2005). Like other
oncogenic transcription factors, targets of c-Myc include glycolytic enzymes
and LDH-A ( Osthus et al., 2000 and Shim et al., 1997). However, c-Myc also induces
expression of enzymes involved in nucleotide and one-carbon metabolism, without
which cells could not successfully complete S phase (Figure 4). These include inosine
5′-monophosphate dehydrogenase (Guo
et al., 2000), serine
hydroxymethyltransferase (Nikiforov
et al., 2002), adenosine
kinase, adenylate kinase 2, and phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase (O'Connell
et al., 2003). These data
suggest that c-Myc reinforces the effects of growth-factor signaling on glucose
metabolism and also exerts control over specialized metabolic activities needed
to duplicate the genome.
In addition, recent work has demonstrated that some
c-Myc-transformed cells have an absolute requirement for glutamine in order to
maintain viability (Yuneva
et al., 2007). Depriving these
cells of glutamine results in depletion of TCA cycle intermediates, suggesting
an increased need for glutamine-based anaplerosis during c-Myc activity.
Perhaps this is a consequence of the metabolic shift toward de novo nucleotide
biosynthesis, which requires glutamine as a nitrogen source and glucose as a
carbon source. The resulting increased availability of glutamine carbon
skeletons coupled with the reduced availability of glucose carbon might limit
the utility of PC as an anaplerotic mechanism during peak nucleotide biosynthesis.
Future Directions: Cell Proliferation, Signal Transduction, Metabolism,
and Systems Biology
As summarized above, the
emerging view of metabolic regulation in proliferating cells is that signal
transduction pathways and transcriptional networks participate in a major
reorganization of metabolic activities into a platform that supports
bioenergetics, macromolecular synthesis, and ultimately cell division. Efforts
to integrate modern concepts of signal transduction with cellular metabolism
are still in their infancy. The current challenge is to develop broad,
systems-based approaches devoted to integrating information from previously
disparate areas of inquiry so that a more complete understanding of the
metabolic phenotype of cell proliferation will emerge. This will require a new
set of tools combining, at a minimum, molecular biology and metabolic flux
analysis so as to determine the impact of manipulating signaling mediators on
specific and global metabolic activities.
One area that needs to
be addressed is the regulation of anaplerosis and of mitochondrial metabolism
in general. This important matter has so far escaped the scrutiny directed at
aerobic glycolysis in the 80-plus years since Warburg's observations. The
models of cell metabolism proposed here predict that biosynthetic fluxes using
TCA cycle intermediates are matched on a mole-per-mole basis by anaplerotic
fluxes. Determining whether this hypothesis is correct and how such fluxes are
regulated will be an important piece in the biological puzzle of cell
The authors thank N.
Thompson for work on the figures and members of the Thompson laboratory for
critical reading of the manuscript. This work was supported by National
Institutes of Health grants PO1 CA104838 (C.B.T.) and K08 DK072565 (R.J.D.) and
the Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (G.H.).