Recommended MYTH BUSTERS
The sections below are under development, and
this will probably continue through the summer of 2018
Consequences of Insulin
Resistance (IR)
AD Alzheimer’s disease/ dementia
BMJ British
Medical Journal CVD cardiovascular
disease CAWD
conditions associated with the Western diet
KOL key opinion leader a
thought leader IR
insulin resistance/resistant MeS
metabolic syndrome NAFLD non-alcoholic fatty liver
disease NEJM
New England Journal of Medicine ROS reactive
oxygen species t2d
type-two diabetes Wiki Wikipedia
review of the role of excess fructose: Insulin
resistance starts with the Western high fructose diet. About 20% of glucose
and all of fructose is transported into the liver. Fructose—a net 20 times
more reactive than
metabolized only in the liver. Our high fructose diet overloads
the systems that repair glycated proteins and their
oxidized end products.[2] Glucose alone being less reactive
can’t cause
insulin resistance. With a high carb
meal, the excess glucose causes fructose to be converted to fat in the
liver by de novo lipogenesis. Insulin also signals fat storage to promote
glucose metabolism; this gradually leads to a fatty liver (similar to that
caused by ethanol). There is very strong
evidence supporting the role of fructose; for example, in a trial
in which young-healthy volunteers were fed 40% of
calories from fructose; within 2 weeks they developed insulin resistance and
fatty liver. Prof.
Robert Lustig has done a sophisticated population study of over 100
populations; they controlled for confounding variables. His team found
that only for the disaccharide
sucrose is there a strong association with metabolic syndrome—the same type of
population study done to prove that cigarettes cause lung cancer.
one two punches of glycation
and fatty liver cells causes functional problems in the liver that leads to IR
in the hepatocytes. The liver plays a major role in controlling serum
glucose which is down regulated, and eventually this will lead to IR in the myocytes
and adipocytes as
they resist excess glucose uptake and thus become IR. Insulin also regulates
other hormones that are part of the weight-regulatory system, and insulin
resistance is the major cause for weight gain.[3] The excess fructose[4]
and the resulting IR are the main causes for nearly all the CAWD.
Those conditions, but cancer, are rare to extremely rare among the
elderly aboriginal and preindustrial peoples who consume their traditional diet. Wild
fruits--with few exceptions--are both
low in sugar and seasonal, thus their consumption of fructose is limited. A
second major healthful practice is their not
eating. While sleeping
or not eating, autophagy is turned
on, and when insulin remains low by not eating is extended. The conditions that
are extremely rare among
the elderly aboriginals:[5] insulin resistance, obesity, osteoarthritis,
dementia, and atherosclerosis with its comorbidities—cancer is about 90%
lower. Their major causes of death are
infections, infectious diseases, parasites, trauma, and pregnancy. The case
for our dietary fructose
as the starting cause for CAWD is strong--SEE LIST OF CONDITIIONS ON PREVIOUS
[1] Net
meaning I have adjusted for the rate of clearance. Fructose is metabolized in
the liver after
glucose and it is cleared from the blood at half the rate of glucose. Some sources
give a glycation are of 7.5,
others at 10, thus my net 20 fold rate of glycation.
This process of glycation occurs throughout the body and is causal for the
conditions most of the age related conditions--RAGE and
its list at
bottom of Wiki page. Pharma claims it to
be caused by high glucose (to promote drug sales) but serum levels of fructose
are higher than glucose per unit of sucrose and it has a 10 fold higher rate of
glycation, and its rate of clearance is about half that of glucose from the
blood and liver, thus giving a net 20 times more glycation than glucose p er
unit of sucrose. The aboriginal peoples
on their traditional diet rarely get those conditions. Most average less than
20 grams a day of
sugar, all sources; the US averages
153 lbs. yearly (190 grams/day, USDA 1999) with half consuming more. Safe level
of fructose varies with age,
physical exertion, and genes. Prof.
Robert Lustig compares fructose to ethanol, and
considers less than 40 grams daily safe—see also link and also.
[3] To
say eating more than one metabolizes causes weight game is a vacuous truth;
equivalent to saying the room is crowed because more people entered than
left. The perspicacious question: why
is it that on the western diet do people
gain weight, but not on a traditional diet such as the Kativans? All traditional
diets are very low in sugar.
Refined carbs alone are not enough to cause metabolic syndrome. A number of
primitive societies have a diet
high in easily digestible carbohydrates, such as the Polynesians. The Japanese
and Chinese consume up to 70% of
calories in the form of white rice and noodles, yet they those who did don’t
develop metabolic syndrome, not until sugar was introduced. The Japanese for
example consumed 14 grams of
day of sugar, mainly from vegetables.
Most misleading beliefs about food, diet, and lifestyle related to
health have directly or indirectly as a cause the industries that profit from
that belief. Refined carbs, gluten,
GMOs, chemicals, fats, cholesterol, lifestyle, stress are examples of a
misleading half-truth: a way of causing
cognitive dissonance (confusion inaction).
The best book on their lack of western diseases is Western
Diseases: their emergence and prevention, 1981, Trowell and
Originally called syndrome
X is a collection of conditions associated with the western diet (CAWD)
that manifest as a cluster. Most conspicuous
was the dysregulation of the
system that regulates adipose tissue and appetite. We have progressed from a population in which
only the affluent would gain
weight to now over 70% of adults are overweight,
and over half are obese[1],
and with that weight gain comes CAWD.
Insulin resistance (other
than its role in weight gain), it is considered relatively benign; however it
is the main cause of the diseases of Western society and these
conditions compared to the aborigines are significantly elevated. I suspect
that like those with type-2
diabetes and those people with IR also
have defective collagen, but to a lesser extent
have CAWD at about twice the
average). In the only study I know of
that compares an aboriginal people--the Kitavans to a western society--only 5%
of the Swedes had insulin level below that of the average Kitavan.[2] Current standards for IR are thus well above the ideal level of insulin; thus based on
Lindeberg’s work I estimate that over 80% of adults and 90% of seniors are IR.
This would explain why those who aren’t diabetic or overweight also have
the other CAWD though their serum
glucose is normal. I believe like with
diabetes those others with IR have
defective collagen and thus t heir CAWD;
but my extensive search of the literature has failed to find articles
addressing this nexus. Whatever the path
to illness, clearly IR is most
significant. Independent of the
defective collagen hypothesis is the causal factors relating to high fructose diet
of high levels of insulin, IGF-1,fatty liver,
and glycation leading to ROS. To
this I would add as pathogenic: rancid
vegetable oils, sex hormones mimics,
sedatives (neuroleptic drugs),
statins, and polypharmacy as significant causes; and I left out refined
starches, stress, hypertension, and dyslipidemia. Materials supporting his list
are found at
healthfully.org/r (the letter “r” for posting after 2010).
Leptin resistance, elevated leptin; insulin
up regulates leptin thus
insulin resistance eventually causes leptin resistance. Leptin is a hormone
secreted by adipose
tissue which regulates appetite, metabolism & functions to restore fat
storage to its set level through reducing the rate of metabolism from 25% to
40% and increasing appetite. With long-term
excess weight, the normal weight is rest; thus making merely eat less and
exercise more futile. If leptin-insulin
system is working right, that person
without efforts stays at normal weight—like the aborigines. Pharma
profits from having doctors focusing
on lowering serum glucose and
treating CODW; thus their ignorance
about the weight regulatory system and how to fix it.
Obesity and weight gain: Having above established that that are high fructose western diet causes insulin
resistance, and that
insulin resistance causes fat storage, and with as little as 20 calories a day
stored as fat, that is sufficient to bring about obesity in 30 years. The issue
isn’t slough and gluttony, more
calories in than out, or other version of this paradigm, but what is causing
the imbalance, for which the answer is insulin resistance, and insulin
resistance is caused by the high sugar western diet which has brought about the
dis-regulation of the control of weight.
Ignoring the system is to blame the victim; biology rules. Obesity is
a sign of the underlying
condition, and not all obese are current insulin resistant—some have reversed
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD), gradually
in the liver on a high fructose diet glycation and the conversion of fructose
to fat (its only path) this causes insulin resistance in the liver (insulin
goes from pancreas first to the liver).
With insulin resistance there is a gradual increase in liver fat to
become the silent driver for the conditions of metabolic syndrome--a sick liver
has many health consequences including an increase in visceral fat--a sign of NAFLD. In 1999 it was
estimated by the NHANES study that 30% of adults
including 80% of the obese have NAFLD.
Grossly underestimated; ultrasound is the
most reliable test. Cleansing the liver is essential for good health—see
TOFI -- thin on outside fat on inside People
whose weight is within the normal range, yet they have accumulated visceral
fat, and in particular a fatty liver and thus insulin resistance. Even for those
who maintain normal weight,
they can have IR and fatty liver and
thus CAWD, including diabetes.
Type-2 Diabetes, Pharma holds diabetes
is a
lifelong progressive disease and that their comorbidities are caused by high serum
glucose through glycation and its subsequent
oxidation (ROS), thus ideal treatment
is to keep
glucose low with drugs. They also hold that eating carbs (glucose) is necessary
to avoid low serum glucose caused by the drugs they are taking. A number of
hold that it is much better to go on a very low carb diet and lower their need
for medication—the opposite of pharma’s recommendation and guidelines. This
ignores the facts that most of the treated diabetics have glucose levels below
those who are insulin resistant (about 80% of adults), yet the conditions associated
with diabetes are much higher than for those are just insulin resistant. The
high glucose with oxidative stress due to
glycation theory has several counter examples. “No major organization recommends universal screening
diabetes as there is no evidence that such a program improve outcomes [by
lowering glucose].[54][55]” Wikipedia. This
treating of symptoms instead of the
conditions is a common business practice
of pharma, like treating fever
instead of infection. Thy consequence is
that pharma frames the understanding of the diabetes and the search for
treatments to lower the sign, high glucose, rather than search for what has
gone with the weight regulatory system, how best to cleanse the liver and
pancreas of excess fat, and thereby cure tye-2 diabetes with diet.
Defective collagen, an example of the way
buries a fix. It took me 4 years of
full-time dietary research before I came across the role of collagen. Pharma
is happy selling drugs to lower
glucose than sell more drugs for the comorbidities associated with diabetes and
the drugs to treat diabetes. Type-2
diabetics have a significantly a low level of ascorbate in tissues that store it.[4] There is an issue with the function of ascorbate in the polyol pathway that produces collagens. Though the research is incomplete, it is
sufficient to support the conclusion that that defective and/or lack of new
replacement collagen plays the major
role in the comorbidities associated with diabetes. And this hypothesis is made
stronger by the
down grading of the role of glucose in glycation;[5]
moreover there is some evidence for the benefits from mega dose of ascorbate or myo-inositol. The extensive amount of research on collagen
during the golden era of medicine has dried up in the subsequent years. And
clinical trials of ascorbate supplement
are lacking.
The government numbers are deliberately flawed.
First the estimated 7% who ae morbidly obese are not counted as
obese. Secondly the method of data
gathering is a phone survey.
Results dependent on definition. A very
telling figure is on the Kitavans, Pacific Islanders who eat a traditional diet
with 70% of calories from carbohydrates.
In the study
of Dr. Lindeberg, he measured 196 Kitavans blood insulin
levels: “The average Kitavans had
insulin levels lower than 95% of Swedes.”
Dr. Jason Fung, The Obesity Code 2016,
p. 105.
“Three of four Kitavan males and females were daily smokers…. Whereas
atherothrombotic disorders were absent or rare” Linbeberg,
p. 1217.
[4] A
number of tissues such as lymphocytes, kidneys, the brain and others store 50
to 100 times the serum level of ascorbate.
Serum levels measure current usage of ascorbate. Most mammals are a poor
model for low
ascorbate caused by diabetes since they have retained the ability to synthesize
it--exceptions are some primates and guinea pigs.
[5] I shall within the next year go back and
earlier papers to include collagen and down grade the role of glycation and
rancid fats.
Enter content here
Dietary fix for insulin resistance, type-2 diabetes, obesity, and fatty liver and TOFI. Pharma’s and food manufacturer’s fix is to eat
less, exercise more, and eat a low fat diet which by default is high carbs,
thus high insulin diet. This approach
doesn’t fix the mammalian weight-regulatory system because it doesn’t cure
insulin resistance, thus we have the yo-yo diets. On a caloric energy
restricted diet, sugars are reduces and carbs thus lowering insulin which
lowers leptin, and low leptin through the brain increases appetite, and to
conserve ATP reduces the rate of metabolism to conserve fat stores and this
makes the person feel that he needs to eat to restore energy—the biology behind
the yo-yo diets. Type-2 diabetes is a
dietary disease with a dietary cure as is insulin resistance, and NAFLD.
For example, bariatric surgery is able to cure 80% of the diabetics, and
51% at 12 year follow up. And it is not
because of extensive weight loss (as pharma maintains). Studies show that
most of these patients are
off their diabetic medications before significant weight loss, thus indicating
that the forced fasting is curative vector—not weight loss. Other studies have shown that fasting
for some the ketogenic diet the cures through metabolism of excess stored fat
in the liver, and for diabetics in the pancreas. Following surgery they are
on an extremely
low calorie, low insulin diet; their body metabolizes the excess fat in the
liver and pancreas which cures their diabetes and insulin resistance—excess
insulin increases fat storage.[1] The long-term cure rate would be higher if
those surgery patients had been warned of the rule of fructose and had a low
carb diet in the hospital and afterwards.
A small but growing group of physicians (Dr. Jason
Fung is among the best) are
now advocating fasting (both
intermittent and alternate day) and lowing carbs or a ketogenic diet. They have
been able to cure type-2 diabetes
and obesity by curing insulin resistance and fat storage in the liver and
Mediterranean diet is healthy because of
the high
consumption of olive oil; wrong, it is the low consumption of sugar. This is
part of the mountains of proposed
causes and fixes currently circulating.
That which explains what has gone wrong and the fixes are buried within
the mountain of social twaddle.
Switching to a Mediterranean diet won’t fix the fatty liver, insulin
resistance, and diabetes, thus what is offered as a fix, isn’t: nor prevent the
development of IR, because of the
failure to warn about sugar.
Good and
bad fats: “The type of fats in
the diet are important, with saturated
fats and trans fatty
acids increasing the risk, and polyunsaturated and monounsaturated
fat decreasing the risk[26]” Wikipedia (contrary to the
mass of evidence, see rancid fats and saturated fats). The only way to sort out the
tobacco science is to question everything, and rely upon the modus
operandi. The modus operandi: Polyunsaturated
and to a lesser extent
monounsaturated fats because of their double bond(s) have free electrons which
is available for attachment to by reactive chemicals, which when in sufficient
amounts and occurring within cell walls, it becomes a healthy issue. Because
of oxidation, milk is high in
saturated fats.
The Dietary
Fix and in concise:
The question isn’t how can I lower my risk factor for CAWD to that
of those who live on Crete
(Mediterranean diet),[2]
but to lower it to the level of the Kitavans (footnote 5). This requires undoing
the damage done to our
complex weight regulatory system, and then not damaging it again by excessive
fructose.[3] The simple answer is fasting made more
effective with a low carb diet. To
learn more I highly recommend reading the
two books by Dr. Jason Fung and
watching his lectures on
YouTube. In a more concise
form then his books, you will find my dietary
advice and a longer version (my advice was arrived
prior to reading and watching his lectures).
It is easier not to eat than to
significantly reduce calories long term.
With reduce calories the body goes into the starvation mode, and through
the hormone leptin lowers metabolism from 25 to 40%, and this makes additional
weight loss unlikely and creates the feeling that to eat more will make the
dieter feel better. With fasting the body burns fats, not conserve it, and increases
metabolism to promote searching for foods.
It is as Dr. Fung wrote in Obesity
Code, “It is more important
not to eat than what you eat.” In one
clinical trial, skipping breakfast resulted in a reduction of 539. An easy start
is to do intermittent fasting
(skipping a meal) and progress into alternate day fasting and thereby avoid the
metabolic consequences of being in the starvation mode.
Prior to bariatric surgery the effective treatment for the morbidly obese was
prolonged water fasting with some electrolytes and vitamins (no
protein)—apoptosis of adipocytes provides amino acids. Fast typical ran
a100 days or longer, the record is 382 days.
[2] If
the Mediterranean diet was low in sugar like the traditional Oriental the risks
would be much lower.
This happens to about half of those who have bariatric surgery, which cures
about 80% of those with type-2 diabetes so that they are off their
medications. The food restriction allows
the body to metabolize the excess pancreatic fat that causes their diabetes. However,
the distains and physicians not
knowing the cause, give bad advice with its unfortunate consequences.
What can the 1,300 pound gorilla do, pretty much anything it want--prof. Marcia
Angell, Harvard
DISCLAIMER: As Ben Franklin said, we all keep our own time; thus
what I write is what I believe & thus would do; however, I am
not recommending others to violate clinical guidelines or their doctors’