A guide to books which I have read –many
of which I have
taken notes on.
1) Bad pharma, 2) Cardiovascular disease, 3) Diet,
4) Cholesterol myth, 5) Polypharmacy, 6)
Psychiatric drugs, 7) Other
topics, 8) Thumbs down
Books -- 5/23/16
Most books do not
adequately cover how pharma frames the discussion: topics in medical schools,
medical textbooks,
physicians’ continuing education classes, and the media articles. Also
underdeveloped is the sham journal review
of clinical trials in that the reviewers never receive the raw data for trials,
and thus it is the norm for pharma to positively bias their journal articles.[1] The first 3 books do a good
job on both
1) Bad pharma, the
essential starting point for other topics
*****Deadly Medicines and Organised
Crime: How big pharma has corrupted
health care by
Prof. Peter Gotzsche, Md., 2015, a leading figure in Danish and Scandinavian
health care, with introductions by editors from BMJ and JAMA; their approval of
this book, and the book won a merit award by the British Medical
Association—they are vouching for its contents.
How corporations co-op the regulatory system and also dominates the medical
information system. The corruption
generated by pharma is accepted by regulators:
blatant scientific misconduct that has converted medical science into
marketing with its deadly consequences.
Topics include clinical trials, guidelines, journals, textbooks,
continuing education, and more. For an
educated audience with medical knowledge, but not too technical so as to
excluded the educated public. Excellent
About Drug Companies and How they Deceive Us by
Prof. Marcia Angell, 2004, available as audio book and forms the basis for her President lecture, for the educated general
public. A true teacher and master of
prose; informative, not chatty, and uses examples to rebut pharma’s
claims: one of the two best books on bad
pharma. I would place this book as first
to read, a preparation for Gotzsche’s book.
Both books can stand alone. I
prefer the recorded versions—I have
played hers 4 times while driving. What
she has missed is more than amply covered by Prof. Goldacre (below). Excellent, free E-book on Google
***** Bad Pharma: How Drug Companies
Mislead Doctors and Harm Patients, by Prof. Ben Goldacre 2013,
available as audiobook on the many ways in which pharma does tobacco science to
promote market goals. More nerdish than
Marcia Angell’s book and much more scattered than Prof. Gotzsche book.
His exposing bad pharma is done with the
intent to motivate the mainly professional healthcare audience but also for an
educated audience familiar with medical issues.
Ben has become a force through AllTrials which he founded. Its
goal to force EU to require reporting of all trials (video) to
make pharma do honest trials by requiring the Clinical Trial Report (CSR) made
public. Ben stresses the harm done.
Excellent Free E-book on Google
Our Daily Meds, Melody
Peterson, 2008, good footnote,
about the marketing department taking over pharma and treating drugs like any
other product: all about sales. Covers
pharma’s use of continuing education
for doctors, media ads, ghost writing, etc., thus an account of tobacco ethics
at work. Very good
The Guide to the 4,000 Useful, Useless or Dangerous Medicines, published in French. Guide des 4000 Médicaments Utiles
Inutiles ou Dangereux au Service des Malades et de Praticiens Dr.
Bernard Debre director of the prestigious Necker Institute & Dr. Philippe Even member of the French Parliament. Excellent
Big Pharma: Exposing the Global Healthcare Agenda, 2006, Jacky Law, a pharmaceutical
journalist. For the general public well
developed topics exposing the broken system, very thorough and organized--a
quality work. The section of Vioxx is
worth copying, Very
2) Cardiovascular
***** Ignore the Awkward: How the cholesterol myths are kept alive, Uffe Ravnskov
MD, PhD. 2010 the leading critic of the
cholesterol theory. Goes into all
aspects of the cholesterol myth; starts with its history, then cholesterol
lowering drugs especially statins, which by lowering cholesterol level doesn’t
prevent CVD because cholesterol
doesn’t cause it, atherosclerosis does.
Also on the marketing science pushed by pharma including their tricks,
and ends with the real main cause of CVD.
*****Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You Uffe Ravnskov MD, PhD.
2009. Covers
same topics as in Ignore the Awkward,
but it is for a more general audience—very well written. As the review
by Prof. Kauffman states, “You
can trust this book to learn the causes and non-causes of cardiovascular
disease.” Excellent
***** The Great Cholesterol Con:
Why everything you’ve been told about cholesterol, diet and heart
disease is wrong! 5th edition 2012, Anthony Colpo. Though just a physical trainer, he has
produced a work of exceptional thoroughness (comparable to Good Calories, below) that
goes over the evidence in detail and develops the best evidence based
conclusions—lets the journals do the arguing.
A very valuable resource with only minor flaws; it is an expanded
version of Prof Uffe Ravnskov 2010 books above, that covers more related topics
such as diet, diet drugs, free-radicals, testing , angioplasty, vitamin E,
etc., not covered by Uffe. Excellent
Statin Damage Crisis by Duane Graveline MD (Jul 23, 2014), 91
reviews 5 stars Amazon, for a general public a warning of major risk for
neuropathy and myopathy due to the blocking of CoQ10, which is essential for
the production of ATP the energy molecule used in over 90% of chemical cellular
processes. This reduction affects the
seniors the most. He goes into his
personal experience of memory loss. Muscle
pain is far more common, but pharma’s mantra is “safe and effective”. Good
reading, Very good.
The Great Cholesterol Myth: Why lowering your cholesterol won’t
prevent heart disease, and the statin-free plan that will,
Jonny Bowden, Stephen
Sinatra, 2006, 2012, 2015. Includes
strong evidence that cholesterol is not the problem, then goes on to identify
the major culprit pathogens in the artery walls causing an inflammatory
response and the Western diet. New
edition has added receipts. I am
skeptical about some of the supplements recommended, for my recommendations. The
best selling of books, Very good.
Cholesterol myth and saturated fats
***** Ignore
Awkward: How the
cholesterol myths are kept alive, Uffe Ravnskov
MD, PhD. 2010 the leading critic of the cholesterol theory. Goes into all aspects of the
cholesterol myth; starts with its history, then cholesterol lowering drugs
especially statins, which by lowering cholesterol level doesn’t prevent CVD because cholesterol doesn’t
it. Also on the marketing
science pushed by pharma including their tricks, and ends with the real causes
of CVD, Excellent
**** The
Great Cholesterol Con Anthony Colpo, a physical therapist who like Charles
Darwin, Gary Taubes,
and Michael Faraday, has gone way beyond his education. The book is up to the highest
standards of academic writing. It
covers the cholesterol saturated fats myth, what causes heart disease,
preventing heart disease naturally, and a very good epilogue on related
topics. This work is a more
detailed and broader work than Prof. Ravnskov’s whom he consulted. Excellent
*****Fat and
Cholesterol are Good for You Uffe Ravnskov
MD, PhD. 2009. Covers same topics as in Ignore the
Awkward, but it is for a more general
audience—very well written. As
the review by Prof. Kauffman states, “You can trust this book to learn the
causes and non-causes of cardiovascular disease. Excellent
[1] Ben
Goldacre, below, covers most of this with the exception of
medical textbooks, and repeats some of the pharma-framed topics such as the
putative relationship between cholesterol and cardiovascular disease and the
risk associated with HRT.
4) Diet
*****The Obesity Code: Unlocking the
Secrets of Weight Loss, Jason Fung, MD, 2016, has a through grasp of the
behind the diabesity (obesity & diabetes) pandemic. As a nephrologist he
has treated many
end-stage type-2 diabetics with diet to cure their diabetes. He, like Taubes
below, places the blame on
fatten carbohydrates which causes insulin resistance that drive up fat
storage. An excellent work that doesn’t
repeat the cholesterol-fat myth and puts together a large body of evidence Excellent
***** Good
Calories, bad calories: fats, carbs, and
the controversial science of diet and health, Gary Taubes, 2008,
science writer who spent years researching the topic of diet including its
history, starts with the anti-fat-cholesterol diet, then the carbohydrate
hypothesis, next obesity and the regulation of weight, and ends with fat
metabolism and fattening carbohydrates.
It is an extensive examination of the historical literature on diet--for
a college readership, which was followed by a less technical book which he
hoped would both educate doctors who have the 2nd greatest influence
upon diet after the media. Excellent
*****Why We Get Fat, and What to Do About It, (also audio version):
Gary Taubes, award-wining science writer spent years researching the
topic of diet; starts with the history of diets and the research, then the biology
that causes of obesity, and ends with what to do. The work is on the level
of a freshmen
college book. Soft on political
issues and how in a
corporatist state both the media and politicians have been bought. He covers
all aspects, one of the few books I
nearly totally agree with. Avail in audio books.
If the history is too tedious, then I recommend starting in the middle
of the book, section 36 on the CD. Excellent
***** Fat
Prof. Robert Lustig MD, Hudson Street Press, 2013. He focuses on high fructose
(and thus
sucrose) as a poison similar to ethanol in effects on body. For a mass audience, It is very instructive, organized, and easy
to follow; on the obesity epidemic all aspects, then ends with healthful
advice. He avoids offending pharma. His
success on the internet has made him a leading critic of the food manufacturers
(for his lectures and documentary click on link Excellent
Sugar Salt and Fat: How the food giants
hooked us, Michael Moss, 2014, 4.5 stars 621
Amazon reviews. A very thorough
conservative review of how the food manufacturers compete in the market place. It
has little on consumers’ health (a topic
beyond the scope of this book). A lot of
interviews and research makes the book insightful and thus worth reading –also
in audio books. Very good
The New Atkins for a New You Profs. Eric Westman, Stephen Phinney, and Jeff Wolek,
2010. The book has 2 goals, to make it
easy to follow their long-term program of dieting, and to cover the important
basics on nutrition relative to the ketogenic (very low carbs) diet so as
create confidence in their dietary program. It accomplishes all this in a way
that appeals to a wide audience. If you
want to know more, then study the books by Taubes and by Fung—below. Excellent.
Note, I would add the short-term or alternate day fasting to hasten
progress and health benefits, which is particular relevant to those who have
type-2 diabetes, morbidly obese, or who weight lose has slowed-- see Dr. Jason Fung’s Obesity Code supra. Very
The New Atkins Made Easy Colette Heimowitz, 2013, a book for those who like
testimonials and receipts. Weak on
science but enough to know that carbs are bad and fats are good—see appendix.
She presents the 4 stages of the New Atkins
diet, well written, easy to follow. Very
Your Prescriptions Killing You?
How to Prevent Dangersous Interactions, Avoid Deadly Side Effects, and
Be Healthier with Fewer Drugs Armon
B. Neel, Jr, Phar.D. CGP and Bill Hogan Atria books, 2012, contains list of
drugs to avoid (quite incomplete) and abuse by doctors who dutifully give
multiple drugs for the same condition and then treat side effects with more
drugs. Neel as consulting pharmacist
helps patients suffering from the interaction of drugs. The elderly, especially
those in assisted
living homes are the biggest victims. Neel has some very good sections &
some glaring errors thanks to pharma’s.
He should shift most of the blame from physicians to pharma who is very
good at marketing and educating.
American: The broken Promise of American
John Abramson, MD, well received for the general public, a message of how
pharma as a corporation works to expand the market and thus increase profits
and its consequences. Develops their
methods for putting lipstick on a pig and worse. Very
6) Psychiatric drugs.
***** Deadly
Psychiatry and Organised Denial, Prof. Peter Gotzsche, 2014. College freshmen level. Clearly the best; it covers nearly all
major points concerning the use of psychiatric drugs in a way that doesn’t get
bogged down in details (e.g. Moncrieff).
The book provides a detailed example of pharma at work, in what Gotzsche
calls organized crime in his previous
book---supra. Incredibly, pharma has succeeded in market
with the support of psychiatry addicting sedatives as a panacea for the
hundreds of “illnesses” listed in their DSM V Manual: they have
sold gasoline as a way of fighting
fires, and blame the patient’s deterioration on the condition instead of the
adverse consequences of the prescribed tranquilizers. Deadly Psychiatry is the best
account of how this crime against public developed and its consequences. Only Kindle
edition in US $20, however, available through the UK Amazon for nearly $50 with
shipping—worth the price. Excellent
***** The
Emperor’s New Drugs: Exploding the
Antidepressant Myth.
Irving Kirsch, PhD. Basic books 2010.
An important book on how psychiatric drugs are worse than nothing at
all. College level, exposes many issues with mind
altering drugs. Raises the important
issue of “breaking blind”, that about 85% of patients and physicians know who
is getting a placebo based upon side effects.
Excellent. Note on Basic Books; it is a series of titles for university
graduates who still can think at that level.
I have read 7, all rating 5 stars.
Pharmageddon, Pharmaceutical companies have hijacked
healthcare in America, and the results are life-threatening 2012.
Prof. David Healy Welsh, documents a riveting and terrifying story that
affects us all. Starts slow, then there is a wealth of information historical
and current on the topics covered by the other books reviewed here. High-quality
topic development, well
organized, for educated audience familiar with medical issues. Excellent
Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the
Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America, Robert Whitaker, 2010, Random House. Some
valuable section, such as on Prozac and
that behavioral therapy should in most cases be tried before drugs. He exposes
the myth that the new psychiatric
drugs in 1965 emptied mental hospital; truth, they were shipped to nursing
homes--for general public, Good
Bitterest Pills: The Troubling Story of Antipsychotic Drugs 2013. Prof. Joanna Moncrieff, 2009. On antipsychotic
drugs, she proves that they
are sedatives (tranquilizers), thus
they inhibit emotions, pleasure, and libido, excitation, and cognitive
functions. They do not treat the underlying neural cause, though they are
pitched as doing that (based on tobacco science). Starts with the history of
the antipsychotic
drugs in the early 1950s. Each major
marketing claim is addressed in a chapter.
College level, dull reading Very Good
The Myth of the Chemical Cure:
A Critique of Psychiatric Drugs Joanna Moncrieff, 2013, basically
a rework of
the above material expanded to include more areas of treatment. She explains
that the names applied to the
drugs as well as their method of operation are pure marketing
Death Grip: A
Climber’s Escape from Benzo Madness, 2/13,
$2.48 Matt
Samet 4.5 stars 37 reviews Good
So-So, books which
point out problems with psychotropic drugs and the ever expanding market, but
limited coverage of harm done and limited in scope of topics: it is not what
they say, but rather what they
of an Epidemic: Magic
Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in
America, Robert Whitaker,
2010, Random House. So-so
Normal: An Insider’s Revolt
Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big Pharma, and the
Medicalization of Ordinary Life, Allen Frances psychiatrist, 2013,
misses much, a gripe book. So-so
Medicine: a Researcher’s Quest to Understanding Health Care, John E. Wennberg,
Oxford Press, 2010,
Tedious, understating the problem, So-so
A warning about deceptive marketing: From a nurse in a book review:
SHORTER HALF LIFE--LINDA, RN, at. In 1988 I knew that sedatives were widely
marketed for back pain, and that acted exclusively as a muscle relaxant. I very
clearly told the doctor that I do not
want a sedative. Eighteen hours later I
woke up and flushed the pills down the toilet.
Don’t rely on your pharma-educated physician to know what time it
is. Pharma markets sedatives for all
sorts of conditions including hypertension, back pain, pre-menstrual syndrome,
migraines, pain, COPD, and so on. It is
insidious because these drugs are addicting and diminishing cognitive function;
thus they increase the dependence upon physicians. Thus in 2 ways pharma
profits from sedatives. In the hospital
they are life-threatening because the drugged patient often is not aware a
worsening of their condition or a medical emergency, moreover, vital signs are
reduced when drugged.
Other topics
***** Testosterone
for Life: Recharge Your Vitality, Sex Drive, Muscle Mass, and Overall Health by Abraham Morgentaler , 2008, 80,
4.5 stars Amazon. While for a wide
audience, the essential science is covered accurately, and he is the first to
expose the mechanism by which using research of others that testosterone
doesn’t promote the spread of prostate cancer unless that patient has low
testosterone, which often happened as part of the therapy through drug
castration; very thorough, Excellent
in Charge? Free Will and the Science of the Brain, Michael S. Gazzaniga, 2012, very insightful as to how the brain
subconscious portions determine our behavior and thoughts. It has helped me
understand why people do
things that are irrational, such as physicians attending continuing education
classes given by pharma, give junk treatments, and patients take them. Several
chapters are academic twaddle. Very good
An Aspirin a Day: What
you can do to prevent heart attack, stroke, and cancer Michael Castleman 1993,
(San Diego Library)
each chapter has a list of references.
New possibilities prevention of diabetic retinopathy, pregnancy,
Gallstones 95, cataracts 92, migraine headaches 91. popular style,
sounds balanced Good
the miracle drug, Eric
Metcalf, 2005 UCSD Journalistic, full of explanation but weak on evidence and
links. Good
8) Thumbs
effect A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial
(Plavix), Alison Bass, 2008—way to chatty.
Tracking Medicine:
a Researcher’s Quest
to Understanding Health Care, John E. Wennberg, Oxford Press, 2010, Very
How we do Harm: A Doctor
Ranks…. Otis Webb Brawley & Paul Goldberg
—tedious, small issues. SUCKS
Aspirin: Nature’s Answers to Arthritis, Cancer and Alzheimer’s disease, Thomas Newmark & Paul Schulick Herbal
Dosed: The medication Generation Grows Up,
pro-pharma, from the kids perspective. SUCKS
The Anti-Estrogenic Diet, Ori Hofmekler, North Atlantic Books,
Bereley CA, 2007, bad science on estrogen and weak on science of estrogen mimic,
educated by pharma. JUNK
Thincs, The International
Network of Cholesterol Skeptics (Wiki)
is a group
of scientists, physicians, and other academicians from around the world who
dispute the widely accepted lipid hypothesis of atherosclerosis. THINCS was founded in January 2003, and
its founder and current spokesman is Uffe Ravnskov (see his
book above).
for life on low carbs for public http://nutritionforlife.healthcare/evidence
http://www.spacedoc.com/ Duane Graveline, MD.