Patients are Routinely Given Inferior Treatments http://healthfully.org/rep/id11.html -- 4/13/16
When pondering why doctors who means
well can get
it so wrong, simply look to pharma.
Since 2004 when I started healthfully.org I have been examining health
issues and discovered the corruption worked by pharma. A major shift began in
the Reagan era: medical colleges became ever increasingly
dependent upon pharma for funding and as a consequence are pharma-friendly KLOs
(Key Opinion Leaders) have replaced the previous
generation of independent KOLs. KOLs
run clinical trials, author most journal articles, sit on committees that write
clinical guidelines, write medical textbooks, most are university professors,
and they give the required continuing education classes of doctors, which are
pharma funded. For services the KOLs
receive 6-figure yearly income.
Thus there is a seamless content connection between clinical trials, textbooks,
school classes, clinical guidelines, and continuing education classes. Starting
in medical school the future doctors
are taught that for every condition there is safe and effective pills—the
mantra of pharma. Every
noted expert in a field of medicine is a pharma-friendly KOL. Pharma through
KOLs has framed the medical subjects to promote their
profits. Pharma has replaced the
scientific foundation of medicine with tobacco science—the spin too often is
dazzling heights. It is all about
profits and pharma is very good at marketing.
With broad
strokes I shall describe the method used to create our broken medical
system. Forty years ago pharma gave
university professors funds to run clinical trials and permitted them to write
unhindered the journal articles. That
has changed, for the last 3 decades pharma has been running directly or
indirectly all the large clinical trials;[1] and they own the results. Pharma designs all
its clinical trials for market
objectives; it is tobacco science. (The
few trials funded by the FDA support pharma’s goals.) The phase-3 clinical
trials, which pharma
submits to the FDA, are fundamentally tobacco trials carefully designed to make
the drug seem better than it is. The
only study that compared the raw data that had been submitted to the FDA found
that all 74 journal articles derived from these trials were biased; the average
positive bias 32%.[2] If the drug performs better than nothing at all (a
placebo) for the condition treated a
very pharma
“friendly” FDA will grant a patent of exclusivity (which
typically with extensions lasts 16 years). Side effects are seldom used by the
FDA to deny a patent. Frequently the FDA
uses a surrogate outcome, for example the lowering of cholesterol level or
blood pressure rather than heart attacks.
For statins and antihypertensive drugs, the surrogate endpoint in the
short-term phase 3 does not inform doctors on the incidence of death, heart
attack, and all the side effects, or how real-world patients will fare[3]. Pharma uses a very select group of volunteers
in their clinical trial, ones that will respond better than the real-world
population. Pharma now outsources most
clinical trials to corporations which run them in under-developed
countries. This presents more wiggle
room for cooking the raw data to favor the drug. And it
gets worse. After approval by the
FDA, pharma runs low-quality, phase-4 trials not submitted to the FDA which to
an even greater extent hide side effects and exaggerate benefits, or serve
other marketing objectives such as on new uses for the drug, show off-patent
drugs are inferior, etc. The results of
clinical trials are written up by and for pharma in a way that adds even more
bias.[4] They are published in medical journals
a rubber-stamped peer review. Reviewers
never see the raw data. The journal
articles by design misinform doctors as
to how their patients will do. Drugs
are taken based upon bias-journal articles that claim for the real-world
population they will significantly lengthen
and/or improve the quality of life. The method of reporting patient side effects has been
given to pharma, thus it is broken. Physician on a voluntary basis can send a
report of a patient side effect to the drug manufacturer. That manufacturer
“evaluates” the thousands
of physician’s reports and sends their summation to the FDA, often years
later. Over-and-over again harm surfaces
years later; for example, Vioxx and Celebrex caused over 55,000 U.S. deaths
from heart attacks and strokes before it became public 5 years after Merck
& the FDA had strong evidence of the association of Vioxx with heart
doctors are aware that the broken information system harms patients, yet they
rely upon it; why?
Nine compelling
factors explain why doctors play ball with big pharma: 1) clinical guidelines
are written by KOLs to promote drugs; 2) hospital
administrators use those guidelines to set up treatment goals which their
physicians must meet as a condition of employment. 3) difficulty of researching
the journals for
the best treatments because of the mountains of tobacco science arising from a
fractured system of peer review and clinical trials; 4) those same KOLs write the chapters in medical textbooks; 5) KOLs
give continuing education classes (CEC);
6) through the combination of 1, 3, 4, & 5, pharma frames the discussion of
medical topics for their financial gains; 7) ad post hoc fallacy: what
was done works; 8) human factors including patient expectations, peer approval,
supervisor approval, and substantial financial rewards given by pharma who
tracks the prescriptions given by physicians; and 9) the negative consequences
for practicing medicine that is contrary to the clinical guidelines. The confluence
of these factors and human tendency
of doctors to bond with their profession (we are a social animal, like soldiers
in an army) entail that 95% of physicians won’t go into independent practice
like Dr. Stephen Sinatra. Wearing
the boots of the physician opens the doors of perception, thus what follows is as seen through
the eyes of a main-street cardiologist.
[1] Less
than 1 per year major government trials are ran, and without exception is done
with consultation with pharma and ran by their KOLs. The last to trouble
industry was the ALLHAT trial completed in 2002, which found a very cheap
diuretic better than patented drugs. Guidelines were adjusted to recommend
hypertension starting treatment with a diuretic. Results for all these drugs
in the prevention
of heart attacks was not statistically significant. There was no placebo
group compare to
side effects or to show that there was a reduction in heart attacks and deaths,
which there isn’t, and is why pharma uses blood pressures instead.
[2] The New England Journal of
Medicine in 2008 published a study of 74 journal articles on 12
antidepressant agents involving 12,564 patients. “According to the published literature, it
appeared that 94% of the trials conducted were positive. By contrast, the FDA
analysis showed that 51% were positive.”
entails that our government through its FDA supports corporate profits more
than public health: the FDA is part of
the problem and not the fix. The journal
articles on all of the trials have all been spun to make the drugs worth their
side effects. See recommended
gateway for the index
of article exposing bad pharma, and healthful alternatives.
Pharma selects patients that will respond better than the norm to the
drug. Then usually they run a wash
out period in a phase iii
trial: the volunteers are given the
drugs for a month or more, then those whose results are unfavorable are culled
from the group. Then the trial is
started with the remaining volunteers.
This wash out period is not referenced in the journal articles.
[4] An
industry has developed of companies which ghost-write the articles, then submit
the article to the putative lead person on the trial, research, or review of
treatment choices for a signature by the KOL.
By this methods a trial is submitted on an average to over 6 different
journals to published the spun favorable outcomes.
Knowing the journals are full
of tobacco science doesn’t
change the fact that I must work within the existing structure in which
treatments are dispensed. First,
at the heart of medical practice are the clinical guidelines. I know that
select pro-pharma KOLs create guidelines for the American
Heart Association, the National Institute for Health (NIH) and others based mainly
upon the dodgy marketing phase-4
trials. I know that if sued for
malpractice for deviating from standard practice that in courts it is unlikely that
I could convince a jury and judge that
guidelines are rubbish! Second,
these guidelines are used by my hospital administrator to set up treatment
standards. They are incorporated into
the patients’ computer records. For example, if a patient’s blood pressure is
high, the computer screen will list recommended drugs. What I prescribe is recorded
in that record. Moreover the hospital administrator as
supervisor sets up goals which the doctors must meet to continue employment at
that hospital. I must meet those
standards to remain affiliated with my hospital.[1] This condition of employment entails that my finding
what is in the best patients’ treatments will reduce my ability to sell the
patient on the mandated treatment, and eventual ending in termination of my
position. I have observed among most of
my colleagues a reluctance to question the junk guidelines and their junk
science. Third,
I do not go to a university medical library to access online the journals and
attempt to find, for example, what is in the best way to control hypertension
for additional reasons. Pharma funds,
direct, and also own the data of their clinical trials. Because clinical trials
are dressed as science,
I would have to read each journal article and look for gaps in analysis. Most
times all I find is that the body of the
article does not support two parts of the journal article: its conclusion and
abstract.[2] I know that the journal articles receive a sham-peer review: the reviewers read only what pharma includes
in manuscript; the raw data and other details necessary for a critical review
are not sent as axillary materials. The
published evidence is marketing spin dressed as science. The task at arriving
at spin free answer on
how best to treat hypertension would consume over 800 hours, and my conclusion
would be tentative given that most trials are not designed to provide answers,
just promote sales of a drug. Knowing this I am highly skeptical of what I read
in the journal articles—a source I seldom turn to. Fourth, given the broken evidence base, I turn
to the leading experts, pharma’s KOLs.
These doctors & professors obtain their status mainly by partaking
in clinical trials which pharma sets up, controls, and owns the data. The researchers
sign a contract that gives
pharma control over the data and publications.
The journal articles that the KOLs
publish with their names as authors are with few exceptions ghost-written by
companies hired by pharma. Pharma pays
these KOLs an honorarium for their
services. These same KOLs lecture
me in a pharma-funded and
ran CEC—continuing education classes
required by law. There I am told the best
treatment for hypertension is combination of 3 Pfizer drugs if the class is
funded by Pfizer. I hear a plausible
modus operandi (method of operation) on how these drugs
work. I learn that hypertension accelerates
the formation of plaque in arteries and the blood clots which cause heart
attacks and strokes. Of the over 120
drugs in 7 categories--based on their method of action--the best are those by Pfizer.
At the end of the class I am given 4 journal
reprints all of which are on Pfizer’s drugs. I follow the KOL’s recommendations
because it is considered sound medicine.
Moreover, my
colleagues believe in managing hypertension saves lives. Over and over again
I hear the KOLs mantra: “safe and effective”.
What they tell me--though spun--provides
material for discussion with patients and colleagues. Fifth, given the
marketing distortion favoring sponsor, for my main source I turn to medical
textbooks, Wikipedia, and The Merck Manual
for information on
drugs, treatments, and information on the causes and processes involved on
various conditions. I rely on these
sources though I know that they promote the uses of the newer drugs and distort
for that purpose the biology behind related to the condition. It is better than
There is a seamless fit between guidelines, textbooks that tie into a
scenario. In this way pharma frames the
discussion of drugs, treatments, and causes. Sixth, we think in temporal-causal order: I
take Tylenol and 80% of the time within two
hours my headache is gone; therefore I believe Tylenol works. I give hypertensive
medications and 80% of my
patients don’t have a heart attack within 5 years. This is the ad post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy
(post hoc fallacy) which
means “after this because of this”. Selective
memory enhances this fallacy. Thus I
have faith in some of the treatment guidelines, and the others I am uncertain
as to their merit. Seventh, there
are pleasing human factors. I like to
help my patients. Most are thankful that
I am trying to manage their hypertension, because they believe, like me, that
by lowering blood pressure their risk for an adverse event is significantly
reduced. Their family is thankful, and
my colleagues praise my efforts. The
clinic’s administrator is pleased that I follow the hospital’s guidelines.
Being part of the medical establishment is
being part of a revered organization; I am proud of the title “doctor”.
I receive over $20,000 in perks from Pfizer
for promoting their patented drugs based upon my prescribing record obtained
from IMS Health. These human
factors are another reason to
follow the guidelines for hypertension, though I am moderately skeptical about some
of them. Ninth,
I know a critic of the
broken system, but I don’t believe his claim that hypertension drugs do more harm than good. He ignores
the positive clinical published
trials, and he has cherry picked the negative evidence. Pharma and the media
fortunately have
marginalized the critics, thus limit the harm they cause. These critics, because
they don’t follow the
guidelines, don’t work at a large clinic or hospital. In private practice,
most have a small patient
base and thus limited income. Doctors such as Stephen Sinatra don’t receive
referrals from me or my colleagues. Most
patients want the latest, best drugs, not what Dr. Sinatra recommends: fish
oil, CoQ10, l-carnitine, d-ribose, etc. I believe that Dr. Sinatra has a religious
faith in naturalistic, alternative medicine--a faith contradicted by pharma’s clinical
trials. Thus because of the confluence
of all these reasons stated above, I won’t break rank with my colleagues. I
sincerely attempt to do the best for
my patients in our imperfect, corporate-governed world.
Pharma through an assortment of ways pumps billions of dollars into the coffers
of corporate hospitals for them to set up guidelines incorporated into the
hospital-patient record system, and pharma buys from data-mining companies the
performance of the hospitals and their doctors.
For a fee, pharmacies sell their prescription records. Maine and New
Hampshire barred this practice,
but had their laws declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court in June 2011.
Over 90% of the time doctors read just the abstract and/or conclusion section
of the article. The detailed, long body
of the article is spun to favor pharma
in those two summary sections; it is a standard practice often done by a pharma
ghost writer.
We now have seen how pharma shapes
the practice of medicine and harms everyone.
There is a fundamental conflict between maximizing profit and patients. A
perverse system produces perverse
results. Pharma is very good at
marketing. What causes corporations to
aggressively market ethanol, sugar-water, and tobacco products; this too
applies to pharma. I call this “tobacco
ethics”. Books
could be filled with examples of how corporation vigorously defend their right
to harm. Through direct to consumer
advertising (allowed also in New Zealand and South Korea) they establish
emotional bonding to promote sales, even though we all know what they are up
to. Over and over again we watch
advertisements of drugs showing smiling actors giving a testimonials on a
drug. The corporate media has painted a
pro-pharma rosy picture that is quite different from reality. Daily we watch
KOLs explain how the latest wonder drug works.
It is all carefully scripted to make it seem
that we are getting fair and balanced analysis.
But these advertisements create cognitive
dissonance between what we know about corporations and sales
pitches and our emotional side of the brain which creates the phenomena in the
trade called branding. The use of
media has turned over half the population and most seniors into pill
poppers. Pharma is very good at
The best fix for cognitive dissonance is studies,
and it starts with knowing that the system is broken. The best video on bad
pharma is by is the
President’s Lecture at the
University of Montana. Harvard Professor
Marcia Angell’s M.D. has given a carefully
structured lecture with an excellent delivery.
It is based on her book, The Truth
about Drug companies. As she wrote:
certainly are in a health care crisis.... If we had set out to design the worst
system that we could imagine, we couldn't have imagined one as bad as we have.” Her book woke me up and responded with the Recommended Sections to this
website. I have pasted a collection of journal
articles which confirm the quotes that the
system is broken. I have published warnings on bad meds, better choices and better diet. I lean heavily upon a critical chorus
of scientists and doctors
and have
accumulated the most complete evidence
based exposure
of pharma
generated myths. For example, I have
sorted out why the Western diet causes fatty liver, insulin resistance,
obesity, and cardiovascular disease
and their comorbidities-- link. While
looking at the bad, you will find what I take daily
for health.
I hope you notice the gorilla in the room. I have prepared a
list of books and links to
videos to improve your vision.