Capitalism and How It Functions
George Carlin – Who Owns America, 3 min, 1,200,000,views all site, says it all in under 4
minutes, at his best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iK7FPSFdkEc the 8 minute version, watch
both they are that good http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dY4WlxO6i0&feature=related Excellent
***** George Carlin—National press club 57 min, 1,400,000 views, delivery is great,
as too the wit on the use of language by politicians to say little while making
themselves look good—platitudes. Then on
American uses of euphemism and its insincerity.
Delivery is so polished that it makes the 57-minute
worth-while—enjoyable. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0ZHsoHAlE&feature=emb_rel_pause
is no free press under capitalism by Lucretia Report,
11 minutes. The scandal orchestrated by the right-wing
party leader of Austrian who through fake polls and news the party won the
election and he became Prime Minister.
This method of operation is common, examples given, the conclusion is
that the capitalist media has an agenda of profits first. Using advertising
techniques they seduce the
majority of the populace to vote for the corporatist parties, take drugs, buy
cars, drink beer, go to war, support globalization, the corporate honor system
neoconservatism, etc. Welcome to 1984
Orwellian mature capitalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWJFwJzKGbs
China will be the Big
Winner of the 2020 Crisis 17
min, Economics Explained,
middle-income trap with wages and not being the cheapest. China offers finish
product, factories, and
simplified tariffs vs using multiple part sources. Second following west economic
imperialism, China
is with the Belt Road offering infrastructure building undercutting west deals,
and when default instead of IMF sanctions, China takes back the port, dam
(water electricity), etc. This gives
China a strong global market for resources and export. Their 4 gov banks are
biggest in the world, they assures funds for the Silk Road loans and weather
COVID crises. Critical of media on
China, logic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b07eafPe7pY EXCELLENT
***** The Four Horsemen, 99 min, 5,557,000
views, website: renegadeEconomist.com, uses
interviews with a dozen giants of economics which describe the horrific effects
of unregulated capitalism (neoliberalism).
The documentary is divided into four sections, the first of which is
historically inaccurate. That said, the
rest of the documentary is done with exceptional insightful, thoughtful, well
developed, easy to understand, and
concise. Quality sound and video, entertaining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fbvquHSPJU Excellent
How do the WTO, World Bank and IMF work? 7 min, 69,000 views, Susan George (American and
French political
and social
covers essential topics on the three financial organization that promote
profits and globalization, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NQ952ba75Yk worth watching
War by Other Means—IMF, World Bank are Weapons of War, 52 min, 250,000 views, John
Pilger (BBC documentary), explains economic imperials that burden 3rd
world nations with loans whose interest payments suck up dry the economy. They
then crash the economy, buy the nations
assets at fire-sale prices, and make more loans after forcing the nation to
install austerity programs that close hospitals to ensure that the nation can
continue paying interest on all its loans.
In the Philippines 44% of gov. expenses go as interest payments (in US
federal $850 billion). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lY2rd2295hw Excellent
***** The Corporation, 145 min, 276,000 views, 2003, over 26
international awards, Zeitgeist Films, grossed over 4.6 million world-wide. [1]
It starts with Gen. Smedley Butler below) and the plot to overthrow FDR and set
up a fascist government modeled on Italy (a model that is being installed now
on a global scale). It shows that the
behavior of corporations fits the definition of a psychopath. Quality
production fit for wide theater distribution, which it didn’t get. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fbvquHSPJU Excellent
***** Capitalism
vs. democracy, 29 min, 29,000 views in 9-day,
Prof. Richard Wolff, a lecture, very organized using excellent example around
the theme of the anti-democracy nature of capitalism, clearly sound, with
subtitles to improve comprehension https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NdPPfB636jg Excellent
***** Global Capitalism, Prof. Richard Wolff, 102 min 7,160 views, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Tw1ZU5gfpc, updated March 2014 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF2g26mTV7w Highly recommended
???? Mobile homes: last week
tonight Oliver https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCC8fPQOaxU
***** How Reaganomics
America’s Middle Class, 57
min, 21 views, Richard Wolff, on Thom Hartmann Show 11/11/15, on Keynesian
economics and its dismantling. This
history rewritten by the corporate media who wants us to believe that
government is the problem, rather than turning corporations. You won’t
understand today and the fixes without knowing Keynesian fix of the great
depression and the subsequent prosperity, clear lecture, good sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdCNGkZoIZw Excellent
***** Financializing
America with
Randy Mandell 59 minutes, view 719, Randy Mandell, Pirate
Television, the best explanation on financialization, its history, development,
and consequences; essential to the understanding of the development of monopoly
capitalism and its consequences. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=su15pULEvzk Excellent lecture Highly
recommended §
***** Heist:
Who Stole the American Dream A must watch video on the
corporate takeover of American and its consequences at http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/heist also on
YouTube for $2.99 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP1PvD6onGo Among the
best, excellent
***** Corporate Fascism:
The Destruction of America’s Middle Class 102 min,
639,000 views, on corporate dominance of the US political process, the power of
the Federal Reserve through issuance of credit, corporate agenda of
globalization, and the consequences https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTbvoiTJKIs very good
This is Called Marxism, Buddy!—Zeitgeist III, Moving Forward, 8 min, 10,000 views, from the
161- minute documentary. Makes the point
that the ruling class manipulates their media to create a set of beliefs
supporting their values, well done wakeup call https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0w6XET9Y3ZE very good
the Movie, 111 min, 2,467,000 views, 2007,
hard hitting, artsy movie,
that has become a fixture of the documentary exposure among the dissident
young. Entertaining and moving,
an indictment of the corporate manipulated
social system. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTbIu8Zeqp0 Very good
Zeitgeist 2:
Addendum, 109
min 4,090,000 views, similar to the first, entertaining, artsy and effective
packaging on the evils of capitalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gKX9TWRyfs Very good
Thrive: What on Earth Will it Take 215 minutes, 7,600,000
views, by Ariel Thierman & Austin Wallacy, the corporate takeover and its
consequences. The first 45 minutes starts with a contra-science new-age free
energy claim, then corporate medicine which leads into the top of the financial
pyramid, which explains with clarity the parasitic nature of finance/banking. Finance’s
power to control the economy entails
that they are above government. Thus, we
need as a fix a fiat debt-free currency issued by government that
serves the people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lEV5AFFcZ-s Quality production okay
Class Work: 13
min, 66,000 views Richard Wolff, on class of owners and workers and their
roles. A documentary with Wolff reading
the script https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euH3pAuLuko very good
Walmart: The High Cost of Low Prices 97 min 627,000 views, show how
corporate chains stores do business by using the most successful of them as an
example. They catapult their lower
purchase prices and wages to dominate the market. Uses interviews extensively
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXmnBbUjsPs good
The One Percent, 76 min,
views,2011, exposure of the wealthy and their theory that justifies it, some
muckraking, lots of interviews makes it a slow, could have done much more and
poor analysis and lacks a fix makes it very popular with the common herd. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmlX3fLQrEc
The Men Who Made
Us Spend BBC series
all investigative reporting, entertaining and revealing Jack Peretti–Episode
1 20 min, 31,000 views on sales techniques
that work https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFUt1iGxPvE&t=53s Episode 2, 59 min, 32,000 views, the use of fear to promote sales,
including, water, drugs, cars, soap, etc., https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q3eZNVK4AI
Episode 3 58
min, 21,000 views, on selling children and the lack of regulations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsor4xDdfnU Very Good
Get your loved ones
OFF statins – BBC 14 Min, 18,000 views, Jack
Peretti, on the sales techniques that turned fear of not being normal and
selling relief, started with Zantac by Glaxo selling a condition GRED, then
progresses to cardiovascular disease into the biggest blockbuster statins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwZQ2zmjzQY Excellent
Note: there are many more on the tobacco ethics
science used by pharma and food manufactures to make us the sickest population
in history, example of capitalism–link.
average period of infirmity during life is 16.7 years a 2020 study published in
the BMJ (British Medical Journal):
profits before people!!!
3. Banking’s Economics,
Fiat Currency and History
common errors, 1) when money flows into a bank from loans
(including from the central bank) or from deposits, it is used as an asset to
meet their requirement for assets, and then loaned out at least 10-fold greater
amount—fractional reserve. 2)
the GDP’s
service sector includes the parasitic financial sector, which has grown from 5%
of service to over 60% and healthcare is an additional 20%. 3) most of the loans goes to affiliates
such as Blackrock which the banks own. 4) one of main
investments is in stocks which allows the affiliates to control most of the
corporations without exposing the role of the banks and its profits.
***** The
secret of Oz 117 minutes, over 1 million views
2010, narrated and written by Bill
Stills, winner of best documentary in
2010. Essentially the same as the Money
Masters, with less details, and a better-quality
video. Exposes that the financial sector
of our economy as the shadow government dictating global policies, the force
behind globalizations, global and local economic crashes, and most wars. The
power to crash an economy by tightening
credit is the club. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjGyjUfDoN4&t=1492s
***** How the hell does our banking
system works,
12 min, 55,000 view
Wolff on Thom Hartmann Show. Covers the
essentials on creating money on faith, federal reserve, etc. The power to controls
gov. is through the
crash, Alternative of fiat currency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQN1ACDr-hQ Excellent Wolf skips shadow banking, the profits made by banking,
and they’re the power above government
***** The Money Masters 217 min, seen by 10s of millions, 1995, Bill Stills, a Libertarian account of the
banking system. I have spent hours
confirming the suspect points of the film.
It was carried on independent PBS station in 2002 and in 2008. Strong
on history and education, it shows how
the financial system functions to maximize profits, while pretending to provide
essential services, and in so doing controls the economy. The federal banks
have the power to crash an
economy through controlling the demand for federal debt obligations (mostly
T-bills), this entails that they are above control. The solution is to go from
a debt-based
currency (debt to national banks and member banks) to a fiat currency issued
by government and free of interest
payments. Currently over $800 billion
per year is paid on interest by the US government, plus a similar amount by
states and local governments, and again by businesses and citizens. Over 50% of
GDP consists of the financial sector. The film covers consequences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t0CkzD-Bv8. Notes on film at http://www.skeptically.org/bhe/id3.html.
What the
rulers hide, A must
Does the Yuan pose a threat to
the US Dollar
8 min, 1 M views 19 months, Gravitas, the challenge for a global currency;
beside the Belt and Road Initiative, China’s Yuan as currency of exchange, a
dozen southern African is using the Yuan in commerce. The dollar is 40% of exchange,
Euro is
second, and the Yuan is 2% in 2018. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QO-7n2398TY Excellent
Money as Debt, 42
499,000 views, clearly explains the way money is created out of fractional
deposit system in which the banks typically have 10% assets to issue a line of
credit over 10-fold the amount deposited.
Though in cartoon form, it clearly explains the process starting with
the money changers in Roman times.
Underscores the need for fiat money backed by the government with no
debt payments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqvKjsIxT_8 very good
The Federal Reserve Works (and Who Really Owns it) 10
Min Business Casual, the history of national
banking, the events leading up to the 1913 passage establishing the Federal
Reserve Banks (12 regionals). It is very
accurate historically and slanted, excludes
the negative evidence.
Explains also how the bank works and its profits, misses its affiliates
such as Blackrock profits, full of fiat currency. Very informative sales
pitch that should be watched to learn about banks and
history https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Y0I-vVLBVQ Good
Who controls all of our money?
22 min 5.28 M Cold Fusion TV,
history of forming national bank, and who wrote it, its sales pitch. Top
quality, not hedging fiat currency by Fed Reserve, and 10% on banks (which
isn’t being enforced). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQUhJTxK5mA
is Money Created—Everything You Need to Know,
min, 3.1 million view, 4/22, 22 mo. Cold Fusion TV, a continuation of the above Who Controls, focus on US
as it is the world’s currency, the central banks are all doing the same thing,
money creation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mzoX7zEZ6h4&t=314s
the economic machine works 31 minutes, 29,000,000
views, 8
years 7 month 5/22 Ray Dalio, standard economics totally absent of the central
banksters, the global expansion of currency, limitless money banksters through
stocks buying up everything, pre-1971 on gold standard days, wrong on debt and
cause of depression, good for what is taught but totally deceptive , excellent
sound and illustrations, high budget, a voice of deception paying for the
curtain of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHe0bXAIuk0 quality but
***** It’s our money anyway 8 min, 10,000 views, James Robertson on reclaiming on money
and democratize our banking system, that way the government when it made loans
would profit from it; thereby lowering taxes, and they should also tax the land/building
and removal of resources from the land since both should be part of the public
domain. Very professional done, all the
key points 2009. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHs9xnuxLhU Excellent
*****97% Owned: the cruel truth behind money credit and
financial, 104 min,
ENDEVER, Free Documentary, UK, on creating money (UK) and its national and
international consequences. Before 1844
private banks created debt based currency back by precious metals, now it is
the central bank without an asset requirement (the same in the US since 1971),
though prior it wasn’t enforced. The
central banks makes loans to the private banks with 10% asset requirement that
might be enforced. Trillions flow into
the markets. Misses their stock purchase by their affiliates resulting in
control of companies now.A carefully
structured lesson, quality sound based on book Where does money come from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-FmAfxMmQ Excellent
Panic: The Untold Story of the 2008 Financial Crisis | Full
VICE Special Report | HBO, 96 min 5,255,000, As expected given who
speaks, all the big wigs from Presidents to President of the Federal Reserve,
and 2 dozen others. It is all about saving
the banking structure, with the only fault is the housing bubble, with no
fixes; a continuation of the corporate honor system (neoliberalism). Very good
on sound, pictures, but void of
fixing the parasitic system, just preserving it by its high priests. There is
no free lunch, the cost of Wall
Street, finances, etc. all paid for by labor, HBO US propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QozGSS7QY_U
History, insider, sucks
4. Politics,
Foreign Policy, hegemony
The Shock Doctrine—The Harm of Capitalism, 79 min. 20,000 views, 2012;
based on Naomi Klein’s book by that name.
It is about how unregulated capitalism uses adversity (shock) to
dismantle government regulations and privatizing public services. Neoliberal
US government is preparing for an
economic crash through what Klein calls the Pinochet (fascist) solution
suppress subsequent civil unrest. The US
builds FEMA camps, funds corporate mercenary military, NSA spying, etc. It is
also about US militarism which promotes
the corporate global takeover. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMV3FHLh1Ik excellent
*****The US is a mafia 22 min, Nov 2021, 4 months Noam Chomsky withy
Fatima Bhutto Starts with Iraq then Teleban in Afghanistan, show muscle and
intimidate international, policy as it was with France and Britain, then moves
on the Chinese threat is China existence, not accepting US orders. International
affairs, follow the god
father. So the US has nuclear bases in
the South China Sea with nuclear weapons pointed at China, US has 800 bases,
China just one. Then global warming https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4yBZLpqon0 Excellent
***** Why We Fight, 100 minutes in 12 parts, 2005,
answers why they hate us: blowback for
US policy. Imperialism/exploitation. A
quality documentary, a lesson from history, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cBoTaPwRuC0&list=PL5AF95E92DFE84597 Excellent
War by other means – IMF – World Bank ae weapons
of war, 52 min, 14,100 views, John Pilger, BBC, on the
use of finance
and predatory capitalism to suck the poor nations dry. It is on the new world
order and economic
imperialism. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79bZ71fUZRU Excellent
Untold History of the US—Bush and Obama Age of Terror, 59 min, 536,000, views, on
current US actions as top terrorist state.
A quality documentary full of facts such as that the US has a military
presence in 151 of 192 UN member nations and nearly 1,000 foreign bases and has
a military $1.2 trillion budget. Uses news videos to do the talking with
narration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_0S80jMeg0 Excellent
is world’s biggest terrorist, Noam Chomsky, 19 min, 462,000
views, 7 years by 2022 falls for global warming threat, but nails it with
”United States and Israel are the 2 biggest rouge states...nuclear
weapons.” European states survey found
that “the US is by far the biggest threat to world peace.” Covers the role of
NATO, a tool of US hegemony, and the containment of Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRbnPA3fd5U Excellent
Solomon Interviews Noam Chomsky on His Book 9/11, 41 min,
21,000 views, Canadian Broadcast Corporations, done around 2002. Chomsky discusses two themes: U.S. as
a terrorist state and manufacturing consent.
Chomsky lets the facts speak (most of which are absent from the US
media, but known in Europe). One of his
best, but won’t be played by the US propaganda media. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7lPnLK9z1fI very good
Consent, 168
minutes, 32,000 views, Prof. Noam
Chomsky, covering Chomsky’s talks over 4 decades with supporting interviews
and historical background footage, such as on the massacre in East Timor. Shows
how the press by lies and selective
reporting manufactures consent; a bit long-winded, low budget, academic, but a
very important message https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzufDdQ6uKg very good
*****On Realism and the Rise of China, 97 min 62,000 view,21 months,
3/22, John Mearsheimer. His analysis of hegemony and maximize world
power in our anarchic world. US is so
powerful that the US won’t attack, the only one in world history, now crumbling
by the Asian challenge through alliance, US has NATO, China doing the same.
Question answers on his realism power politics, very logical https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_Mx_e8t7nU&t=1130s EXCELLENT
5. Banking, Shadow
Banking, Government
and the Fed 4 minutes, 51 views (Nov 2016) Prof Richard Wolf,
exposes fake Congressional fixes which banking end runs, the system won’t fix
itself https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0-sqEWO5_Rk Excellent
***** The
Money Masters 217 min, seen by 10s of millions, 1995, Bill Stills, a
Libertarian account of the banking system.
I have spent hours confirming the suspect points of the film. It was
carried on independent PBS station in
2002 and in 2008. Strong on history and
education, it shows how the financial system functions to maximize profits,
while pretending to provide essential services, and in so doing controls the
economy. The federal banks have the power
to crash an economy through controlling the demand for federal debt obligations
(mostly T-bills), this entails that they are above control. The solution is
to go from a debt-based
currency (debt to national banks and member banks) to a fiat currency issued
by government and free of interest
payments. Currently over $800 billion
per year is paid on interest by the US government, plus a similar amount by
states and local governments, and again by businesses and citizens. Over 50% of
GDP consists of the financial sector. The film covers consequences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1t0CkzD-Bv8. Notes on film at http://www.skeptically.org/bhe/id3.html.
What the rulers hide, A must see
***** The
secret of Oz 117 minutes, over 1 million
views 2010, narrated and
written by Bill Stills, winner of best documentary in 2010. Essentially the
same as the Money
Masters, with less details, and
a better-quality
video. Exposes that the financial sector
of our economy as the shadow government dictating global policies, the force
behind globalizations, global and local economic crashes, and most wars. The
power to crash an economy by tightening
credit is the club. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swkq2E8mswI Excellent
***** Shadow Banking: The Ultimate Loophole
of the Financial System
(An Industry that owns the world): 12 min, Financial Affairs, what
shadow banking (also called market based finance) is. They are beyond regulations,
thus, there isn’t accurate economic reports on each or all of them. Only
deposit banks are regulated (de facto,
barely). List a dozen types of their
activities. All the major deposit banks
have shadow banking affiliates. Quality
material & sound https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o-lwbR4vX8 Excellent Misses fiat currency which creates the world wide 600 Trillion Mention only China, not EU, India, etc.
Rothschild Family – Puppet Masters –
Worlds Only Trillionaires,
56 min, 1,100,000 views, on the banking family–established in 1760–that rose to
the top of the banking world. This
documentary builds upon The Money
Masters, presenting more on the Rothschild and the bond market is the
private banks such as the Bank of England have organized as to be draining the
world economy, and this documentary sheds light upon a power that is above
government. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WfqdcnjvlA Delightful
International Monetary System – New Economic Slavery,
51 min, 119,000 views, on how
banks make money out of buying treasury bonds, to which they loan our
government (as does all central banks) money (credit) to which they receive
interest payment. Deposits are leveraged
to create more loans at a ratio of 10 to 1.
This expansion of currency allows for a casino economy with rampant
speculative investments. Expansion of
currency also entails inflation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogqZ6pnWM7o Very good
Beck Exposes the Private Fed; Gets Fired by Fox, Glenn Beck show 40
min, 2,860,000 views, he
talks about the unmentionable, the power of banking and the Federal Reserve,
with two expert
guests. This program got him fired,
lively–essential points. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB5LK-jihgk Very good
***** How
the hell does our banking
system works,
12 min, 55,000 view
Wolff on Thom Hartmann Show. Covers the
essentials on creating money on faith, federal reserve, etc. The power to controls
gov. is through the
crash, Alternative of fiat currency https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQN1ACDr-hQ Excellent
Debt We Trust Documentary
58 min, 90.000 views, on the predatory banking system which locks people into
huge interest payments, human interest, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cltc4Og6HKo good
Money as Debt, 42
min, 499,000 views, clearly explains the way money is created out of fractional
deposit system in which the banks typically have 10% assets to issue a line of
credit over 10-fold the amount deposited.
Though in cartoon form, it clearly explains the process starting with
the money changers in Roman times.
Underscores the need for fiat money backed by the government with no
debt payments. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqvKjsIxT_8
very good
How the rich get richer – money in
the world economy 42
min, 689,000 views by DW (German gov.) well below others; however, has
several important points: one is that
uncontrolled banks entail currency inflation and gains for those at the top, rely
on government bail them out if there is
a crash. Appears to have been done a
couple of years after the crash, possible update in 2017; short interview,
understates issues, skips others, boring but valuable, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6m49vNjEGs
6. Consequence of Self-Regulated Capitalism
Africa—Why Poverty? 58 min, 375.000 views; BBC: how Zambia which is
copper rich is one of the 20 poorest countries.
Show how multinational copper companies avoid paying taxes to
Zambia. It is a well done, entertaining investigative
reporting. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNYemuiAOfU Excellent
is Still the Issue, 53 min, 12,800 views; John
Pilger, 2002, British Documentary maker shown on BBC. Reveals what the European
knows: that Israel is a terrorist state
and arm of US policy, but American media portrays freedom fighters as terrorist;
but who has invaded Palestine? Israel’s
atrocities and plan for expulsion of Palestinians are known to everywhere but,
in the US—repeated UN resolutions vetoed by the US confirm this. It is
an effective, balanced, insightful
denial of our media’s script on Israel.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnc6Kt-7vjc&index=3&list=PLkNybwM2FPClkBZPvM9L-14HBdPeIiq-5 Excellent
***** Silence of the Labs 45 min, 15,000 views, CBC;
Canadian government’s war on science in the public’s interest. What
is true about Canadian government policy is even-more true for the US
government and EU countries. The science
behind drug safety, effects of pollution, nutrition and all else that that
effects corporations is being replaced by corporate tobacco science. Government
funded science has been
manipulated in our corporatist state, as too the regulatory agencies such as
the FDA. When scientists write of
conclusion contrary to tobacco science, listen and learn; because GMOs aren’t
proven safe, and cholesterol does cause heart attacks. A must see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms45N_mc50Y Excellent
Utopia (The Secret Country) 110
min, 5,000 views John Pilger. A black
chapter in the history of Australian comparable to South Africa’s apartheid
history. Last half is on how, once
uranium was discovered, the mining corporations used their power to obtain
mineral rights from the aborigines https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHZRuJq1AKU very
The War on Democracy 96
215,000 views, John Pilger,
2007. On the US empire: the reality
denying the fantasy; about the
South American pro-US governments. Extensive footage on Chavez populism in
Venezuela and Pinochet’s Chile for comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oeHzc1h8k7o very
***** How the Biggest Banks Get Away with Fraud, 25 min, ColdFusion Show 4 examples of
criminal profits. The first is Well
Fargo, clerks creating dummy account for benefits, the executive looking
skyward and profiting from stock options, 2nd was Libor rigging,
claiming the rate paid on loans by the Federal Reserve were inflated and then
passing the fake rate to loan makers (all the major banks), the third was Chase
Morgan trading in which trillions were made in future of precious metals by
spoofing, purchase and sales of futures to create a belief in a market moving
up or down. 2 & 3 were prosecuted but the fine is under 5% of profits. 4thscam,
ETN (Exchange Trade
Notes) sold to clients like derivates and designed over time to lose value
& profit banks. ETNs of future index, sold as insurance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FSh8eusFYL4 Excellent
§Who’s Spends Britain’s Billions
58, min, 40,000 views, on
management consulting companies, what they charge local governments, then out-sourcing
service and how things get worse than better, and costs go up. A model for what
happens in the US with the
neoliberal makeover over government in our corporatist state. The conflict
between profit and service. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=00UFYU_Gr7w Very Good
What everyone needs to know about the
COVID 19 14
min, 982,000 views, 6 months, Noam Chomsky, born 1928, Bashes neoliberalism,
which rules. There is no concern for the
public because profits come first, ergo, the knowledge of the virus goes back
to 2000, but no financial reason to make a vaccine on the chance of a
pandemic. The government structure that
funded the work on the polio vaccine–established under Roosevelt–has been
dismantled. He accepts that it is worse
than influenza, and global warming, claims that the US is the force pushing
global neoliberalism. Quality video,
good sound, WHAT
EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW ABOUT COVID-19 | Noam Chomsky – YouTube Very Good
Avocado – a positive
superfood trend? 28 minutes, DW, German gov. in English. Corporate
farms in Chile grow avocados, gain water rights, drain rivers, and lower water
tables, which affects towns and small farms.
Water rights are a commodity defended by national government and praised
by media. Water becomes rationed, rates
multiply. This is the blueprint of
corporate farms. Missing in film on the
requirements of free-trade agreements that is forced on Chile https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=05oMsK0-jjA&t=494s Very
***** What
are We Waiting For 17
min, 68,000 views, 2006, BBC on CHP (combined heat & power) which is twice
as efficient–or more–than the large power plants, and is used extensively in
Demark, Netherlands and, Germany, but only 2 plants in the UK as of 2006. The
otherwise waste heat is used to heat the
community—like the gas house in cities to supply heating. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=klooRS-Jjyo Excellent
7. Political
& Business History
***** The secret of Oz 117
minutes, over 1 million views 2010, narrated and written by Bill Stills, winner
of best documentary in 2010. Essentially
the same as the Money Masters,
with less details, and a better-quality video.
Exposes that the financial sector of our economy as the shadow
government dictating global policies, the force behind globalizations, global
and local economic crashes, and most wars.
The power to crash an economy by tightening credit is the club. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swkq2E8mswI
***** In Search of History – The Plot to Overthrow FDR,
41 min,
views, History Channel, 1996, on
the plot to set up a fascist
government like Germany and Italy by leading bankers and industrialists. The
plot was confirmed by a Congressional
committee, but the principles were too big to be brought to justice. A lesson
for today: the failed plot to establish a corporatocracy
in 1933 was gradually implemented starting under President Nixon in 1970 and
completed when the business wing of the Democratic Party put forth Clinton for
President. Ten minutes have been clipped; the complete DVD is significant
better, available on Amazon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTdx6vEUtIA Excellent
***** The Whitehouse Coup (1933), 30 minutes
each in 3 parts,
91,000 views, A 3-part BBC documentary
on the Plot below. BBC with Mike Thompson, confirms a
fascist plot of business leader to overthrow FDR. It confirms the above
documentary on fascism & corporations
and plot to have Gen. Butler help. Part 1, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXGUgFXoRu4. Part 2, 9
min 36,000 view http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGPb6ulVEK0&feature=related. Part 3, 10 min, 26,000 views. http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=Mav69K2zkgw Excellent history lesson
***** War
is a Racket by Smedley
Butler, 9 min, 433,000, the speech of
Butler, taken from his writings, read by an actor who mirrors Butlers delivery
and voice https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3_EXqJ8f-0&t=5s The
“thug for Wall Street” exposes US policy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3_EXqJ8f-0 Excellent
Churchill and the Fascist Plot 45
min, 10,100 views, BBC top
quality, on plot in 1940 to keep US neutral with stolen cables to Roosevelt
revealing his plan to loan destroyers to Britain to destroy German subs, ruling
class backs fascism like US Businessmen’s plot. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qjyiy471crw Excellent
The Obama Deception, 113 min, 14,300,000
views, Alex Jones, 2009, on the dream
that failed, Obama is more of the same, and the power behind it, the
organizations pushing for globalization.
Footage on the 2008 Bilderberg Meeting,
which is a yearly planning meeting on globalization. Shows how banking is first
among them
corporations, and their agenda. What
you won’t learn from the corporate media.
Find out why this video went viral https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eAaQNACwaLw Excellent
***** Wall Street Firms are now buy up family
homes, 11 minm300,000 views in5 days Cold Fusion Explains how the current rise in prices of
home during what should be a depression (COVID scare) started in 2008 with
financial sector speculating in housing, with the current flood of money,
investment housing is buy up homes, about 20% of market and rising. Blames gov
while it is the fraction reserve
flood of funds about $40 trillion per year, that is driving this
diversification of the market ($4 trillion times 10). They also buy up land and
other assets in the 3rd world, and US industries https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu4tC3px6mc Excellent
Oil & Gas Prices are Dropping: 19 min 69,000 views,
Richard Wolff, 12/14 on the history of oil power, and the change caused by US
becoming a major oil producer–glut lowers price. US saving on energy hides
the global depression https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LCW7lWZ5CiE Excellent
Big Sugar, 44 min, 18,000 views, CBC; the political history of sugar
from slavery to today’ their influence in colonial times to current, working
conditions in the Dominican Republic; from slavery to wage slavery, a rush to
the bottom. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHh5odELpi4. Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nlAqt1UiQP4 44 min 7,000 views on obesity, sugar consumption,
and US support and influence in the UN, Another
example of profits before people. Good
sound and video, entertaining Very good,
*****On Realism and the
Rise of China, 97 min 62,000 view, John Mearsheimer
capitalism becomes fascism, 7 min, 15,000 views 2 weeks, Economics Prof Richard
Wolff using historical examples to explain the evolution to fascism when
capitalism is stressed. The types of
propaganda the ruling party generates while the government supports the
capitalist system and suppresses opposition.
Wolff uses 3 parties that were fascist.
I don’t blame the mouthpiece, Wolff does. I hold:
The economics doesn’t change–the financial banksters. It
is a way of preserving the shadow
government https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edN0SCV3DOU Excellent
*****Fascism: an analysis for today: 30 min 76,000
views 2 years, Prof Richard Wolff economists
Like the above, the biggest
capitalism is using the government to save them while the government claims to
be saving the people from radicals, inferior race, wrong religion, etc. rather
than that they are saving the existing order, the capitalist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O05wS7w4aEw
Fascism, 29 min, 71,000 16-days, 3/2022
Prof. Richard Wolff, covers national debt, empty housing, rising Fed’s
interest, tight money cause economic crash.
Then he discusses fascism, business community satisfied with
parliamentary government; when stressed
by anti-capitalists, turns to fascism which ultimately protects capitalism
and eliminate the critics, Trump distraction including his Jan 8th
riot, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hTZEtFwUpbc&t=3s very
8. Depression, the
spiral downward
The Fall
2007-2010 crash. Economic depression
exists when the GDP shrinks significantly, now called a recession, what will
the call the 2020 crash? The numbers are
cooked because they included the profits of the parasitic financial
sector. The standard of lives overall is
declining, while productivity of labor increases. Workers produce more and get
less. The main causes of the last-3 economic
crashes (1981, 2007, & 2020) are the need to inflate the casino economy by
increasing government debt, which is used by the financial sector—their
holdings in gov debt as the fractional assets for the issue of fiat
currency. One dollar in T-bill permits
10 dollars of fiat currency (that ratio isn’t enforced & repealed for the
12 Federal Reserve Banks). The expansion
of shadow banking to over 1,000 trillion in debt obligations needs a steady
increase in debt base assets to inflate the market. “Since 1854, the U.S. has
encountered 32 cycles of expansions and contractions, with an average of 17
months of contraction and 38 months of expansion” (Wikipedia, Recession,
Nov 2021.
Watch above The Secret of Oz to get a glimpse of the power
of control the currency of a nation, done for the goal of every increasing profits.
Using real economy (productivity) the
income of the bottom 90% has declined. A
depression is an economic contraction real economy, a recession is a
significant decline, but not below zero.
countries de-dollarize! Saudi Arabia
sells off 35%! Israel dump 20%! Japan dumping 12%, 12 min, 351,000
views in 12 days,
Deepin Moments, goes over the dumping of US dollars and international means of
exchange, the shift from dollars for oil pushed by OPEC, and their affiliate
nations. A toll is charged for US
currency. A new currency based on BRIC
is likely, the dollar is thus crashing, another system is the CIPS with most of
the major banks participating, there is also a selling off of US bonds first
quality video & content, glimpse of the inside struggle hidden https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDRom6ahzsA
***** How money becomes
worthless: 53 min, 503,000 views, Economical
Documentary on the
international financial system, Gold, Dollar, Money. In 2008 the world experienced
turmoil. Markets crashed, stocks
plummeted, and financial institutions. Was
the 2008 financial crisis solved by increasing debt? The COVID virus was another
over 4 trillion
in US debt bought up by banking. Quality but three major errors, it blames
government for banking including shadow banking, 2) misses neoliberalism, and
the global financial unification, 3) the fiat currency used to buy up 3rd
world and 1st world businesses, land, etc. Governments issue currency,
not just one
nation is fix. Wants gold backed
currency, but there isn’t enough gold on a dolla- for-dollar ratio to supply
global needs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNIE7qUePq8 Excellent
*****Professor Richard
Wolff: Coming Economic Crash Will be
WORSE Than Great Depression 94,000 views
in 12 hours, July 15th,
13 min, on our economic crash. The
inflation of currency is going to the banks as it had in 2008, only this time
the collapse is much greater. We have a
Hoover, with the 2 parties not willing to put the money in the hands of the
consumers. The banks want most of the
stimulus package as they got in 2008. Without organized pressure we will likely
get a Mussolini fix. Maybe the banks will,
as they did for Muslin and Hitler, bail us out in 2 years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=14zbZvXogoM Excellent
Overdosed: The
Financial Crisis, 46
min, 2,323,000 views, on the inflation of currency that got the world out of
the 2008 crisis, is just a short-term fix:
expanding debt increases interest payments to banks. Moreover, must of
the funds go to speculation
(shadow banking); this creates instability.
The banking solution isn’t a solution.
Quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ECi6WJpbzE very good
The Fall of the Republic, 144 min, 4,448,000
view on how the banksters and global
corporations control the US economy and its politics, and their preparation for
the collapse: a sequel to the Obama
Deception, gone viral. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebOTc-7shU Excellent
Given the quality of the production corporate movie theaters and media outlets
are not to show documentaries which are contrary to US talking points or are
critical. Such muckraking has a limited
market, and this affects their budget.