families of block busters
prevent ischemic events
and embolism, I covered only warfarin and Plavix
and compared them to aspirin. The benefits
of aspirin (more in healthful
choices section) based on very extensive research of the literature has caused
me to conclude that all those with a significant risk of ischemic event should
be taking aspirin (325 mgs, and uncoated
for better absorption), and not the low dose to which over 80% become tolerant
in the first year. The same applies to
those at high risk for an embolism. The
risk of ulcer is double from 2% to 4%, but if the cause, H. pylori, were
treated, it would go down to near 2% (see section on PPIs). The many health benefits of aspirin is why pharma through their
oppose its use (see section below on aspirin.
If I had an MI or pulmonary embolism I would take
4 aspirins with water, and another 4 I would crush and take sublingually for
quick absorption. For a stroke because
of a 15% chance that it is hemorrhagic, I would not take aspirin.
drugs, long term studies show that they
promote arrhythmia, in Bad Pharma
Supra Prof. Goldacre (pages
133-34, The CAST Trial) recounts how they were once prescribed following a MI,
and this caused a minimum of 100,000 excess deaths.
Arrhythmia is over treated
with drugs that are worse than nothing at all.
An August, 2017 BMJ
article recounts how often an EKG is used to justify drugs for patterns
aren’t indicative of a significant risk of a blood clot or fatal
Atherosclerosis: Since atherosclerosis is the result of an inflammatory
process, pharma’s
claims that oxidative damage to LDL causes an inflammation response and then
based on looks of atheroma claims it is mainly cholesterol. Contrary plaque
contains only 7 to 27% an
amorphous mix with some of it being cholesterol, based on autopsy
studies, while 66% was fibrous—this has been
known for over 100 years. Pathogens
within the artery walls through an immune cause response the plaque.[1] Endothelia
dysfunction is a causal factor.
disease & MI, covers a long list of what is taught that benefits
interest, and also includes a section on what is the major cause for the formation
of plaque is bacteria within the artery walls
that causes an immune response. Imaging and thus procedures are not done on the
high risk atheroma: “Older
plaque is
stable and unlikely to cause a medical emergency, though, for example, it can
cause stable angina. Most MIs occur with less than 50% and typically at
locations with about 20% stenosis (narrowing), prior to sudden
lumen closure resulting in an MI” Wiki 2014.
Bypass and angioplasty are done on coronary arteries with occlusion of
over 70%.
myth and at id5, relies upon Prof. Uffe Ravhskov and
D Adams articles, and others published elsewhere on my site; their articles
show that there is no causal relation between serum cholesterol , LDL, triglycerides, saturated
fats, and cardiovascular disease. Mere association does not prove
causality. Pharma through scientific
fraud has created a fake cause and “proves” slight benefit from cholesterol
lowering drugs.
dysfunction is a systemic pathological state of
the inner lining of the blood vessels (endothelium) which increases the risk
for cardiovascular disease. Insulin
resistance leading to defective collagen, reactive chemicals in the blood
including fructose affect these gatekeeper cells functions. Rancid fats and
glycation affect the cell
membranes, and the stress from malignant hypertension are other major causal
Hypertension is not a disease but a sign of an underlying atherosclerosis
inflammatory response,[3]
or a sign of kidney disease. Hypertension
drugs do not
significantly reduce risks associated with CVD, because lowering blood pressure
doesn’t undo existing cardiovascular disease (CVD), kidney disease or reduce
the rate of formation of new plaque—the exception is malignant hypertension,
above 180. Hypertension most times is
signs of atherosclerosis (hard, calcified, clogged arteries); in response the
heart pumps harder to get an adequate supply of blood and thus oxygen to the
brain and other organs as needed.
Lowering blood pressure with drugs that have neuroleptic effects reduces
quality of life, cognitive functions, and functions of organs and tissues
throughout the body by reducing blood and oxygen; and the side effects create
new conditions.
salt (sodium) diet appreciable raises blood pressure. As
Dr. Fung explains with reference, salt contributes at most to a 5% increase
blood pressure—and its
dietary history. Moreover
sodium has
several vital
functions including lower the risk for
gout, obesity and diabetes; and it is tightly regulated by the
kidneys. Failure is a way to persuade
the patient to take drugs.
is the bad form of cholesterol. LDL
besides transporting triglycerides and cholesterol to areas of growth and
repair a second function of neutralize toxins excreted by bacteria[4]. One location of transport is to the tunica
media of the artery walls where pathogens have caused an immune system
hypothesis, hypercholesterolemia when lowered does not reduce
the rate of ischemic
events: 1) high serum cholesterol is not causal for heart attacks; 2)
cholesterol is only a minor constituent of atheromas; 3) LDL and its contents
of cholesterol and triglycerides in atheroma are a result of a response to
inflammation and they are actively transported by endothelial cells on the
artery walls to promote the healing process.
under attack, in a very high dose which causes the unpleasant flush,
1.5 to 3 grams per day is recommended.
Another way pharma reduces competition.
Since cholesterol is produced by the liver
at night, giving cholesterol lowering drugs during
the day serves to increase the dose, costs,
and side effects, and thus is contrary to the needs of the patient.
interventions, bypass surgery, angiogram various ablations, and
they are not effective
because the plaque that leaks and causes ischemic events is fresh young, with
occlusion under 50%, typically about 20%.
It doesn’t show up on imaging, moreover, there is no way of know, if it
did, which one would leak to cause an MI.
Bypass and angioplasty can reduce or cure angina, however, other claims
are sales pitches. But these procedures
are done to extend life in the real-world population; they don’t. Various common interventions such as coronary angioplasty,
thrombolysis, and bypass surgery at best to benefit only a small select
subgroup of patients.[5]
“The 60 hospitalizations prevented by CABG required 555 hospitalization for the
CABG procedure, not a great trade-off!” Oxford
Journals. Cardiac catheterization
has issues such as “ restenosis
which occurs in over 30%
to 50% of angioplasties by month 6; 4) cancer from
high exposure to x-rays during
the 1 hour procedure; 5)
within a stent causing myocardial
infarction and death.” See section 20 for
the longer list, at. Anthony Colpo, The
Great Cholesterol Con has
chapters where he goes over the evidence.
Some of that can be found at healthfully and longer
version has details about the
procedures, side effects, and failure rate, and much more.
Statins To lower
cholesterol profile and LDL which is the end product of the HGM-CoA
reductase pathway also called the mevalonate pathway not only reduces its end
product cholesterol (typically about 40%) it also reduces a number of other
important bioactive products including CoQ10 (ubiquinones) an essential enzyme
in the production of ATP in the Krebs cycle, and the production of a number of
other essential compounds including the sterols (steroid alcohols), heme A, dolichols, prenylated proteins, a number or precurcer molecules
DMAP, IPP, and others, and by lowering cholesterol it lowers the precursor for
the synthesis of the sex hormones, vitamin D, and all steroid hormones
including cortisol, digestive bile that aids the absorption of fat molecules as
wells as the fat soluble molecules vitamin A, D, E, and K, and cholesterol is
30% of cell membranes and modulates membrane fluidity. Statins reduce
of life for the elderly: a large Canadian study had 75% dropout by
2 years, and 80% in a NJ study.
See my summary paper for more details including how statins increases
the risk for heart failure. Since the side effect reporting has been given to
pharma; we can’t know the extent of pathologies or all of them.
Radiofrequency ablation
(RAF) and other
physical interventions--such as AC or pules of DC current--is a medical
procedure in which part of the electrical conduction system of the heart,
tumor, or other dysfunctional tissue is ablated using the heat generated from
medium frequency radio frequency. The
use is justified by a surrogate outcome of change pattern on a graph rather
than lives extended. In a 2015 review article on RAF, it was safe and effective; however
there were inclusion of studies showing much greater risks, that this
conclusion of safe, given the bias of industry, is likely wrong.[6]
I would take the conservative path and
let the heart heal natural rather than injury heart tissue through
Cancer: Pharma promotes the 6 mutation
theory, mutations which account for the properties of a cancer, and for which
they have hundreds of poisonous drugs based on that theory. Of late pharma has
taken an interest in the
defective mitochondria as a cause for cancer, but not as the cause, but as a
downstream event. Otto Warburg and others hold that the damage to the mitochondria
which results in them becoming non-functional, and this is the initiating event
that makes a cell cancerous. This
disabling of the mitochondria is the way
a tumor avoids apoptosis[7],
thus this step is essential. Metabolism must
now occur in the cytosol in an anaerobic process called “lactic acid fermentation”.
This anaerobic process produces only about 1/15th the amount of ATP
per molecule of glucose metabolized in the mitochondria does in the Krebs
(citric acid) cycle. This process
typically results in an indolent tumor, and often fails to meet the criteria of
invading adjacent tissue.[8]
The rare swap of DNA of these precancerous cells with a macrophage results in a
line of cells that are not attacked as foreign when the cancer cells spread to other
tissues and rapidly reproduce as though they were growing new tissue as when
wound healing occurs. So turned on there
is a high rate of glycolysis to promote the “needed” cell proliferation.
Driven by the low rate of production of ATP
from lactic acid fermentation, the cancer is in most cases a glucose hog.
In 2007 I started to doubt the 6-mutation theory and believed
that probably stem cell were the cause of metastatic cancer, in 2011 I switched
to pluripotent cells, both being able to cause a precancerous cell to rapidly
reproduce and evade the immune system—one event was more likely than six. In
2015, I read articles on starving cancer
as part of my continuing research on cancer, and a year later a seminal article
on the role
of macrophages which swap genes with a tumor cell. I learnt that anaerobic
metabolism is believed to be the way cancer
cells avoid apoptosis and the gene swap with macrophages enables the tumor
cells to evade the immune system as cancer spreads to different tissues. The
evidence for this is beyond the scope of
this paper, however, posted at my website is some of the articles
that argue for
the Warburg hypothesis.
cancer -- Warburg Hypothesis:
In its drive to maximize profits, pharma ignores
the defective metabolism of cancer cells since it promotes both fasting and
ketogenic diet as a way to control and/or destroy cancer. In 1924 by Otto Warburg,
Nobel Laureate,
discovered that most cancer cells have shut down their mitochondria due to
gross abnormalities, thus the cells cannot metabolize fats,[9]
and rely upon glucose metabolized anaerobically; and they can also metabolize
glycine, but there isn’t enough available glycine alone to sustain cancer
cells. Fasting is anti-angiogenic,
anti-inflammatory, and pro-autophagy and pro-apoptotic. With fasting and later
augmented by a
ketogenic diet most cancer cells cannot obtain enough ATP for growth, and survival.
This often results in tumor shrinkage,
remission, and sometimes a cure. Around
the beginning of this millennium the biology behind the Warburg observation
became “a hot item”; unfortunately, the main focus is on developing drugs to
augment existing chemotherapy. Starving
cancer instead of standard chemo therapy is not on their radar. Not surprisingly
regulatory bodies are not
funding or approving clinical trials that without chemo starve cancers through
fasting and a ketogenic diet—see Prof.
Thomas Seyfried.
Nevertheless over 1,000 cases are referenced in the medical literature.
Chemotherapy in most cases targets a factor of rapidly reproducing
cells such as mitosis or angiogenesis which slows, or sometimes stops the
growth of cancer. This approach not only
harms the cancer cells but other rapidly reproducing cells through the body
such as intestinal endothelial cells, hair cells, and immune system cells. Therefore
the therapy must be administered
intermittently and for a limited time. The
negative health consequences limit their application.
Target Therapy “blocks
cancer growth of cancer cells
by interfering with specific targeted molecules need for carcinogenesis and
tumor growth rather than by simply interfering with all rapidly dividing cells
(e.g. with traditional chemotherapy)” Wikipedia. Sounds good but the wedge of difference is very thin;
it is
marketing rhetoric. There has been some
success (namely Gleevec for chronic myelogenous leukemia). The Target therapies
for a few types of
cancer (leukemia, lymphoma, and testicular cancer) have not been translated
into success for the common adenocarcinoma because of fundamental
differences. Unfortunately, new
therapies are marketed as target therapy, like new and improved Tide laundry soap.
However, the net results are cures or major
extension of life for adenocarcinoma
are lacking. Pharma
is a
marketing machine, and complex molecular biological explanations are commonly
used. The war on cancer started under
the Nixon administration has been a failure that pharma has profited from.
and hope’s
hypothesis: In the UK, NICE, which
makes drug decision
for the NIH, has repeated refused to include in their formulary drugs which are
both expensive and extend life of terminal patients an average of 3 months or
less. Budget constrains is the
reason. Too often the word survival
is used when in fact it means life extension. Only a few chemotherapies can cure
terminal cancer or extend the average life of a terminal patient a year longer
than best current treatment.
and cancer: claims
that sun
causes not just the benign Basal and squamous cell skin cancers, but also the
40% deadly melanoma, a claim that goes back to 1975. Another example of pharma’s
expanding the
results: the early study was done on
squamous cell skin cancer; the reverse is the case for melanoma. The advice
as to limit sum exposure it turns
out is not in the interest of people but pharma because the sun is needed to
activate vitamin D, and with low vitamin D the risk for an assortment of conditions
increased – link to seminal
article 2017.
that follow the guidelines:, very few types of chemo
can cure metastatic cancer
can be cured by chemotherapy. Thus chemo
doesn’t prevent a stage 1-3, chemotherapy from becoming metastatic. Giving
chemotherapy to a person who through excision or radiation has been cured based
on the possibility that that some cancer cells might be missed and the chemo
will destroy those cells is marketing crap.
If the chemo can’t cure stage IV, then it won’t destroy any remaining
cancer cells missed. Shrinking a tumor
short term doesn’t equate to extended life since often the most aggressive cancer
cells have survived. Chemo at best might lengthen a few months the time before
that patient is diagnosed with metastatic cancer, but at the same time all
those for whom excision has produced a cure, their lives have been shortened,
and their health and quality of life compromised--see chemobrain, and. A reasonable
guestimate would be that such
pointless treatment shortens life an 4 years on an average. I know of no long-term
study of the survival
of stages 1, 2,& 3 for prostate,
breast, or colon cancer that compares chemo to no treatment. The dearth of studies
is evidence that those
diagnosed with non-metastatic as a group benefit. See Cameron
and Pauling trial
of terminal patients comparing an untreated group to those given vitamin
C. In Scotland in the 1970s terminal colon
cancer patients normally are not given chemo.
Pauling and Cameron in a trial that compared 10 gram iv infusion of
vitamin C and later orally to the standard no treatment. Their protocol extended
life 5 times longer
than those who had no therapy. The
subsequent 2 Mayo clinic trials were hatchet jobs that deliberately deviated
from the Cameron and Pauling protocol, including skipping the infusion and
using chemotherapy which harms the immune system. In Scotland other hospitals
had been using similar Vitamin C treatments, and Abram Hoffer, a Canadian
researcher, had very significantly improved upon the Scottish protocols by
adding several more vitamins (Cameron and Pauling, Cancer and Vitamin C,
1993 p 142-144). The science behind
how ascorbate damages
cancer cells has been updated
recently. If
I had cancer I would limit
treatment to excision, or if inoperable to having the cancer irradiated, and
refuse chemo unless it was one which would have a significant cure rate for
terminal patients and/or extend their life on an average by over two years as
compared to the best earlier treatment. I
would then take mega dose of vitamin C and 2 grams of aspirin, do extended fast
(see Warburg below) and go on a ketogenic diet.
In deciding to refuse chemo, I would consider in my determination the
32% positive bias found for neuroleptic drugs (see next section, Cherry
Picking, below and NEJM article). I am not recommending others violate clinical
guidelines or their doctor’s recommendations.
Hormonal therapy:
dose of
Dementia (neurodegenerative diseases)
There are 6 common neurodegenerative
diseases: Alzheimer’s disease (AD,
about 50% of cases), Lewy body,
ALS, Parkinson’s disease, vascular dementia, alcohol-related dementia, and
frontotemporal dementia with its typical loss of over 70% of spindle neurons.
For the sake of simplicity, and because of an every growing number of AD cases
(July 2017
BMJ article stated that AD
is the leading cause of deaths in the UK
for women and second leading for men), I am focusing on AD.
The insightful question raised supra on the CAWD applies: “Why is AD/dementia virtually unknown among the
elderly aboriginal peoples on their traditional diet?” [10]--well
almost unknown.[11] Since all dementias are associated with our
high fructose diet, a tentative extension of the biology behind AD and how to
lower risk, the findings and
prevent are likely applicable to those other types of dementias.
There is hard evidence supporting the starting role of
fructose. Fructose causes glycation, ROS
(reactive oxygen species), IR, and fatty liver, and thus their
complex contributor factors.[12]
delay in onset is likely associated with the age related reduction in ATP, thus
a reduction in cerebral metabolism and cellular repairs. Studies of the elderly
have found as earlier markers
for the progress both reduction in cerebral metabolism and damage from ROS
(reactive oxygen species) caused by
glycation[13] see
resistance is strongly associated
with AD. Since
AD is part of the age-related package
of conditions associated with the high fructose western diet, I believe that
fructose is the major cause through glycation, IR, and fatty liver—causal
factors missing among those who are
life-long on a low sugar diet, such as the Japanese, Okinawans, Chinese,
Polynesians, and the Kitavans (off the cost of New Guinea) though they all eat
diets high in easily digestible carbs.
Downstream biological changes are not
particularly relevant to the prevention because they are signs, not causes. However,
some signs suggest ways to prevent AD. Pharma’s
business model is to treat the signs;
thus most research dollars are spent on signs and ameliorating drugs.[14] Though I have not put up a
summation paper on AD, this is the
current area of research, what follows is the same pattern of dietary causes
and healthful interventions.
Journal evidence support that AD is strongly associated
oxidative damage and diminished rate of metabolism in the brain. “Oxidative
stress with AD… is manifested by damage to proteins, lipids, and nucleic
as well as RNA,” at
2001. The second
major contributing factor is the decline in the brain’s metabolic rate, to
which oxidative stress is a cause. Reduction
in functions promotes the accumulation of Bata amyloid and tau protein in the
dendrites.[15] Third major cause is the diminished activity of
the neurotropic factors (NTFs) as a
result of the first two: the repair and
cleanup systems aren’t functioning very well. Details of these causes
have been worked out,
for example the diminished ability
of lysosomes to
tau protein and beta amyloid. Beta
amyloid accumulates in the mitochondria of AD patients and diminishes its enzymatic
activity of respiratory chain complexes and thus
oxygen consumption and.
to the reduction in the house-keeping process is the wide use of sedatives. They
are marketed as panaceas for emotional
problems, mild to moderate pain, muscle relaxants, hypertension, COPD,
premenstrual syndrome, and so on. To
this I would add the statins since they block the conversion of HMG-CoA to
mevalonic acid (the melavonate pathway), thus statins reduce CoQ10 by about
40%, and CoQ10 is an enzyme used in the production of ATP. This reduction in
ATP is particularly
pathogenic in the elderly because of their already reduced production of ATP.
By the age of 65, a reasonable estimate for
those taking one or more of these drugs that cause sedation would be over 75%.[16] Prof. Peter Gotzsche[17]
with a much shorter list of sedative drugs found that among the Dutch by the
age of 75 had averaged 6 years on them.[18] I have
search for and failed to find population studies on this likely association of
sedatives with AD.
Alcohol is a water soluble sedative,
and it associated with Wernicke-Korsakoff’s syndrome and alcohol-related
dementia. One
causal mechanism
is as a neurotoxin possible due to thiamine deficiency; others
B12 and zinc deficiency. Olson
1998 estimates that one-fourth of the
dementia population has alcohol related problems. These effects fit the pattern
of drugs that affect neurotransmitters or lower the brains ability to engage in
cellular maintenance such as by reducing the production of ATP, they are causal
for dementia.
The association of AD
with diabetes is 3
fold (a
much greater rate if only the elderly on insulin were counted) entails issues
with the production of collagen (describe in the above section on metabolic
syndrome). A number of journal articles
implicate collagen
IV involvement and other collagens (collagens XVIII, VI & XXV) in the pathogenicity leading to AD.
As speculated earlier, by extension insulin resistance is likely to
affect the production of collagen and therefore a much larger population than
diabetics are at increased risk.[19]
has also been found through elevated insulin and thus elevated
IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor one) to increase the risk
of AD. Since
diabetics are insulin resistance their IGF-1 is also elevated and this would in
part account for their increased risk. The list of downstream causes is longer;
I am not attempting to catalogue them all.
Another important contributing
factor is the
reduction in the use of things that lower the risk for AD. Major ones include
the reduction in the post-menopausal use
of HRT (estradiol with progesterone from a
compounding pharmacy offers the most protection, while Prempro the least). Over
the last hundred years there has been a
steady decline
in testosterone
levels-- testosterone is also
neuro-protective. Aspirin, like the
major sex hormones, is neuro-protective and like them has been shown to very
significantly lower the risk for AD. Aspirin
was for over 4 decades been the
leading NSAID, now it is seventh, and most of its sales is for the very low
dose (under 130 mg) and often enteric coated.
Low does though developing tolerance is ineffective. The enteric
coating entails aspirin is even less effective because peak absorption is
delay 5 hours, and with food an average of 8 hours. In the gut bacteria remove
the acetate group
which hinders some of the salubrious functions of aspirin.
What I have done to lower my risk for AD is based upon neuro-protective
and dietary changes to avoid CAWD.
I have cut back my consumption of sugars to an average of 20 grams a
day--mainly from fruits and vegetables; cut back carbs to less than 15% of
calories, and thus increased coconut oil to an average of 110 grams daily
because of its conversion to beta hydroxybutyrate. I take daily the anti-inflammatory
and antioxidants: aspirin 325
mgs uncoated, topical
testosterone prepared in a compounding pharmacy, 300
mgs of CoQ10 suspended in oil, 2 grams of sodium
ascorbate, and vitamin E.
I still have an exercise program, though I am
in my 7th decade: I run an
average of 5 miles, swim twice, and do weight lifting 5 hours per week. Aerobic
exercise stimulates neurotrophins. I do
fasting 6 days a week whereby I skip
breakfast, and I cut back on my carbohydrates to less than 15% of calories 6
days a week. And since the age of 33, I
have reduced my intake of drugs that act upon neuron, such as alcoholic
beverages to about 2 ounces yearly, marijuana to zero, and drugs by pharma to
zero. The exception is caffeine, to
which my consumption average over the years about 1 cup of tea a day. We ought
to take better care of our body than
our car.
At this point I would propose that
the reduction in metabolism is causally associated with a reduction in the
house-keeping functions in the brain which results in the. Likely significant
environmental causes besides
fructose for AD,[20] I
would place first among lifestyle causes the most neuroleptic drugs that affect
neurotransmitters and lower brain metabolism (cause sedation) which would
include some hypertension drugs, statins through reduction in CoQ10, and most
psychiatric drugs.[21] Some others such as opioids, ethanol would at
most have a weak association.
Psychiatric Diseases and Sedatives
record confirms their business model driven by corporate incentives described
as tobacco
ethics which produces tobacco sciences;
thus their pattern
profiting by illness, illustrated in the above sections; it is repeated with
psychiatric drugs. The prima facie fact
which proves that they promote illness is their side effect of sedation.[22]
Though neuroleptic drugs are classified and marketed by pharma and their KOLs
as antidepressant antipsychotic
and such, they aren’t. Drowsiness
is the major side effect of
of these drugs when they are given in effective doses; they are sedative/tranquillizers,
and sedation isn’t the long-term
fix. In 98%[24]
of the cases taking a sedative daily is like throwing kerosene on a fire. Lowering
cognitive functions exasperates
issues. Drugging the patient for months
and years increases the frequency of relapses into major depression three fold, compared to no treatment. The vast majority of untreated depression
episodes are self-limiting, short term.
Sure if one is very sad because she had her dog put down, taking a few
pills that slows the brain down and increases sleep will reduce the duration
and intensity of depression. By taking
that drug for a year or more as over half the patients do increase frequency of
subsequent depression episodes. And
because they are downers, few people use these drugs
for a recreational high because they cause general apathy, boredom, mild
depressive mood, reduced sexual function, that is why they are called
“downers. For about half who have taken
the sedative at a higher dose, they will find withdrawal difficult, and many
will fail to get off their drugs; this fact has contributed to pharma’s
marketing decisions. These adverse
consequences of the downers are not stressed (if mentioned) in medical
textbooks or heard in continuing education classes. Pharma’s mantra is
safe and effective; thus
withdrawal agitation, depression, and worse are attributed to the underlying
condition in the patient not the drugs that have caused it. Man can easily be manipulated by a broken
evidence base into doing harm, and their verbal response is he is doing good.
A major
myth is
that drugs have significantly
lowered the number of inmates in mental hospitals by curing mental
illness. This was done by using the high
dose to limit behavior by sedation and subsequent damage to the brain. Critics
such as Dr.
Peter Breggin and by Prof. Joanna Montcrieff consider such long-term
high dose treatment with drugs similar to lobotomy and shock treatment in that all
3 damage the brain, and this damage alters behavior. But it wasn’t until
government policy under
the conservatives Margret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan moved the inmates to the
streets and nursing homes that the numbers dropped. This, for many of the inmates
was possible
because of extreme sedation through drugs such as Thorazine (Chlorpromazine); but
long-term sedation is not cure, and relapses are common as was tardive
dyskinesia. The damage to quality of
life doesn’t justify the treatment.
evidence of mass harm is before our eyes,
just ignore what is being said and observe.
Observe over the last 6 decades the
increase in numbers of mental illnesses; observe the number of bizarre murders and suicides committed
by those on
psychiatric drugs and the increase in peoples on social security for
psychiatric disability. “Psychiatrist Peter Breggin
claims that antipsychotic drugs induce a ‘chemical
lobotomy’ and cause permanent brain damage, leading to a
form of drug-induced dementia (Berggin 2008). Furthermore
Breggin and others suggest that
the “brain disabling effect of these drugs is not an unintended side effect,
but the intended consequence of drug
treatment.” Prof Moncrieff, The
Bitterest Pill, p. 3-4. This pattern of harm is
similar to that caused by alcohol.
Ethanol is heavily promoted by industry as a social feel-good drug, and
psychiatric drugs as happy pills (mothers little helpers-Valium) and as fixes
for neurosis. Fortunately physicians
don’t give out prescriptions for ethanol or recommend it, but they do with
psychotropic drugs. The market for
neuroleptic drugs has been expanded to other uses,
examples: tramadol for mild to
moderate pain, Spiriva for COPD, beta blockers for hypertension, varenicline, cytisine, nortriptyline,
and clonidine for nicotine addiction, and Flexor as a muscle
relaxant—all have drowsiness as a side effect and all effect neurotransmitters.
Their short-term benefits[25]
are minimal for a select ideal subgroup in the clinical trials; and negative if
results are adjusted for pharma’s thirty plus percent positive bias
(scientific fraud), and still worse if real-world population is used and
tracked for years. Like with statins,
there is a chorus of academic critics, but there effectiveness in changing
standard medical practice is at best minimal--for books.
Unfortunately, humans are the only species that long-term deliberately
changes the levels of neurotransmitters with non-nutritive substances. Plants
make neural intoxicants to keep
animals away, and yeast produces ethanol as a byproduct of metabolism for a
similar reason. But humans are a social
animal and relief of boredom is a strong drive.
Because of this, there is a propensity to upset nature’s complex balance
of neurotransmitters; and pharma profits therefrom. In the US 23% of women between
the age of 40
and 59 are on antidepressants, years 2005-2008, NCHS Data Brief, and this is for only
psychiatric indication (for men it was 8.5%).
And though they are recommended for short-term usage, the National
Health and Nutrition Survey found more than 60% are taking them for 2 years or
longer, and 14% over 10 years.[26] A Finish study (likely of higher quality)
found 45% were still on them at 5 years (Gotzsche p 255-6). Thus in addition
to the legal and illegal
recreational drugs with have pharma’s cornucopia. I’d guestimate that that by
the age of 60 there is only 15% of adults who not on pharma’s drugs with
neuroleptic effects (see some of the non-psychiatric uses above).
For those
who want to read more I have a list of books with brief evaluations—all I have read. As
mentioned before, the site has a collection
of lectures and documentaries, each with a brief description and rating. You can use the internal
Google search engine
to fine more journal articles.
Hypertension is a sign of atherosclerosis the cause for leaking plaque. Thus
I hold that hypertension is a sign not a
cause. I am skeptical but withhold opinion on the role of cortisol and other
stress hormones; I failed to find strong basic-science demonstration its modus
operandi. It could be another case of
pharma creating a dead-end path for research.
If stress is causal then those living in a war zone, such as some of the
primitive tribes of Borneo—having both conflicts with neighboring villages and
violence within the village—they would
have because of stress the conditions associated with the western diet.
[3] A possible exception: malignant hypertension, 180 over 110. Because lowering it
significantly has only a
“modest” effect on lower the risk for CAWD, it is possible just a sign of the
major cause atherosclerosis and the formation of young plaque that leaks.
[4] Ignore
the Awkward Prof. Uffe Ravnskov, Chapt. 13.
The best summation of the evidence that I have found is in The Great Cholesterol Con, by Anthony Colpo.
Need I describe the broken system for reporting side effects in a system where
pharma determines if it is their drugs, and where with harm done from a
procedure there is a strong financial/legal incentive to bury the mishap as a
normal risk of procedure. n
Through the mitochondria is one of the two pathways for turning on the process that
results in cells apoptosis—see 1998.
This traditional requirement which distinguishes cancer for a tumor, has been
ignored by pharma and thus physicians.
However the cytosol can convert some amino acids to pyruvate for entering the
lactic acid fermentation process. This
however is not a major source of energy, but can at end stage lead for some to
necrosis, wasting.
Western Diseases Their
Emergence and
Prevention Denis Burkitt, and Hugh
Trowell, 1981, 21 chapters of
which 18 of the chapters are by a physician who has published on the
country/region where he practiced medicine and on the frequency of the
conditions of the western diet. A unique
resource of dietary & disease information, full of interesting details. The
leading extended work on traditional diets and their diseases. The subsequent
volume, Western Diseases, Their Dietary Prevention
and Reversibiliy,1994, is based upon the then current flawed
health guidelines,
and is thus well below their first book.
Exceptions are genetic causes such as for Huntington’s chorea, and the trisomy
chromosome 21, known as mongolism and now called Down syndrome and toxic foods
such as the Polynesians who had a mysterious
condition once common, and thought possible to be caused by their making flour
from the seeds of cycad tree (Cycas minronesica, the condition is known as
Lytico-bodig disease), and certain toxic drugs such as the Jamacia ginger and
ethanol. The cycad contains a neuro
toxin, and the condition resembles ALS.
neurodegeneration that occurs in sporadic Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is
consistently associated with a number of characteristic histopathological,
molecular, and biochemical abnormalities, including cell loss, abundant
neurofibrillary tangles and dystrophic neurites, amyloid-β deposits, increased
activation of pro-death genes and signaling pathways, impaired energy
metabolism /mitochondrial function, and evidence of chronic oxidative stress…[12] All
these and the extensive abnormalities in insulin and insulin
like growth farctorm typer I and II (IGF-I and IFG-II) signaling mechanisms in
the brains with AD, shows … their expression levels are marked reduced in AD” At 2005 Journal of
Alzheimer’s Disease. All these are
downstream of fructose, glycation, IR,
and fatty liver.
This article, like most others blames high glucose toxicity reasoning from the
high rate of diabetics, and thus ignores the white elephant fructose which is a
net 20 times more reactive than glucose in vivo. Fructose is cleared from the
blood at half
the rate of glucose, thus doubling form 10 times to 20 times the net rate of
glycation compared to glucose.
[14] This is one more example of why pharma should
be barred from research and limited just to market of drugs without patent
rights. Pharma has taken us a long way from the golden era of medicine to the
modern snake-oil era.
This is an early part of the process leading to neuron death and the formation
of clumps of Beta Amyloid and tau proteins found in the advanced stage of
Polypharmacy is the norm for the elderly.
A study of German hospital emergency emission of those in the 7th
decade found the average use of prescription drugs were 6.
By diagnosis on the basis of the symptom of cognitive decline, a very
significant percentage of seniors are diagnosed with AD whose cognitive level
of function would gradually return once off the drugs that are sedative or
block CoQ10.
This would be part of the explanation as to
why those who are only insulin resistant are at a risk much greater than
the elderly of aboriginal peoples for which AD is virtually unknown. I am not
denying also the role of fatty liver and glycated proteins.
[20] I
am not denying the role of APOE-4 gene, but in itself it is not sufficient to
bring on AD, otherwise those in aboriginal societies would have far more cases
of AD.
Drugs which cause sedation as a side effect or reduction the production of ATP,
in particular statins which lower CoQ10 typically 40% would top my list, to
which I would add opiates and marijuana as additional candidates.
Generalizations have exceptions, but for conciseness and thus clarity, I will
often not mention them. Some like
opioids and antihistamines are taken for their clearly valuable effects.
[23] A
few are stimulants, such as Wellbutrin, Cathinone, those prescribed for ADD
(attention deficit disorder), and several atypical classes that used such as
chloral hydrate. They are quite different molecular entities
when compared to the 95% of prescriptions.
“I believe we could reduce our current usage of psychotropic drugs by 98% and
at the same time improve people’s mental health and survival (see Chapter 14)
page 13, Prof. Peter Gotzsche, Deadly Psychiatry
and Organised Denial--the
best book on this topic. Gotzsche’s book
is the most complete work I have found that explains what is wrong with
standard drug-based psychiatric treatments. He acknowledges that there is use
for the most extreme case, where sedation can bring an end to agitation, but
this should be done with a plan to end the medication shortly thereafter.
When there is a dearth of studies by industry and the FDA, for example
long-term trials with important endpoints, the reason is likely to be that the
results are significant worse than the short-term trials. The same applies when
surrogate endpoints are
used such as lower cholesterol instead of the reason for treatment prevention
of MIs. The wiggle room expands when
subjective markers are used like mood evaluation and when breaking blind is the
norm because of inactive placebos—See Gotzsche supra 50-56.
These percentages are low: usage has
increased over the last 10 years, prescribing off-label is common, thus a drug
not indicated for depression are used to treat depression, thus a person who is
prescribe an antidepressant is likely to be given at some point a drugs that
isn’t licensed for depression. For
example, Neurontin was approved only for neuropathic pain and seizures, it was
prescribed 94% of the time for off-labeled uses including depression. And third
the government as a norm fudges