we are the sickest of mammals
On my
background and research on why we are the sickest of mammals
In 2001 at the age of 58, I started a website,
skeptically.org whose theme was topics that diverged from the common beliefs. Each
topic is based on the best university
quality evidence.
I had spent in 3 universities and a collage 11 years taking class. The
major areas of studies, sciences,
philosophy (graduate school), and psychology. I had a major divergences from
the common herd,
that was made more by a continues self-guided studies afterwards. Two of
the sections on Skeptically.org were
on health, quackery and Chiropractics with some other articles, such as the
safety of opioids and of fructose (wrong about the latter).
I had been reading in medical science since 1968, and in the spring
of 2004, I decided focus on health issues, so I started healthfully.org. By
November of 2011 I had come to realize that
the evidence-base of journal articles and medical textbooks had in major ways
been distorted to promote medications that were not worth their side effects. More
and more I was exposing the health demons. I realized that the illness-industries
taken over through their KOLs the writing of guidelines, medical textbooks,
journal articles, education of physicians, and there had always been regulatory
capture. A number of medical professors
and journal editors had broken ranks and exposed that “we have a health-care
system that is worse than we can imagine”—Harvard Prof. Marcia Angell, former
Editor in Chief of the NEJM.
In 2014, based on a lecture of Prof. Robert Lustig, I realized
that fructose (a sugar 7 times more reactive than glucose) causes insulin
resistance and is the main cause for metabolic syndrome. In 2016 after reading
a chapter in Gary Taubes’
The Case against sugar, I realized that our non-infectious conditions
were not occurring to those on a paleo (low in sugar) diet. A small step was
to realize that fructose
causes much more than metabolic syndrome; it was the main cause by far for the global
pandemic of diseases
of affluence, including all the age-related conditions. I then investigated
how fructose damages
every cells, and found the main answer in mitochondrial damage caused by the
import of proteins and unsaturated fatty acids from the endoplasmic reticulum
into the mitochondria because some of the fats and proteins were glycated by
This background for
the website makes me very critical of our illness-care system and its tobacco
sciences that justifies major harm, while hawking these drugs and treatments as
healthful. I uncovered most of the key
ways in which fructose causes conditions of affluence. Six years of full-time
search for answers has
allowed me to use the work of others and piece it together into an overall
theory that has a heap of supporting journal articles, and also to recognize
the tobacco science which is much more common.
This ability to sort out the crapolla comes from my foundation in
philosophy and see the healthscape.
I tell you this because my divergence from many of the major
medical beliefs is not built upon a swamp.
I am writing a book on why we are the sickest of mammals. A summation of
the 6 sections of the book is at http://healthfully.org/rbook/id7.html
and a few chapters are up there.
2011 pasted on JK
The site:
The http://healthfully.org/ website went up in 2004; the recommended sections were started in Nov. of 2011. On the
recommended section I have spent 50
hours per week in research and writing. Some articles are in depth, others
for a
wider audience. All their claims have
links to journal articles. Three basic themes run through my research: bad
pharma, bad treatments, and good choices.
You should start with bad pharma and their role in education; this is the foundation to wisely choosing
alternative to corporate medicine. There
are documentaries which confirm the dismal state of medical science, watch them. Once you
understand the extent of the corporate control of medical education and it
information basis, then what you read on this site becomes a reliable source of
information. A second theme is drugs not worth their side effects, and their alternatives, including whys. The third
theme is about what we should do for health,
thus there are articles on diets, supplements, hormones, and aspirin.
Jerry’s academic qualifications: My
academic background consists of 12 years as a
student--from 1962 to 70 and 1977-81, including 2 years of graduate school in
philosophy. The 14 undergraduate semesters in science
consumed nearly three academic years (I earned 85 credit
hours). These science courses gave me
the foundation for a molecular understanding of life and life systems, and
philosophy taught me to critically examine a field of knowledge so as to spot
anomalies in an overall theory and arrive so as to sculpture the solution to
real-world situations. Unlike science
which relies on expert consensus, philosophy teaches problem solving. For example
there are Five Types of Ethical Theory (work by C.D.
Broad); I had to examine each theory and then arrive at an overall meta-ethical
theory and justify it. I had 2 years of philosophy as a major, and 2 more years in
graduate school, University of Manitoba. Problem solving
was not just the domain of philosophy: in
the 60s undergraduate liberal arts course-work consisted mostly of using
evidence to justify conclusions—liberal arts consisted of a minimum of 12
semester course (36 credit hours), I had 15. I applied
those skills to social questions: human
behavior, political science, and economics, and to process such as imperialism,
consumerism, religious behavior, and almost everything else that was puzzling
to me. Upon leaving the academic world
in 1981, I continued to explore topics as varied as psychology, ethics, the
brain as the source of behavior, poetics, the Greco-Roman World, bible mythology,
historical Jesus, US Federal court system, health issues, and other
topics. I also had 4 courses in mathematics. I was like a mathematician,
instead of numbers I think of processes measured by consequences and
completeness. For one year I was a psychology major during the era when the experimental basis of behavior was
used as a scaffolding to explain complex behavior. In 2001 I started the http://www.skeptically.org/, whose theme is to expose beliefs that are not justified by the evidence. Among such beliefs is cognitive psychology.
There are two sections applying the behavioral approach. This understanding helps me understand why and how the
perverse corporate system produce perverse treatment practices, and thus how the corporate system causes well meaning
scientists and doctors to cause harm. A system which is measured by profits has evolved into a health care monster. Note: If you wonder why
so many years of schooling, allow me to explain. I completed my studies in 1970, then became a pot head. I went
back to school so as to get away from the associates who like to use recreational drugs, and to again think deeply about things.
So I retook course at for the first two years at Palomar College, then went on to new areas at UCSD. After 2 years
there was little of value left for me to study, so I left UCSD and pursued the dollar out of need. I had an
aversion to academic twaddle. So please learn about health and the appropriateness of my labels "tobacco science" and "tobacco ethics."
We have two monsters worse than tobacco, fructose loaded foods and the weird pernicious chemicals labeled as drugs.
Slowly and sadly I came to these conclusions from the thousands of journal articles and books that I read.