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YouTube VIDEOS: (200 + videos) at http://healthfully.org/rh/id7.html also rg/4  rc/22 7/13/17         ***** outstanding/quality entertainment   § two locations 

Have your family watch these documentaries on your television by using a device such as Google Chromecast to send it from your computer to your stereo attached to the TV.

1.   Bad meds, bad regulators, bad pharm    2.  Dieting, sugar, carbs, fats --  3.  Diabetes, fasting and insulin resistance  --  4.  Starve Cancer  --5.  Alzheimer’s, neurodegenerative diseases, salubrious ketone bodies (diet)  --  6.  Cardiovascular disease (CVD) and the cholesterol–fat myth  --  7.  Psychiatric drugs and psychiatry  --  8.  Healthful drugs opposed by pharma  --  9.  Health Issues  --  10.  Health-biological Science  --  11.  Chiropractics and alternative medicine  --  12.  GMOs  --  13.  Commercial farming, regulatory capture of FDA, organic?  --  14.  Science topics

NOTE the number of view listed for each often don’t accurate give the total number because they are the click on a link (address),  don’t include multiple postings and are for the date I viewed it or check link.


  1. BAD MEDS, BAD REGULATORS, BAD PHARMAjournal articles confirmation, the overflow

***** President’s Lecture Series 2009-2010, 78 min, 27,600 views MD.  Marcia Angell PhD Harvard, based on her best-selling book, “The Truth About Drug Companies and how they deceive us”   Her lecture with slides is an example of clarity, organization, and logical use of examples to illustrate points all of which show the ways pharma and corporate media deceives the public,  “educates” doctors, and influences regulators.  The information system is broken https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDbQNBla6aU  highly recommended

***** Making a Killing, the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs 95 min 669,000 views, on how psychiatrists have become drug pushers all major aspects.  Starts with senseless killings and suicides, leads into drug approval, the highly addictive drugs, pseudo testing of the drugs, inventions of mental illness, and how pharma hooked up with Am. Psychiatry Assoc. to turn doctors into willing pill pushers.  Missed is that all these drugs are tranquilizers, given other labels for sales, & they are worse long-term than nothing at all.  They pass FDA approval because they increase sleep, which is 15% of its “benefits” under Hamilton Rating Scale.  This is a blue print on how pharma markets all classes of drugs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rk-ryvdWPgw  excellent

*****Big Pharma, Big Pharma:  Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs 73 min, 100,000  about 2006, excellent on use of marketing, brief interviews and ads, but weak on quality of video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4CyAPJretY

Money Talks, Profits before Patient Safety 49 min, 8.000 views, documentary in format like 60 Minutes, on bad pharma, testimonial, weak on science, pharma’s biased clinical trials and journal articles, regulatory capture, and junk drugs. Complete http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPLLMNCQB3U entertaining, good

***** The information architecture of medicine, 15 min, 7,000 views, Dr. Ben Goldacre Prof, London University School of Medicine, leader in the movement to put science back in medicine, both videos are on missing data and how it perverts treatment decisions causing harm, his book Bad Pharma covers much more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AK_EUKJyusg   What doctors don’t know missing data, 13 min, 297,000 views, same topic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKmxL8VYy0MEf  important message

How We Have Been Lied to by Big Pharma, 53 min, 1,400 Dr. Jason Fung; evidence based lecture; would benefit from Angell & Goldacre (above) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlHGJoYpBqM  good


Tamiflu 20 min 1,900 views, Australian Broadcast Corporation, on the multi-billion dollar anti-viral scam of stockpiled drug to fight the possible avian flu pandemic; only it is both useless and dangerous.  Tamiflu has been injected into hundreds of millions of cold suffers on the possibility of influenza.  Shows how broken the information and regulatory systems are around the world.  A window on the world of pharma, doctors, and governments in our corporatist world https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wiqb9U3hup0 excellent 


*****NPA Annual Conference 2011 Marcia Angell, 47 min, 335 views; lecture is of first quality; at the age of 72, she still stands above others.  She explains the existence of a fire wall wherein University professors ran trials to answer important scientific questions free of pharma controls, but in 1984 a Reagan shift began: thus major bias is the norm.  Poor audio quality, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjr4pPP-2VI excellent

Doing Good or doing Well?  Ethics in the Pharmaceutical Industry, 99 min, 4,500 views Harvard Prof. Marcia Angell, Brown U. on corruption worked by the system whose measure is the maximization of profits.  Dr. Mary Rueter, an industry advocate, gave the second talk.  She didn’t respond to Angell’s points, but used industry funded studies to “prove” their responsibility, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eyHtyMkAsgs interesting    

***** Get your love ones off Statins, 14, min, 5,000 views.  How pharma creates a condition and then markets it:  uses statins as the main example, of creates the condition hypercholesterolemia then markets the fix.  Investigate reporting present for a wide audience, quality production https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwZQ2zmjzQY&t=2s  Excellent

*****Exposing big pharma as organized crime 8 min, 175,000 views, Prof. Peter Gotzsche MD, lead European research and co-founder of Cochrane Review, how has gone public about the how pharma corrupts all aspects of health care (see his books), the best of all critics at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dozpAshvtsA  Excellent

****How the Cancer Industry Deceives You with Cancer Drugs: 87 minutes, 69,000 views, quality documentary for a wide audience, also covers the role of FDA and the results of regulatory capture. How industry is into treating not curing, & how promising treatments are blocked for profits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX8saD8fATw  Very good

Note:  The large number of professors and doctors who have come forward to criticize pharma’s tobacco ethics which generates tobacco science to market drugs most of which aren’t worth their side effect.  This chorus of critics has convincing evidence.  For a list of their books, and why doctors give Junk treatments.

I recommend that you cast the videos onto the television and view them with friends and family in the comfort of the living rom.  I use a Google Chromecast, and the audio is played on a surround sound system. 


2.   DIETING, SUGAR CARBS, FATS (fasting for curing/preventing diabetes in #3, and for  cancer in #4) 2B Fasting, 2C ketogenic Diet (Very low carbs).   Links to articles at healthfully.org:  library of topics, diet and food journal articles, basic science, more journal science, non-technical, testimonials   A chorus of critics are exposing what we dieticians & doctors aren’t taught.  Skipping breakfast is easy and best with low carbs.  If needed, up it to alternate day fasting.  The fix for the long-term overweight isn’t to exercise more and eat less; but fasting, it fixes the weight-regulatory system which has been damage and causes a fatty liver and insulin resistance. The lack of this damage is why the aborigines don’t get the age-related conditions of the west.  

***** Why We Get Fat 3 min, 1,455,000 views, clips from movie Fat Head.  The best explanation on wrong info and the process of accumulation of fat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNYlIcXynwE WATCH 

***** Everything wrong with the “System (Educate yourself) 13 min, 309,000 views, Patron (what I’ve learned), sets the tone for the series on diet related topics, shows the results of a business manipulated information system and why we must do due diligence. As professor Ben Goldacre says, “the devil is in the details.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yzl7oX9FYGE foundation WATCH

*****Sugar Explained: why sugar is as bad as alcohol (Fructose the liver toxin) 20 min, 453,000 views, Patron, college level, quality well-illustrated production that  gets across all of the key points in 20 minutes more than others in an hour, for everyone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_4Q9Iv7_Ao  foundation WATCH

***** Sugar is in Everything why sugar is addictive and in 80% of food, 13, min, 195,000 views, Patron, see above, part of the same series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPxIssabhTc foundation WATCH

***** Why Calories are NOT important (Food and weight gain, Part 1) 12 min, 236,000 Patron, on how counting them oversimplifies the measurement of energy to act as a guide for dieting, thus don’t count calories, because they are not all equal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRSeyCZwEUI foundation WATCH

***** Sugar Why your body makes you Fat and Hungry (Food and Weight Gain Part 2) 12 min 313,000 views, Patron on how the sugar fructose causes the obesity epidemic, by causing insulin resistance which screws up our weight regulatory system, to make us make us hungry, tired, store excess fat storage  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KHaCKudtVi0 foundation WATCH

*****The Story of Fat and why we were wrong about health 15 min, 181.000 views Patron, on bad food manufacturers.  He at last missed two, that Ancel Keys was in the pay of industry and selected because of our government’s industrial farm policy, and the second is on statins and that pharma cooks the results of trials to get an average 32% positive bias https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5S6-v37nOtY foundation WATCH

***** Why exercise is so underrated (brain power and movement link 15 min, 404,000 views, Patron at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DsVzKCk066g and updated version 22 min, 12 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcyvX2mnNpE foundation WATCH

***** Longevity and why I now eat one meal a day 16 min, 2,907,000 views Patron https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfR6bAXr-c

***** Carbloads:  A culture dying to eat 75 min, 177,000 views documentary 2016, best Introduction in that it covers all the major issues, exceptional accurate and for a mass audience, well done mixture of expert opinion, animation, interviews, misses fasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lBb5TFxj1S0 FIRST CHOICE

***** Sugar White Poison:  an amazing expose on this toxic stuff  18 min, 141,800 views, Australian Broadcast Corp, the condensed, plain language, account of how the refined carbs & fructose are at the heart of the obesity, diabetes pandemics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBp_dMIMryM SECOND CHOICE

***** The Secrets of Sugar 45 min, 484,000 views, CBC (Canadian Broadcast Corp) program; starts with a young family and show that at the heart of the weight problem with impending health consequences lies high sugar diet.  It also shows experiments on college students, uses interviews to drive home the point that sugar is the health issue, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDaYa0AB8TQ most entertaining, THIRD CHOICE

§***** Heart of the Matter Part 1 Dietary Villains, 29 min, 52,000 views, Australian Broadcast Corp, the saturated fat-cholesterol myth on causes of heart disease  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGIGXfIDaJo  §Heart of the Matter, Part 2  29 min 22,000 views. Builds on the myth, statins don’t save lives and how pharma gets away with bad science. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4eTGMe-EY  FOURTH CHOICE

***** Low carb diet:  Fat or Friction 29 min, 389,600 views, Australian Broadcast Corp (ABC), for large audience, on how the low carb diet (thus high-fat diet) prevents and cures obesity and type-2-diabetes—see the New Atkins diet (below).  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNUh7P3TrAE  FIFTH CHOICE

*****The Complete Skinny on Obesity 58 min, 349,000 views, University California TV (UCTV), Dr. Robert Lustig Prof USF, great graphic, documentary, asks “how did we get so fat”, from 10% to 40% in 10 years, on addiction and the biology of weight gain.  Fats are not the problem but carbs and sugar, especially fructose.  General audience http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moQZd1-BC0Y Lustig’s best, SIXTH CHOICE

*****WHY Sugar is as Bad as Alcohol (Fructose, The Liver Toxin) !4 min, 369,000 views, documentary, high budget, college level which gives the science behind why fructose (1/2 of sucrose) is poison like alcohol to the live:  where both damage the liver by to cause insulin resistance & are converted to excess fat.  The high sugar diet causes our health disaster https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f_4Q9Iv7_Ao  SEVENTH CHOICE

***** How to Maximize fat burning 4 min, 116,000 views, Dr. Jason Fung, On staying in the fat-burning mode by fasting; by the best source of information on diabetes and weight loss.  A starting point to the best fix. Many more of his lectures are blow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwE4D8Xe8JA EIGHTH  CHOICE  

***** The Science of Addictive Food 11 min, 291,000, CBC, on manufactured food industry carefully balances foods taste to increase addiction by making foods reach the “bliss point” through the addition of sugar, salt, fat, and crunch.  Sugar is addicting because it stimulates the reward centers of the brain—lots of science. Based on Michael Moss’s book https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cpdb78pWl4 NINTH CHOICE

*****Longevity & Why I now eat One Meal a Day 16 min, 2,783,000, very good on science, covers the essential points without major errors, good illustration, clear audio, packed full of correct information, while for an aware general audience and entertaining  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfR6bAXr-c  TENTH CHOICE

***** Why am I still fat? 28 min, 101,000 views, ABC documentary, stress 3 topics: weight regulatory system in the brain which resists fat loss by lowering metabolism and increasing appetite, bariatric surgery, and the endocrine disrupter BPA--found in plastics.  Very entertaining addition to the ABC series—see above.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3ghP-26CLg&feature=em-subs_digest-vrecs ELEVENTH CHOICE

***** Enjoy Eating Saturated Fats:  They’re Good for You 53 min, 262,000 views. Prof. Donald Miller, surgery, cardiothoracic division, Clear well organized college lecture with graphics and lots of journal information, given to audience of physicians, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRe9z32NZHY  TWELTH CHOICE

***** Fat and Cholesterol do NOT Cause Heart Disease 5 min, 11,000 views that saturated fats are good, and Ancel Keyes role in fat-cholesterol myth http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8WA5wcaHp4  from Fat Head 103, sound, graphs, interviews, facts—great presentation, excellent THIRTEENTH CHOICE

*****Fat v Carbs with Jamie Owen--BBC 28 mins 300 views, presents both side, and shows that the low fat guidelines  is wrong and the role of business.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Wg9ICyd3fc excellent

Eat More Fat? –Amazing Results 18 min 1,468,000 views, a collection of snippets and testimonials that make the point that saturated fat is good, low budget https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2xhlIIueZY good

***** The oiling of America 123 min 167,000 views, uses work of Mary Enig, deceased 2014, presented by Sally Fallon.  Uses journal articles & graphs to correct the record and exposes some business’s junk science.  Themes are the cholesterol myth and the good and bad fats, including polyunsaturated fats which are bad because of rancidification (at min 74), and the low-fat dairy products which use powder milk a source of oxidized cholesterol that is cause atheromas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvKdYUCUca8  Very Good

Dietary Sense and Nonsense in the War on Saturated Fat 61 min, 6,900 views Prof. David Diamond, lecture on fats, plenty of slides, includes history of low carb high fat diet and industry-gov. attack, lots of good science on fats including the absorption of nutrient, vitamin K2 for disposition of calcium in the bones instead of the arteries, misses fructose, a bit tedious, quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J77Bweikiw8 Very Good

***** Fat Chance 88 min 695,000 views, UCTV, Prof. Robert Lustig MD 6/13, extension of Sugar the Bitter Truth (below) which is strong on the science behind sugar’s (fructose’s) role in metabolic syndrome and the contra-factual assumption that obesity is a behavioral disorder.  He shows that biology leads behavior and the advice of eat less and exercise more is wrong.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ceFyF9px20Y    excellent

Sugar, The Bitter Truth 82 min. 6,900,000 views, UCTV, Prof. Robert Lustig MD, 7/09, university level lecture on sugar-fructose, causes obesity & diabetes; needs background preparation and note taking.  Made me a believer after I researched the issues he raised. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dBnniua6-oM, the slide in PDF at http://www.ucsfcme.com/2009/slides/MPD09001/14LustigSugar.pdf very convincing, very good

***** Sugar:  the Elephant in the Kitchen 22 min, 108,000 views, Prof. Robert Lustig MD, on brain caused sugar addiction; fructose is the worse sugar http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmC4Rm5cpOI very good

***** Is Sugar toxic -- 60 minutes investigates 14 min, 120,000 views, 60 minutes, Dr. Lustig is the guest interviewed, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6n29ZIJ-jQA   very good,

***** The Bitter Truth About Sugar and Your Health 6 min, 60,000 view, CNN News interview of Prof. Robert Lustig, an introduction into the health issues of too much fructose in our diet, and how the low fat diet caused food manufactures to add sugar,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=twVAmGXTiic excellent                    


Insulin vs. Ketones - The Battle for Brown Fat  35 min, 43,500 view Prof. Benjamin Bikman, on two types of metabolism and the role of white and brown fat, thus the effect of insulin and ketones, a very clear lecture on a senior college level with appropriate slides  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t1JN0RgvO4 Important

How Fat Loss Works Your Body 5 min 536,000 views, on the point explanation of the role of insulin in storing fat, and thus the need for a low carb/inulin diet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi7uzVZVEkg very good

The New Science of Sugar Addiction, 27 min, 60,000 views, UCTV, Ashley Gearhardt, college lecture on the scientific evidence for sugar addiction, well done http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M7Djf8AkU6g very good 

My ‘I quit Sugar’ 12 min, 47.000 views, Australian Broadcast program on sugar, a personal journey to successful low-carb diet, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cR0H_jhv2gY very good

***** Fat Head 103, 105 min, 276,000 views, Tom Naughton 2008, well-funded documentary on low-carbs with high fat diet, government’s role; corporate farms’ and food manufacturers’ select the experts.  The science foundation for a low insulin (carbs) diet, (carbs to 100 g/day); good and entertaining--simple with good illustration, sounds & music. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIt80PxvKn8 worth watching quality

That Sugar Film 2 min, trailer 2.103,000 views 2014, Australian where the sugar question is a public issue, similar to Fat Head issue, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uaWekLrilY, quality  was 3.99 from Amazon, now free as of 2/2017 Full film102 min 57,000 views, interesting to watch, weak on science, an odyssey of the lead character on what sugar does Russian subtitles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWBvxsh6dUs good

Why We Get Fat – Gary Taubes at OSUMC: 71 min, 197,000 views. Gary Taubes lecture, Ohio State University, Wexner Medical Center. Taubes is a leading scholar on the issue of diet and health; his lecture covers the materials in his books (see below) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bTUspjZG-wc very good

'Fed Up' With Sugar: Katie Couric's 10-Day Challenge, 8 min, 117,000 views, about the documentary ‘Fed Up’ released May 2014, no-sugar challenge with ABC News caster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ItIXmNBmkI    The documentary content is on a 6th grade level Entertaining


Globesity:  Fat’s New Frontier, 60 min, 381,000 views documentary on how food manufacturers exported the Western diet and consequences, low budget, weak on science, entertaining and moving human interest bits.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGL3iT5MMdQ Very good

Jamie’s sugar rush, 48 min, 420,000 views, Jamie Oliver, BBC program about high-sugar diet, starts with the food manufacturers and the average diet, then goes to the health consequences and focuses on educating kids, than to restaurants having a sugar tax, hoping to pressure government to do as Mexico does.  human interest approach, very effective, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bpr20BdngSY Very Good

This Morning—Diet Myths 9:00 min, 7,200 views, Dr. Michael Mosley interviewed on fasting and diet for BBC program, (low quality sound) lots of interesting info on diet with supporting evidence.  Mosely does the medical-health documentaries for the BBC, and is author of the popular 5:2 fasting diet. Good on diet and curing type-2 diabetes, but doesn’t restrict carbs.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3vqg63eyYys  Very good. 

Dr. Jason Fung on dietary issues, high quality lectures using research to argue the issues and with plenty of slides with graphs and tables--in plain language for educated audience.  Dr. Fung gives lip service to cholesterol, but is actual critical in Part 6 of his series.  He convincingly argues that high insulin--caused by carbs--is at the heart of health disaster.  Low carbs with alternate day fast will cause fat burning and cure type-2 diabetes and obesity.  At his blog is a link to the clinic he runs.  They work with patient through their doctor to setting up Fung’s diet program and monitor progress, at http://intensivedietarymanagement.com/.  

A New Paradigm of Insulin resistance 30 min, 66,000 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUiSCEBGxXk

Aetiology of Obesity Part 1 of 6 parts: a New Hope: 59 min, 48,300, Dr. Jason Fung, academic lecture sugar consumption its history then goes into major flaws in the standard dogma on obesity.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YpllomiDMX0   Very good

The Aetiology of Obesity Part 2:  The New Science of Diabesity:  61 min, 34,200 views, Dr. Jason Fung; lets the evidence prove his points, insulin cause https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d  imP7IdM2Og very good

***** The Aetiology of Obesity Part 3:  Trial by Diet:  81 min, 7,900 views, Dr. Jason Fung; insulin drive fat storage, though refined carbs, and insulin resistance, Atkin’s diets came out best (note: the addition of fasting can be necessary for diabetics).  Ends with dollar influence of pharma upon physicians’ continuing education and American Heart Association indorsements https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZbnshVO4PRM Excellent

***** The Aetiology of Obesity, the Fast Food Solution (Part 4 of 6): 84 min, 76,000 views, Dr. Fung’s biology behind obesity and the biology behind fasting at 51 minutes, which is a sure way to cure type-2 diabetes and obesity. Explains it’s parallel to bariatric surgery cure.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pG89j432w-Y   Excellent

***** The Aetiology of Obesity Part 5 of 6: Diet and Disease: 60 min. 13,300 Dr. Jason Fung, views; on the causes of the Western diseases with high insulin level, high sugar and high glycemic load.  In primitive societies CVD, obesity, diabetes, colorectal, prostate, and breast cancers are quite low, even with native high carbs.  He ends with an account of food corp. funding diet education.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsIU-3k7Y  Excellent


*****The Aetiology of Obesity Part 6 of 6: Dietary Villains - Fat Phobia: 76 min. 15,300 views, Dr. Jason Fung; a review, lays to rest the fat phobia--more fat entail living longer, and cholesterol is good for you as you age, while low cholesterol is strongly associated with death, also that high dietary cholesterol doesn’t raise lipid level.  High glycemic index through insulin spike is associated with heart disease, as does pro-inflammatory  omega-6 fatty acids from polyunsaturated oil.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QetsIU-3k7Y Excellent


*****Aetiology of obesity, the Calorie Deceptions, 38 min, 33,0000, Dr. Fung, 2016, on two compartment problem, yo-yo diet calories in and storage. Insulin causes weight gain in diabetics depending on dose with reduction in metabolism, insulin is the problem  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5F5o0a4p_3U Excellent


MORE BY Dr. FUNG IN DIABETES SECTION #3 and 2B on fasting.  His blog is excellent with link to his diabetes clinic and books.  The best diet books full of science. 


More lectures

***** AHS12 lecture Gary Taubes Calories vs Carbohydrates: Clearing up Confusion over Competing Obesity Paradigms  38 min, 48,000 views college level lecture given at Harvard,.  Obesity is a metabolic problem of excess fat storage review of evidence, his best https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpavkD7ot8I


Dietary Sense and Nonsense in the War on Saturated Fat 61 min, 9,500 David Diamond PhD, similar to Dr. Miller’s covers both history and evidence, only Diamond is long on history and short on science, though uses sold studies to prove saturated fats are good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J77Bweikiw8  good


BBC series: repeats cholesterol myths, uses human interest approach, uses personal experiences and interviews, weak on science, and for the general public.

***** Eat, Fast & Live Longer 59 min, 209,000 views, BBC, Dr. Michael Mosley, his latest (2015) on food and fasting, chatty and enjoyable on harm of Western diet. At 48, he was diagnosed with diabetes, and so he set out to find a drug free fix through interviewing leading researchers.  He found the answer and put it in a book, the 5:2 Fast Diet (2013). Weak on science, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ihhj_VSKiTs&feature=em-subs_digest-g-vrecs very good

***** 5:2 Revolution,16 min. 192,500 view, Ruskall Tatt of Australia who visited Dr. Michael Mosely, the BBC health science producer& author of the 5:2 diet, very popular in UK and t Europe.  Uses low carb fast 2 days a week; all major points covered.  What U.S. corporate media deliberately skips (fast) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWtaLLjJzn4 and for his 6 min. summary https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9Aj6hRYg4A&t=25s Both excellent

The Truth About Sugar, episode 1, 53 min, 424,000 views, BBC episode 1, a personal journey of 6 people who have sugar addiction; their going down to the WHO recommended  6 teaspoons of added (not natural) sugar a day (24 grams)--entertaining https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dqKmOLpofo  good 

The Truth About Fat 54 min, 12,000 view, BBC documentary, by doctor investigating fat science, and finds most are good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGh91lwO3fc   very good pulled by Google--censorship.

The Truth about Calories, 51 min, 22,000 views   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ice-HmfFLo

The truth about food in six part,   Part 1, 58 min, 1,268,000 views, BBC documentary dragged out into 6 episodes, more human interest than science, this first one leads into the second one, the entire series—below are individual episodes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JXZ1dH7tJWw good

How to stay healthy, 60 min, 95,000 views, Michael Mosely, lecture in Australia on diet and staying health, full of slides, lots of good information and use of journal articles for a general audience, promotes fasting with low carbs, well polished lecture 30 minute then interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6d-LMzIlr5I good

The big fat truth about low fat foods BBC documentary, 58 min, 177.000 views, BBC exposes the unhealthy of low fat diet foods, highly processed and loaded with sugar, engineered to not be filling.  Too much human interest, science at end, wrong on unsaturated fats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sgwh47Xxg7U Good

 §Part 1, truth about foods 59 min, 28.000 views   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mxf5V3lwCro Part 2, 59 min 104,000 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPbm9WI5Xnk     §Part 3 58 min 111,000 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4zJ5oOLZUs&list=PLn3z5IGX09eQ1 6sKDhH0tGBQUzpGZPhk&index=2                §Part 4 how to be slimdown 82 min, 13,500 views  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0EkQeeCiYoo    §Part 5, 59 min, 67,000 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUqyCY2N8fs&list=PLn3z5IGX09eQ1-6sKDhH0tGBQUzpGZPhk&index=4       §Part 6 69 min, 45,000 minutes  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwTSOfXTWW8&list=PLn3z5IGX09eQ1-6sKDhH0tGBQUzpGZPhk&index=5   good

The War on Wheat, 39 min, 236,000 views, Canadian Broadcast Corporation, Fifth Estate series, for a general audience weak on science strong on interviews of expert, dieters, and author of Grain Brain.  Only good message is about how to smell a skunk (fad)--could be a hatchet job since wheat is Canada’s biggest export. Misses how big business is behind gluten free foods https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO3cIrNEuIc Okay

2B Fasting

*****Fasting Awakening the Rejuvenation within you, 19 min 102,000 Valter Longo, top scientist, TEDx. Fasting  animals live longer because it turns on autophagy which stimulates stem cells to replace damaged cells & to repair other cells--requires low insulin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVArDzYynYc Excellent


*****Fasting vs. Eating Less: What's the Difference? (Science of Fasting) 13 min, 469,000 What I’ve Learned, He knows his material, consistently the best in information, conciseness, research, organization, visual props and research.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APZCfmgzoS0&spfreload=10  Excellent




Intermittent Fasting, 37 min, 709,000 views, Dr. Mike Mitzel, good lecture to a general audience with plenty of slides, covers the essential points, favors the short-term fast skipping breakfast along with very low carbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gu8KqV90pKk&t=550s   Very good

Intermittent fasting for weight loss,69 min, 688,000 interview by Dr. Mike Mitzel, covers what he said before, not as good as his lecture since it lacks graphs, too much on the stupid objections to fasting, but has additional info relevant to fasting as best fast (low insulin) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9Aw0P7GjHE Good

Intermittent Fasting Benefits 28 min, 90,000 views, Dr. Jay Davidson, a lecture with the points on the screen has him into the microphone in the right corner so you see and hear—very effective, covers all the key points on fasting, which is in his book.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QxCt8Lgh2qA very good

*****Fasting and the fifty percent insulin problem, 21 min, 144,000 views, Butter Bob Briggs explains why fasting is more important than low carbs.  The obese have an 3 fold higher pre-breakfast level of insulin and alternate day fasting will lowers it to the normal level in a couple of weeks.  Very clear explanation with graphs from published journal articles   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7sAqy1lnWXo&t=525s Excellent       Briggs has a website with 47 videos at http://www.buttermakesyourpantsfalloff.com/ Recommended

§*****Longevity & Why I now eat One Meal a Day 16 min, 2,872,000, What I Leaned,  very good on science, covers the essential without major errors, good illustration, clear audio, packed full of correct information, while for a general audience and entertaining  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKfR6bAXr-c  TENTH CHOICE

*****Why Fasting bolster brain powers, TEDx, 17 min, 1,948,000, Mark Mattson PhD, NIH, at John Hopkins U. very good on fasting & its science, on how the brain adapts to no food, physical exercise, and ketone bodies from fasting to grow & heal  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UkZAwKoCP8&t=315s Excellent

The Mystery of Fast-5 and D.I.E.T., TEDx, 16 ,min. 295,000 Bert Herring MD, by author of Fast-5, similar to the above but without the science.  His experience mirrors my own, only I only had 5 pounds to loose.  For a general audience, chatty, good life-style values, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHQbg4xH9lw good

§*****Therapeutic Fasting—Solving the Two Compartment Problem 36 min, 386,000 views, Dr. Jason Fung lecture on the yo-yo diet, explains why the long-term obese early always gains back most or more of the weight that they lost within a few years, metabolism drops and they “feel like shit”.  Leads to the biology of fat storage. Solution is low carbs and fasting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tIuj-oMN-Fk Excellent


Fasting, Safe & Effective Use of an Ancient Healing Therapy, 55 min, 5,900 vies, Michael Kalper MD, nice guy giving boring lecture with a promotion for his clinic and need for medical supervision.  Like most of the talking under ”fasting” on YouTube, weak on science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m92Y12lpl6Y&t=32s Skip


2C Ketogenic Diet (New Atkins Diet, his diet has been changed based on modern science to low protein).  The ketogenic diet is extremely low-carb diet (under 50 grams, 2 ounces) forces the body to burn fat, it is used to treat intractable epilepsy and to starve cancer thereby reducing the risk of a cancer becoming metastatic (fatal)—see section 4.  It was used before insulin to extend life of those with type-1 diabetes.  Fating makes it easy to go into ketosis. See Mike Mitzel above

*****Ketones the Better Fuel? (science of fasting and low carb keto) 16 min 131,000 views by What I’ve Learned, full of information, quality production, a great foundation based on science, one enters ketosis by low carb fasting or just very low carb diet   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dan8qtgQRi8 Excellent

*****Is Ketosis Dangerous? (Science of Fasting & Low Carb Keto) 16 min, 131,000views  What I’ve Learned on ketosis with plenty of science and background history.  Sets the record straight, clear, quality video, and well supported by graphs, and studies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dan8qtgQRi8 Excellent   

*****Ketosis: The Key to Optimal Health with Dr. Mike, 35 min.  141,000 views, full of good information in a lecture to a general audience, with plenty of slides, clear voice.  His experience is the same as JK’s.  After Jason Fung the best doctor on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNNOyF3NZJ8  Excellent  

Reversing Obesity & diabetes—the low carb high fat diet 39 min, 61,000 view Andreas Eenfeldt MD, (diet doctor) Sweden, on the obesity epidemic and how to reverse it with more fat and less grains and sugar, a well presented lecture with plenty of slides https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqf8NwIul2c&t=2068s Very Good


§Understanding the [new] Atkins Diet 9 min, 89,000 views, documentary by Atkins Company of high quality diet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PN0YLnjViU8  Very Good http://files.atkins.com/1501_CarbCounter_Online.pdf

§The Atkins Diet, BBC  49 min, 43,000 views BBC documentary explaining the science behind the Atkins diet, that carbs that require less energy to utilize than fats and proteins, a bit drawn out as to information and misses the health hazards of sugars, Atkins didn’t https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0N3iwMak-SU  on Atkins in print by jk at http://healthfully.org/rh/id15.html; there are several more on diet there.  The Atkins website page with carb counter http://files.atkins.com/1501_CarbCounter_Online.pdf IMPORTANT

Dr.Eric Westman – Ketogenic Diet for Weight Loss 39 min, 176,000 views, class lecture by the author of the latest version of Atkins diet; & reversing diabetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSLf4bzAyOM  very good

Entertainment full of food-industry tobacco-science or boring--SKIP

My Big Fat Body,48 min. 627,000 views. Documentary the repeats the failure of the Biggest Loser (TV), in which all but 2 gained all or most or their weight back in a study which followed them for 6 years, and one of the 2 success had bariatric surgery after gaining half the weight, full of eat less exercise more, and have a physical trainer and dietician for motivation, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qY3iExEYr7w&t=2161s Skip

The Weight of the Nation:  Part 1-Consequences, 69 min, 663,000 views, HBO, obesity causes, relies on expert testimonials and human interest, standard pharma view of heart disease with standard errors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pEkCbqN4uo Skip


My Big Fat Body Weight of the Nation:  Part 2—choices 72 min, 283,000 views, HBO, repeats myths of calories in calories out, weak will,  refined carbs, & insulin, ignores biology behind weight gain. more of the above, US corporate media crap[. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLv0Vsegmoo skip

Weight of a nation Part 3 – challenges, 68 minutes, 162 min, HBO, finds standard causes such as less activity, weak will, manufactured foods high in sugar is also part of problem, wrong message about fat as the villain https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmcZRgWBdwQ skip

50 Shocking Facts About Diet and Exercise 94 min, 192,000 views, BBC repository of sensationalism full of errors and rare events, pure yellow journalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gVXrZXXK_w  skip

National Geographic:  Half Ton World: 44 min, 34,000 views.  Super obese, lives, addiction.  Popular viewing, entertains not science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-Ve10I-Kjo SKIP  

Fasting, safe & effective use of an ancient healing therapy 55 min 5500 views, Michael Klaper, MD, a nice guy that is part of a clinic, looking out for the clinic, who  like the typical doctor knowns little science, doesn’t recommend fasting for curing cancer or diabetes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m92Y12lpl6Y skip

Ketosis - How to get into ketosis faster on the ketogenic diet and lose weight.  6 min, 480,000 views, CNN report (???) on ketosis, pushes Ketopia, a product that induces ketosis.  Skip the $144 product for 10 days and use fasting.  It will get you there with better results https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1H2zCdtz-2s So-so  

Sugar...the truth 30 min, 280 views; narration with drawings, strong on history of sugar as toxic, industrial influence, however it is wrong about asparagine & candida (even if harmful, harm is grossly overblown), pushes probiotic pills https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GljwL4KbLTo  skip sales pitch for probiotics pills


3.  Diabetes (T2D) & Insulin resistance (JK’s diet cure, & select journal articles)

Insulin Signaling 5 min, 236,000 views animation presentation, college level, needed to understand the basics, thus recommended https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FkkK5lTmBYQ  excellent                                          


*****Diabetes Animation 4 min, 43,000 views, a more complete explanation of the metabolic process and diabetes, misses reduced insulin with T2D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJzo2xYkbb0 excellent

***** How to Reverse Diabetes Naturally, 35 min, 1,136,000 views, Dr. Jason Fung, on treating the symptom high blood sugar instead of the cause insulin resistance.  Fasting with low carbs causes fat metabolism; calorie restriction & exercise seldom works long term https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAwgdX5VxGc  excellent

***** Insulin Toxicity and How to cure Type 2 Diabetes, 61 min, 69,000 views Dr. Fung; on insulin, diabetes; failure of drugs; & cure with intermittent fasting & low carbs--to an audience of doctors.  Clinical trials prove that high insulin--not glucose--is the problem.  High insulin is causal for metabolic dysfunction and the resultant atherosclerosis & it comorbidities, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oZ4UqtbB_g  excellent  

***** The Two Big Lies of Type 2 Diabetes 54 min,255,000 views, Dr. Fung, , similar to the first two diabetes video and with two patients re-accounting their experience on alternate-day fasting.    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcLoaVNQ3rc  excellent 

Fung’s blog is excellent with link to his books, diabetes clinic, outpatient program (works with your doctor).

*****Reversing Type 2 diabetes starts ignoring the guidelines 18 min, 1,553,000 views, by Sarah Hallberg MD, TEDx PurdueU, passionate on treating diabetes and insulin resistance with low-carb high-fat diet, and on the viscous cycle of taking medications which require carbs to prevent hypoglycemia, high carbs is strongly associated with heart attacks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=da1vvigy5tQ  excellent                            

Catherine Croft PhD on Hyperinsulinemia and Kraft 13 min, 2,500 views, lecture on fasting glucose does not reveal insulin resistance; best method is glucose tolerance test with measure of insulin at 2 hours, if above 30 mu/mL than 90% chance of insulin resistance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCtwgAAuyBE Good


The Twin cycle Hypothesis for type-2 diabetes:  5 min, 900 views Prof Roy Taylor leading researcher who measured fat in pancreas, Newcastle U.  On fat and glucose metabolism, the role of insulin; easy to follow, on the cause of obesity and type-2 diabetes—glucose/sugar, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xajUJ7ZeLME Good

Insight Beating Diabetes 52 min, 83,600 views, 2016 Dr. Mosely & Prof. Roy Taylor interview, using Taylor’s 800 calories diet for reversing diabetes under 10 years have success, while over 10 years are not so likely on a small sample of 4 who all failed [Dr. Fung has success]  Strong on human interest, well organized and moving entertainment, quality interview, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hDEw561NFto#t=2.990076  Very Good

*****Reversing the irreversible:  Type 2 diabetes and you 61 min, Newcastle University, Prof. Roy Taylor, slides only with voice; explains why diet works like bariatric surgery, MRI imaging shows that liver and pancreas metabolize excess fat, about 40% of long-term diabetics fail, weight gain drives diabetes.  Misses fasting as adjunction to diet and LADA, adults who progress to type 1 diabetes thus are diet fails to cure, https://campus.recap.ncl.ac.uk/Panopto/Pages/Embed.aspx?id=c3bef819-e5f4-4a55-876f-0a23436988ed  Important

*****Diabetes the Hidden plague, BBC Panorama  58 min, 22,000 views, focuses on all the major health consequences (hospital) value information, full of sad human interest, will motivate the viewer by feeling the pain,  little on the fixing the 11 billion pounds cost to the NHS, lacking in science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGJ6cTWyMfg  very good

Session 2. The Problem With The ADA Diet 11 min, 6,000 views, Dr. Richard Bernstein, informative for Type 1  & 2 diabetes, on how to go drug free.  He explains why the ADA guidelines & what doctors are taught are wrong.  At 84 with Type 1 diabetes he is proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCzk66CQKEg Very good

Insulin resistance and high carbohydrate diets 41 min 813 views Dr. Timothy Noakes on how insulin resistance is caused by high-carbohydrate diet, and that is driving all the conditions once NAFLD develops especially type 2 diabetes.  Well presented, but a major flaw, misses the essential role of fructose in the carbs; thus ignores the prior talks by Taubes and Malhotra, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGKX8HoNb-0 Skip  

Understanding type 2 diabetes [T2D] 4 min, 166,000 views, an animation introduction on type 2 diabetes, easy to follow, clear and pro use of drugs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAjZv41iUJU Okay

4.  Starve Cancer articles on starving cancer with diet and defective mitochondria.

***** Targeting Energy Metabolism in Brain Cancer 21 min, 113,000 views by Prof Thomas Seyfried, leading research to audience of fellow scientists on how to starve cancer which depends on glucose metabolism and thus cause its apoptosis through ketogenic diet. Cancer cells have damaged mitochondria that metabolized glucose & glutamine-- read his Cancer as a Metabolic Disease s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBjnWfT8HbQ&hd=1 Excellent

*****Cancer as a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease, 60 min, 13,000 views by Prof Thomas Seyfried, similar to the above, but with more such as the role of macrophages, more on diet, glutamine, and how current standard treatment kills their patients. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dm_ob5u9FdM Excellent

***** The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer 152,000 views, 30 minutes Dr. Dewitt radiologist recommends intermittent fasting, with 8 hour window for eating and ketogenic diet, critical of the standard care & pharma; a polished lecture covering all the essentials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9socQcwPIs Excellent.

*****How the Cancer Industry Deceives You with Cancer Drugs: 87 minutes, 69,000 views, quality documentary for a wide audience, also covers the role of FDA and the results of regulatory capture. How industry is into treating not curing, & how promising treatments are blocked for profits https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uX8saD8fATw  Very good

*****The Ketogenic Diet and Cancer: Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks, 59 min 6,800 views Prof. Colin Champ MD.  First 10 minutes on history.  Support use of either/or ketogenic diet and fasting to decrease glucose, and kill cancer cells, and to increase effectiveness of chemo-radiation.  Full of slides and information for educated, professional audience at a conference 2016, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIKVsHbW1yQ Excellent

Water fasting kills cancer, 4 min 189,400 views, BBC radio news, covers Dr. Valter Longo’s experiments (2010) on mice on fasting (no glucose) upon cancer, confirming the above lecture, good basic information needing clinical trials to work out details https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwfk_27FlSk very good

How to Heal from Cancer & Prevention 40 min,153,255 views, John Bergman MD , good intentions, appropriately critical of chemotherapy,  sincere, sometime cherry picking, weak on science with causal errors, buys into the organic prevention and cure.   Its wrong, at least it is not chemo poison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjhbxT0T9Sk  so-so

Fasting, Safe & Effective Use of an Ancient Healing Therapy, 55 min, 5,900 vies, Michael Kalper MD, nice guy giving boring lecture with a promotion for his clinic and need for medical supervision.  Like most of the talking under ”fasting” on YouTube, weak on science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m92Y12lpl6Y&t=32s Skip

Starving cancer, 10 minutes 138,000 views, Prof Dominic D’Agostino, TEDx lecture works with Dr. Seyfried, talks first about hyperbolic oxygen causing epileptic seizure in deep sea divers, then ketogenic diet prevent epileptic seizures, and his work on hyperbolic oxygen to damage cancer cells while sparing healthy cells, and an rat model which showed that this combination worked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3fM9o72ykww&t=526s Very good

Targeting Cancer Metabolism  19 min, 1,400 views Angela Poff, Ph.D. works in the lab of D’Agostino, covers the complexity of how hyperbolic oxygen turns on onco genes and in other ways promote apoptosis of cancer cells and ROS production (oxidative stress), adjunct therapy especially to diet and to radiation which produces reactive chemicals   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wvURpDsg4TI important

Starving cancer away 10 min, 19,000 Sophia Lunt, TEDxMSU, on cancer metabolism excellent lecture college level, on Warburg effect, but looking for a drug, no mention of ketosis, fasting, or blocking glutamate.  Typical pharma funded search for treating cancer, major research like hers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6rSuJ2YheQ Disappointing

How Nature Has Already Beat Cancer 11 min, 14,550 views Carlo Maley TEDxASU, elephants have 40 copies of P53 which causes apoptosis of cells with abnormal, humans 2.  His lab is working why large animals don’t have a high rate of cancer (no mention of why we do), https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQV5F2tlIZE good  

Fasting kills cancer, 7 Min, 15,619 view Dr. Barren Schmidt, on fasting very good on the health benefits of fasting, and how to get started a good intro  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJZrgyPRgY0  Very good

Ketogenic Diet, cancer metabolism and the Warburg Effect with Angela Poff, 55 minutes, 23,000 views, Angela Poff PhD interviews covering major points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKsoKtkvChA okay


5.  Alzheimer’s, Neurodegenerative Diseases, Salubrious Ketones Bodies (diet) lack articles in journal to substantiate Newport; will publish when found at rcdm.  There are other benefits for high oil diet and fasting, and coconut is the best oil.  Note, I add powder salt to the oil and it taste similar to salted butter, a bit of Karo Syrup (Pure glucose) makes it taste like sweet butter.

Medium chain triglycerides and ketones:  an alternative fuel for 64 min,75,000 views Mary Newport, MD.  Alzheimer’s disease has defective metabolism starving the brain of ATP.  MCT (medium chain triglycerides) is converted to ketones and used by the brain for energy with striking benefits for most.  Her best presentation; misses ketogenic diet and fasting, articles at.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=feyydeMFWy4 very good

Coconut oil cure for Alzheimer's and Parkinson's 7 min, 26,600 view, CBN news, professional presented but weak on science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPC9k8YLtBw good

The Beginning of the End of Parkinson's Disease?  18 min, 7,300 views Dr. Kim, well done documentary with good science, some journal support for Amodiaquine and Chloroquine (malaria drugs) in treating Parkinson’s disease, still too early (3./17) to recommend  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft5tYGqsNYQ very good

How Ketosis can prevent Alzhdeimers diseases with Amy Berger 62 min, 9,900 author of Alzheimer’s Antidote, interview covers the need important points https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yT5rjwJr354 okay



6.  Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) and the Cholesterol Myth journal articles on heart issues and JK’s summation of the information at longer & CVD

***** Heart of the Matter Part 1 Dietary Villains, 29 min, 615 views, Australian Broadcast Company (ABC), the saturated fat-cholesterol myth causes heart disease  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGIGXfIDaJo  Heart of the Matter, Part 2  29 min 27,800 views, Maryanne Demasi, MD, show that statins don’t save lives, not safe, and pharma’s  biggest drug heists https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4eTGMe-EY   excellent

***** Dr. Maryanne Demasi Applauded For Exposing Statin Con 7 min 7,100 views Dr. Aseem Malhotra, a brilliant lecturer, who lets the evidence do the talking. Praises the above 2 documentaries, and goes into how and why the biggest scam is business as usual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nKEHLtqaah8 excellent

***** Demonization and Deception in Cholesterol Research 59 min 51,000 David Diamond, neuroscientist, first 30 minutes mostly historical on fats, carbs, and official positon on them (laying the grounds for the upside down belief about cholesterol and the corruption worked by corporations).  The second part covers the main points with clinical trials, his slides from the journals drive home the issues.  A quality presentation.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yX1vBA9bLNk excellent


§Dr. Jonny Bowden “The Great Cholesterol Myth 74 min, 43,000 views, follows essential points of his co-authored book “The Great Cholesterol Myth” Non-technical lecture with graphics, covers role of diet, that saturated fats and cholesterol are good, sugar bad, and lowering cholesterol with statins is bad, at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGOpjPNtjes very good

§ ***** Statin Nation First 13 Min, 63,000 views, Justin Smith, 2012 YouTube (but not the entire documentary) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNDqtZWbSpM also at http://www.statinnation.net/ for £8.49 download, £14.99 purchase, & UK Amazon, on the real causes of heart disease www.statinnation.net excellent

***** Statin Nation II, Justin Smith, sequel 1/15, as of 3/16 only on UK Amazon for £13.99.  I’ve purchased both.  I own both; they are a library of resources and links on statin-cholesterol-fat-myth, excellent from UK

*****Dr. Natasha discusses the Real Cause of Heart Disease, 8 min, 33,000 views, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride explains that pathogens within the artery walls cause atherosclerosis, which is the cause of ischemic events throughout the body including most heart attacks and strokes’ excerpt from Statin nation, totally consistent with the best of medical science https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjsyApLtHW8

***** The Link Between Viruses & Heart Disease https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOOZZmMicMI  5 min, 232 views Prof. Ed. Prydial explains passionately the link between viruses and heart disease.  Very good

Inflammation in Atherosclerosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pUoMEYFYRJU 63 min, 151 views, Dr. Peter Libby on role of inflammation and promotion at atherosclerosis; lecture for medical researchers.  Exceptional good lecture:  well-illustrated, organized, concise, covering most aspects.  Very good

***** The Real cause of heart disease, 8 min 26,800 views,  Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride explains that coronary artery disease is caused by atherosclerosis, which is an inflammatory process produced by pathogens and the response of the immune system  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjsyApLtHW8 Excellent

*****The Cholesterol Hypothesis is Wrong—Part 1, 31 min, 3,000 views Malcom Kendrick 2014 Seminar, excellent lecture using medical science to expose the cholesterol myth to medial audience, goes over 10 pieces of strong evidence, very convincing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ls9HWRxvMo Excellent

Uffe Ravnskov: The cholesterol campaign and its misleading dietary advices 29 min, 13,000 views by the leading scientist specializing on the cholesterol myth, a university level lecture full of strong evidence who stress pathogens and immune functions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pMf3aFSdNag Very good


Dietary Villains: Part II, Salt Scare: 30 min 2,700 views, Dr. Jason Fung.  Shows how population studies can be misleading and that salt has little effect upon death and CVD rates.   He explains the biological effects of salt that counterbalance each other https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAGrUwE8zpY  Very good 


Get your loved ones OFF statins - BBC - The Men Who Made Us Spend  14 min 4.500 views, from longer BBC program on spending, exceptional good hard heating, shows how marketing rules, and how they created a fear to sell a fix, very entertaining, quality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwZQ2zmjzQY Very good


Note:  Lower cholesterol is a surrogate endpoint that doesn’t save lives.  Pharma has made billions treating their cholesterol myth with statins (most of which are off patent).  Now a new patented family of drugs is on the market—the switch is on.  The way to reduce risk for atherosclerosis is to eat a healthy diet, exercise, take the supplements I listed, and don’t smoke.  Pharma’s key opinion leaders ignore the critics.     


7.  Psychiatric Drugs and Psychiatry 

***** Psychiatric Drugs: Do They Fix Imbalances or Do They Create Them - Part 1 88 min, 8,700 views, Robert Whitaker, science writer and critic.  Given to an academic audience, it is exceptionally well organized and supported by evidence given in slides.  His passion based on psychiatry’s departure from serving the patient comes through.  Theme, compared to a placebo, psychiatric drugs for depression given long-term promote chronic depression by 300%.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep1ODxCoYlI Exccellent

*****Psych-Drugs Harm – [Part] Two:  Few Benefit, Many Harmed 58 min, 6,000 views, Prof. Peter Gotzsche MD, 9/15, by the co-founder of the Cochrane Review, whose specialty is statistical analysis.  Exposes many of the ways pharma commits scientific fraud to get favorable results, and concludes that these drugs are far worse than nothing at all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNpGe5r0jI0&t=431s Exccellent    Good sound with slides, thorough, organized  also at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNpGe5r0jI0&t=2217s

*****Psych-Drugs harm [Part] 3 Medicating ADHD 43 min, 1,100 views Robert Whitaker 9/15 his after lunch lecture on medicating children, quality presentation with slides, effectively delivered.  An example of how pharma influences health care, best lecturer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1NYmZxZL_g Excellent

***** Psych-Drugs Harm--Seven:  Breggin—Brain Impairment and Withdrawal—Sept 2015, 50 min, 8,900 views, with Peter Gotzche as host.  Dr Peter Breggin, author of 19-critical books on psychiatric drugs, then 81, present a finely honed lecture in 45 minutes covering all the major points.  The best of the critics, on brain disabling drugs, clear stated https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3K-CojzvzQ  Excellent

Psych-Drugs Harm [Part] 3, Medicating ADHD, 42 min 1,157 views Robert Whitaker, science writer, Similar to the others, 9/15.  He shows that the results of the few long-term studies on Ritalin are ignored and sometimes actively suppressed. Stimulants for ADHD are effective only short-term in that they suppress behavior, long-term they are worse than nothing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1NYmZxZL_g Very good

***** Making a Killing, the Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugs 95 min 669,000 views; starts with senseless killings and suicides to show these drugs do more harm than good; leads into drug approval, they are very addicting; that pharma hooked up with Am. psychiatry Assoc. to turn them into willing pill pushers that invent & expand mental illness.  Missed is that these drugs are tranquilizers were approved because they increase sleep, which is 15% of its “benefits” under Hamilton Rating Scale.  What pharma does to market psychiatric drugs, the same is done with all of the most profitable classes of drugs, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JsqDyEMkLpQ  excellent

 Psychiatric Drugs and Mass Shootings 11 min, 38,000 views, from Making a Killing; the murders and suicides. What the corporate press won’t report on, nearly all are on psychotropic drugs.  We don’t need gun control, we need pharma control https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SOJzZjK4XHk

***** Big pharma Big Money 176 min 230,000 views.  Great organization, covers all key topics, for a general audience, no delays by human interest stories; however, it repeats through multiple testimonials each point, which accounts for its length https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojZn1P1CxJE excellent also under Psychiatry:  The Marketing of Madness at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFkivsEy3CI and Depression is NOT a Chemical Imbalance https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1OB-AzVBj3E

***** Psychiatrie 108 min, 2,766,000 views, Evolution Television, a review of psychiatry’s dismal history of mental hospitals.  Also covers how pharma markets drugs to make us addicted.  Excellent historical footage, a good sequel to Making A Killing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II96QkZaz1E highly recommended

DOWN ***** Dark Side Of a Pill, 55 min, 4 views, in German with English subtitles. English not on YouTube. SSRIs make people crazy, the human interest side with case histories.  Our corporate media is silent about the drugs behind the crimes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Eb0PzAjw3A very good.  A bilingual version, (Russian, 533 views) is up at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qt7o2dcL9mk&t=331s

BBC Mental A History of the Madhouse 59 min, 1,718,000, BBC documentary on older mental institutions, shock treatment, lobotomy, physical abuse--conditions worse than prisons. It ends with Thatcher’s solution of closing and putting their patients on the street, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oswUssXzFlY  Very good  

***** The Drugging of Our Children, 103 minutes, 251,000 views, very good shows e.g. that the brain scan showing abnormalities are done with children on long-term psychiatric drugs.  Intermixed with pharma’s opinion leaders but then presents a rebuttal.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26e5PqrCePk Excellent

*****Antidepressant Drug are a Sham 47 minutes, 1,140 views, Alex Jones & RT News on how patients are made worse by SSRIs psychiatric drug. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TbJvuXL6O-s  Excellent

Psych-Drugs Harm – [Why} Few Benefit, Many Harmed - Sept. 16, 2015 – CPH [part 2], 58 min 5,500  views, Prof. Peter Gotzsche MD, co-founder of the Cochrane Review, winner of Best Book Award by the BMA in 2013, covers in detail the shame evidence “supporting” psychiatry.  He published in 2016 the most complete, scholarly book on the harm psychiatric drugs do, given at conference, thus college level.  Good sound with slides, thorough, organized   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNpGe5r0jI0&t=2217s Very good

Dr. Linda Lagemann: Anti-Depression Drugs Cause More Harm Than Help: 42 min, 1,000, radio interview, thorough lecture, with above footage https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1_gUdAvZf8 Very good                       


Psychiatry Exposed, Experts Speak 54 min, 22,000 views on suicide and side effects of current psychotropic drugs.  How the industry hides this effect because they own the raw data and evaluate it.  Expert testimony covers only some of the ploys, worth watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TC34j2hTnvA  very good

***** Psychiatry in the Military:  The Hidden Enemy Within 106 min, 67,000 views, goes over the history of psychiatry, which started in WWI, and by WWII was firmly entrenched in the US, Japan, and Germany.  Today the use of psychiatric drugs is the norm; it explains why suicide has multiplied in the last 2 decades.  Drugs are part of the tools used by the military https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sHC2wH_iGYM Excellent

Medicating Kids, 8 min, 16,000 views, Frontline, in six chapters, human interest follows the experience of 4 families--not critical in 6 parts; more dumb-down public education that doesn’t educate on PBS.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcPGRMR2NAQ&list=PL430AC2819B395F61 OK

Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry, they have a set of short videos confirming what the documentaries claim at http://cepuk.org/recovery-stories/ of value

The Myth of the Chemical Cure:  The Politics of Psychiatric Drug Treatments, 88 min, 42,000 views Prof Joanna Moncrieff, a leading prof. leading critical of psychiatric drugs whose 2 recent books I have read. A through covering of major points, but like her books a bit tedious—possible an effect of the shock treatment she once received prior to university. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IV1S5zw096U  Very good


Coming Off Psych Drugs: A Meeting of the Minds:  75 min, 14,000 views, gives patients view, the literature, and clinical experience, plus talks about the industry. A round-table discussion with 18 in the room, led by a psychiatrist.  Low budget, worth while https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5EpnVdLvkU Very good


 Autism – Made in the U.S.A. 101 minutes 115,000 Gary Null, on the current development of psychiatric conditions of our children, once quite rare.  Blames mercury in vaccines.  I haven’t researched the validity of this thesis.  Covers the corporate influence.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwuyxyBUmwY  Very good


David Healy & Panel "Addiction, withdrawal, psychiatric drugs, 29 minutes, 39 min, with Healy and 3 other physicians at conference of physician.  Question and answer format.  Prof. Healy is a leading critic of pharma whose books are excellent.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UseVJjqJHvw good


Pysch-drugs harm, few benefits, many harmed 59 min, 5,300 views, Prof. Peter Gotzsche, co-founder of Cochrane Review, his talk with slides on the full spectrum of psychiatric drugs and the harm they do a good wakeup call for the public https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GNpGe5r0jI0 Very good



The Truth about Depression 97 min, 30,000, views, BBC slick pro-drug (promotes the sales pitch given by Pharma) documentary which argues that depression is real, affects behavior, has causes in the brain, and needs antidepressant to fix the problem,    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RVLAjowFkY4  Sucks

Instead of treating a people with a drug that makes them feel better, pharma uses fat-soluble drugs that accumulate and remain in the body, with horrible withdrawal (very addicting), that cloud cognitive processes creating confusion and making the patient dependent on his doctor:  they are tranquilizers labeled as a panacea  A number of the illicit recreational drugs perform much better than pharma’s downers:  Amphetamines for depression (as they were legally prescribed in the 50s), marijuana and opiates for anxiety, and LSD in a clinical situation with talk therapy for major neurosis (as done in the 60s). The issue of compliance with treatment would vanish if downers helped the psychiatric patients.  For children we need to make the interesting and pleasant rather than drug the kids.  Behaviorist therapy (distinguished form CBT) has been shown to work best for nearly all psychiatric problems.  No more than 2%, as in the 1940s should be psychotropic drugs.  Psychiatric problems with a genetic-environmental basis have been strongly selected against in the gene pool.  With a just-ideal society and a government acting as a good parent (Plato’s analogy), psychiatric drugs would be for the 2% because the incidence of mental illness would be around 2%, and recreational drugs would have at most occasional use. 


8.  Healthful drugs opposed by Pharma

Why You Still Need Estradiol (Estrogen) 5 min, 153 views, everything I found, the opposite with links at;  what bad pharma teaches the doctors and public  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAfq2v_9WG4 Very good

Nothing of quality on antioxidants aspirin, CoQ10, vitamin C, testosterone, and estrogen (HRT)—some marketing videos.  There is very convincing evidence of their significant benefits.  I take all but one of them. The other vitamins have not been researched and thus I have no opinion.   

Testosterone 22 min, 4,100 views Australian Broadcast Corp. a lot of crap about negative behavior, It has a lot which I attribute to increases energy.  Last 5 minutes on low testosterone and negative health consequences and the good from high testosterone, entertaining.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYc_pPCUvqA good


9. Health issues

***** Gut Reaction Part 1 ABC Australian Broadcast Corp., Catalyst Series 28 min, 17,300 views on gut bacteria including the role of refined (low fiber free) foods & antibiotics, which causes inflammation in the gut--a causal factor for insulin resistance, diabetes, & obesity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w94D45txSxo.  Part 2 29 min, 2,600 views, on low fiber diet and gut bacteria causing type 2 diabetes, on colitis treatment with feces implant (which was known since the 50s), needs to add its role in inflammation in artery walls which causes coronary heart disease.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CfDpM9D_if4  both recommended

***** Our Chemical Lives 28 min 19,000 views Australian Broadcast Corporation, about the  harmful chemicals and that they are assumed safe and thus don’t require testing, and if tested  and shown dangerous to humans by the manufacturer--unlikely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9SWBAUlAvw Excellent 

****Fecal Bacteriotherapy (Human Probiotic Infusion) for Clostridium difficile infection 9 min 32,430 views, Australian Broadcast Corp. on the best treatment for colitis and related conditions;[1] used since the 1950s, but rarely since it is not in pharma’s financial interest to do so,  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDcia_uqf3k  Two more: Mayo Clinic with animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Awn3haOpfcI and on the process of collecting and treatment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6RBfoITbls  all EXCELLENT

Skin deep - Catalyst story on fat transfer and stem cell treatments 20 min, 2,000 views Australian Broadcast Corp.  On the market place junk claims, also covers dermatology; however, ABC missed the best ones estradiol and testosterone with many health benefits.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSjpaSv7LVk Very good


Food is the Best Medicine 49 min, 123,000, Natasha Campbell McBride views very good on how the gut upsets the immune system leading to degenerative diseases. What you need to know--pharma isn’t into prevention. Just an interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cONYR7vAD-A  Very good


The Silent Epidemic:  The Untold Stories of Vaccines 108 min, 518,000 views, points out how pharma promotes vaccines,  many of low efficacy and all questionable safety because we are injecting foreign substance that have not meaningfully been tested for safety or purity.  But the claims of harm done are too often based on weak science and a temporal relationship.  Good video and sound, worth watching https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLqSgrhQdq4  good   


10.  Health Science -- (WARNING:  pharm produces marketing videos disguised as science)

*****Live long due young, 27 min, 25,500 view, Australian Broadcast Corp. on what promotes longevity. Points that low IGF1 and low protein-carb fasting lowers IFG1 and promotes autophagy, thus is life extending and lowers rate of age related conditions https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Whz431eJVI  Excellent

*****Muscle Contraction Process:  Molecular Mechanism 4 min, 697,000 views, 3D animation on the processes of how muscles contracts, the complete process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMT4PtXRCVA  a similar quality illustrated explanation at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct8AbZn_A8A Excellent

*****Biology: Cell Structure  7 min, 3,900,000  covers everything you need to know, for one who is familiar with basic biological processes.  Concise, accurate, professional animation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=URUJD5NEXC8 Excellent

*****1 Cellular Respiration Glycolysis, Krebs cycle, Electron Transport 3D Animation 6 min.4,000 views, covers everything you need to know, for one who is familiar with basic biological processes.  Concise, accurate, professional animation.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dHeOyQBuH6E Excellent


11.  Chiropractics, Alternative Medicine -- what shapes bad pharma, the profits measurement, also shapes alternative medicine—both do tobacco science & follow tobacco ethics.

*****Chiropractics Australian Broadcast Corporation 27 min, 10,000 views, excellent quality investigative reporting on Chiropractics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F7g93V6tw_g Eye opening on quackery

War on Health-The FDA Cult of Tyranny, 125 minutes, 81,000 views, by Gary Null, starts with 25 minute lecture by Null.  On how FDA is big pharma friendly, thus uses its regulatory power to ban and close down sales of supplements for claims of benefits that haven’t been demonstrated; uses mainly interviews.  Pleasing to those who are into alternative unscientific medicine https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VibVIRsHnI0 good


12.  GMO

***** The World according to Monsanto 109 min, 612,000 views, National Film board of Canada covers all aspects, uses science & scientists, convincing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N6_DbVdVo-k excellent

*****Monsanto, the Future of Food 2004, 89 min, 315 views, starts with history of industrialized farming, court rulings giving Monsanto right to cross pollination with their genes, on how Monsanto now owned by Bayer Chemicals is taking over the world’s seed supply, also concentration of farming and retailers so that everything is geared to maximize profits, exposes crap of these corporations https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbMUUPJFy40 Excellent  

Monsanto, Patent for a Pig, 43 min, 8,500 views on how Monsanto in 2006 was attempting to expand its patent to that of pigs on the basis a particular genetic fingerprint.  Show how with the global corporate system is taking over the food supply https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pNvWia3dYCE very troubling

*****Genetic Roulette 80 min, 1,118 (6/13/15) views all aspect of GMOs Gary Null & Jeffery Smith, uses science and scientists, convincing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-WUsaASEkc  excellent  

Seeds of Death, unveiling lies of GMOs  by Garry Null, 120 min, 1,636,000 views, Gary Nulls on GMO, book by William Engdahl, 2007, mostly interviews, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eUd9rRSLY4A very convincing,

Monsanto wants total control, covers up grave GMO dangers RT News, interview Jeffery Smith, 26 min, 39,000, views, 2013, excellent interview http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cocp7utUy64 Good

Monsanto A Documentary on GMO 66 min, 231,000 views, mostly on the consequences to farmers, how the state promotes GMO via laws http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQbBRTP_07Q  Limited interest

GMO Science Australian Broadcast Corporation, Catalyst Series 7 min, 400 views, on GMO crops, BT crop , supposed only binds to protein in insect guts, toxicological testing are not required   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1nDtsgz6FBw&list=PLCCg7xigKwlqAwteB1RRGQAZdLDE3Ozoe  excellent


The Dark side of Fast Food:  GMO Food — GMOs are Worse Than We Thought - Dr. Russell Blaylock (sales pitch, Newsletter, etc.) low quality


12.  Commercial farming, regulatory capture of FDA, organic?

§ Food Inc., on corporate farms, YouTube for $1.00 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jRp71BwRW8c  Low budget good

The Truth About Your Food Inc. Film maker Robert  Kenner, 58 min.  626,000 views, what corporations have done to the famer and health issues http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Oq24hITFTY good

 FARMAGEDDON:  The True Coast of Cheap Meat by Philip Lymbergy and Isable Oakeshoff, available for $3.00 on YouTube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yMGElM5Umw8 good

In Organic We Trust:  the meaning of certified Organic covers the development of organic labeling of foods, and how it has been turned into business as usual:  a tool for corporate farms and inspection by private corporations. 2013 Free now slow, chatty, important http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpaqrbybZ10 good 

Today’s Modern Food:  It’s not what you think – part 1, 20 min,776,000 on nutrition, contaminants, bacteria poisoning, commercial operations, GMOs, additives, etc.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhhnHA8c_Y0             Part 2, 19 min, 239,000 views https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4R1ixshimfM&feature=iv&src_vid=UhhnHA8c_Y0&annotation_id=annotation_99680

Supermarket Secrets and Deceptions By BBC, about what we buy from corporations  Part 1, 49 min, 556,000 views, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9cEoSDyfLo    Part 2, 49 min, 76,000 views  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6ccz-x_W-ZM  good

War on Health:  57 min, 25,000 views, how the FDA goes after stores which sell raw foods, pharmaceutical company and clinics that make and distribute alternative medicines, and the very distribution of information on health benefits.  The FDA uses the courts and armed FDA officers to seize products and close businesses that violate their big business friendly rulings.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQIA1bEY0WA Very good

In Organic We Trust:  the meaning of certified Organic covers the development of organic labeling of foods, and how it has been turned into business as usual:  a tool for corporate farms and inspection by private corporations. 2013 Free now http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZpaqrbybZ10 slow, chatty, important good

Fed Up, 58 min, 9111,000 views, on GMOs spreading, and corporate farming which displaces small-scale farmers, and the problem of lack of distribution of wealth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yaAQRfxpSjI Good         


13.  Science topics

***** Silence of the Labs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ms45N_mc50Y   45 min, 15,000 views, CBC.  Their government’s war on science in the public’s interest.  What is true about Canadian government policy is even more-true for the US government.  The science behind drug safety, effects of pollution, nutrition and all else that that effects corporations is being replaced by corporate tobacco science or silence.  Cognitive dissonance is created by the two answers, one of which shows GMOs, statins, SSRIs, etc. as safe Excellent

What medical doctors are taught about nutrition 1 min, 1,100 views Dr. Jason Fung. His nutrition training in the last 20 years is no more than 5 minutes.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJGrQctXG3g  very good

The Tobacco conspiracy, 52 min. 4000 views, quality documentary on how tobacco promotes their product, gives meat to the phrases tobacco science, and tobacco ethics. That pharma, like tobacco, puts profits before peoples is a result of unregulated capitalism.  On advertising, joint action, the complicity of government, their use of expert for hire  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atjZ173CBlY Very good


I bought a Google Chromecast for $35.  It allows me to stream from my laptop to the television.  I have the laptop by the couch, and I have a stereo hooked up to the television.  I plugged the Chromecast into the HDMI outlet on the Sony Stereo.  The Sony is hooked up to my Vizio TV.   A much better experience than a computer monitor and small speakers or the TV’s tinny speakers.    

[1] Colitis, Crohn’s disease, inflammatory bowel disease should be treated the same.  Doctors are trained to make subtle distinctions, and the to sculpture a treatment to their classification.  This in most cases is merely market ploy creating an aura of expertise and personal care.  Most of this is pure marketing dressed up as science.   

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